
Monday, February 7, 2011

Star Trek Federation Spock Coffin Flag

Arguably Star Treks most popular movie - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - Spock dies from radiation poisoning while saving the fictional United Star Ship Enterprise from ultimate destruction.
Sulu is chosen to carry
off the Federation Flag

This flag of fancy from the imaginations of Hollywood and Paramount Pictures was waved in front of audiences in 1982. In this movie we learn of revenge, passion, and the logic of love.

Spock is an alien without religion with a seemingly religion of logic. Spock gives up his life for the crew in this movie. Although an imaginary sacrifice, such things have come to pass many times over in history.

We walk in shadow of countless officers, alien nations, and scientists who surrendered their lives for our benefit.

Short Video of Star Trek II Flag

LINK to website with excellent history of Star Trek Flags and Vexillology Link

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl XLV - NFL Flag Logo Symmetry, Part 11

Waving the Green Bay Flag

The Green Bay Packers are the NFL's First Team. The first to win Super Bowl I 1967 on Martin Luther King's Birthday.

This is the last in a string of 11 blog posts that explores what I call a certain kind of flag symmetry. Click here for part one to get a quick overview. The basic idea about flag symmetry is that the NFL team mascots-logos exhibit flag symmetry - nearly all flags are connected in an intimate and amazing way to another flag.

Since the Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl XLV they get the final 11th and lucky position on this string. The Pittsburgh Steelers and the other teams will have to wait until my book comes out.

A Large Browns Banner

The Packers exhibit a strange kind of flag symmetry sort of like Buffalo and the St. Louis Rams. The names of host city for the Bills are combined with the team logo of St. Louis- that form a pair: (Rams and Buffalo).

Green Bay is often referred by its city name which has a colour within it, and another team with a colour in it, is rooted to the city of Cleveland. The Browns of Cleveland are matched to the team of Green Bay, Wisconsin. It is the Greens vs Browns - via the Green Bay Packers and the Cleveland Browns.
The Core Colours of Football
Green and Brown

Green and Brown are masculine earthy colours. They are the essential colours of this game. Every player who has played this game will know that this tug of war is best played for with a BROWN FOOTBALL and bed of GREEN GRASS.

When the games begin of the NFL - Mother Nature is Green - but near the end of the season Mother Nature prefers that things go Brown.

Some Day these Teams may meet in an

Sporting events are strange phenomena that allow communities to unite disharmonious minds and egos.

Republicans, Democrats, Super Liberals, Christians, Atheists, Feminists, ghetto thugs, soccer moms, marijuana users, alcohol drinkers, tobacco smokers, anti-tobacco people, blue collar workers, college boys, high school drop outs, Jews, Muslims, band wagon fans, and hardcore gamer facinistas can all unite as one force when their team needs their help - a Pittsburgh Steeler Fan is a Pittsburgh Steeler Fan - no matter what. When the team wins all fans in all classes share in the common joy.


Finally an open message and proposal to NFL executives and team owners: If you like what you see, let's finish this book together.

Link to Green Bay Packers Official Site
Link to Cleveland Browns Official Site

Link to Original NFL Post - this Blog

Final Part of NFL - Winner of Super Bowl XLV

Which team will get the final grand stand in this blog chain? The Steelers or Packers?


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cowboys & Texans, Dallas and Houston - NFL part 10

Texans are proud of their Cowboy Heritage, likewise Texan Cowboys are a special breed of American Cowboy - flashy, showy, and full of gumption.

What is the difference between a Cowboy and a Texan? Not much. There logos differ but the common element are the stars on their helmet.

Although Football was born in the North and the NFL was created in the All American Yankee Belt - at Canton, Ohio. Football has become something of Quasi State Religion in Texas and the South.

Totems in the NFL include wild animals, legendary figures, intense adjectives and icons of history. These icons are meant to bring on a certain kind of spirit and will. Included amongst these imposing totems of power is Texas. Texans are in the majestic league of imposing figures like Vikings, Bears, and Eagles.

Houston & Dallas Stars

Since the Cowboys are in the NFC and the Texans are in AFC they may some day meet up in an Super Lone Star Bowl.

One Day We May See a
Super Cowboy Bowl

Link to Dallas Cowboys Official Site
Link to Houston Texans Official Site

Link to NFL Part 11

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rams & Bills, St. Louis and Buffalo - NFL part 9

St. Louis & Buffalo

Rams and Buffaloes are animals with cloven hooves and horns on their heads. Although they are vegetarians, cross a ram or male Buffalo during the mating seasons and you'd better hope you have some kind of escape plan and way of defending yourself!

Flag of St. Louis Rams

A Ram is a male sheep, specifically a non domesticated bighorn male sheep. The thing to note with Buffalo is that their totem comes from the city name instead of the modifying noun or adjective - the Bills. It is a play on words of the famous Buffalo Bill whose real name was William Fredrick Cody. Also by going out on a limb...a Bill by it self could also represent a Billy Goat, which is a male goat. Thus on some strange level it is also the clash of the ram vs billy goat?

Waving a 50th Celebratory
Jubilee Flag for the Bills in Buffalo

But these two teams align by hoofed, vegetarian, wild animals that rack each others brains - literally during the mating season. The Ram and Buffalo are hoofed animals with horns that clash for defense and breeding rights with the finest of females of their clan.

These totems reflect linemen the most. The players who line up face to face in order to defend the quarter back or the who are trying attack the quarter back are players who butt heads. They must be big, strong, and durable to take such weekly beatings.

Since they are in different conferences this gives them the potential to meet up in a Super Bovine Horn Bowl - someday in the future. If their franchises don't fold or get sold.

Link to St. Louis Rams Official Site
Link to Buffalo Bills Official Site

Link to NFL part 10 - this site

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Year of the Rabbit or is that a Cat?

Yin and Yang of the Year of the Cat or Rabbit

As we say good bye to the year of the Tiger, we welcome the Year of the Rabbit or is it the Cat?

Maybe you never heard about Year of the Cat? Most people who are aware of the Chinese Calendar recognize it as the Year of the Rabbit, but in Vietnam they call it the Year of the Cat. This is one of those cosmic to-may-to vs to-maa-to moments or rather soda vs pop.

Most of East Asia is grounded to the 'Eastern Chinese Horoscope.' But there are subtle variations in each nation. In Japan they have the Year of the Boar instead of the Year of the Pig.

Another dichotomy is found with the Year of the Goat instead of Year of the Sheep. Sheep and Goats are closely related, but different species, since they can't interbreed. Depending on the manufacturer of your paper Chinese food place mat - you may see a Goat or Sheep.

Eastern Zodiac Wheel with Cat
instead of the more popular Rabbit

But by far the most dramatic rift in the Oriental Horoscope is the Year of the animal in between the Tiger.....and.....the Dragon.

Is it a Rabbit or Cat? Most East Asian nations follow China and call it the Year of the Rabbit, but Vietnam and a few 'renegades' call it the Year of the Cat!

Cats are soft and fuzzy like Rabbits, and both are charged with feminine energy. Basically a rabbit is totally infused with Yin-feminine energy - submissive, timid, shy, and cute. The Cat is too, but with a dash of Yang-male energy. Cats would rather run and hide like a bunny or 'pussy cat' but if you push a cat into a corner - he or she will stand up and fightback!

Link to Blog Post about China and Vietnam Post - they are Flag Symmetry Partners

Link to Year of the Cat post by Cat Lady BLOG

In honor of the Year of the Rabbit
Here is a video game about Rabbits and Flags.
Bunny Flags is a real time strategy video game where bunnies defend the flags. It has overly dramatic warrior music. The irony is that the submissive and docile rabbit is the patriotic defender of the flag.

Bunny Flags Video Game

Bear Flag Centennial

Celebratory Flag for California's State Flag
Officially at 100 years

100 Years ago on February 2, 1911 California officially adopted her state flag. The flag was first designed during the Mexican American War back in early June of 1846, and has been slightly altered. To learn more about this flag see the link below to the Virtual Bear Flag Museum.

California is the Yin and Yang State. She is in between the West and the East of the Old World - geographically speaking. California's Eastern side is closer to Asia, while California's Western side is closer to Europe. You can think of it like this - Los Angeles is closer to Pairs than Shanghai but San Francisco is closer to Shanghai than Paris. California sits at a meridian in between two fantastic cities of the Old World - that are packed with a lot of grace, style, and attitude.

Likewise California is a certain kind of Key Stone State for the America's by North and South - Southern California is a lot like Latin America while Northern California is more like Canada.

Link to Internet -