Waving the Green Bay Flag
The Green Bay Packers are the NFL's First Team. The first to win Super Bowl I 1967 on Martin Luther King's Birthday.This is the last in a string of 11 blog posts that explores what I call a certain kind of flag symmetry. Click here for part one to get a quick overview. The basic idea about flag symmetry is that the NFL team mascots-logos exhibit flag symmetry - nearly all flags are connected in an intimate and amazing way to another flag.
Since the Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl XLV they get the final 11th and lucky position on this string. The Pittsburgh Steelers and the other teams will have to wait until my book comes out.
A Large Browns Banner
The Packers exhibit a strange kind of flag symmetry sort of like Buffalo and the St. Louis Rams. The names of host city for the Bills are combined with the team logo of St. Louis- that form a pair: (Rams and Buffalo).
Green Bay is often referred by its city name which has a colour within it, and another team with a colour in it, is rooted to the city of Cleveland. The Browns of Cleveland are matched to the team of Green Bay, Wisconsin. It is the Greens vs Browns - via the Green Bay Packers and the Cleveland Browns.
The Core Colours of Football
Green and Brown
Green and Brown

Green and Brown are masculine earthy colours. They are the essential colours of this game. Every player who has played this game will know that this tug of war is best played for with a BROWN FOOTBALL and bed of GREEN GRASS.
When the games begin of the NFL - Mother Nature is Green - but near the end of the season Mother Nature prefers that things go Brown.
Some Day these Teams may meet in an

Sporting events are strange phenomena that allow communities to unite disharmonious minds and egos.
Republicans, Democrats, Super Liberals, Christians, Atheists, Feminists, ghetto thugs, soccer moms, marijuana users, alcohol drinkers, tobacco smokers, anti-tobacco people, blue collar workers, college boys, high school drop outs, Jews, Muslims, band wagon fans, and hardcore gamer facinistas can all unite as one force when their team needs their help - a Pittsburgh Steeler Fan is a Pittsburgh Steeler Fan - no matter what. When the team wins all fans in all classes share in the common joy.
Finally an open message and proposal to NFL executives and team owners: If you like what you see, let's finish this book together.
Link to Green Bay Packers Official Site
Link to Cleveland Browns Official Site
Link to Original NFL Post - this Blog
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