Yin and Yang of the Year of the Cat or Rabbit

As we say good bye to the year of the Tiger, we welcome the Year of the Rabbit or is it the Cat?
Maybe you never heard about Year of the Cat? Most people who are aware of the Chinese Calendar recognize it as the Year of the Rabbit, but in Vietnam they call it the Year of the Cat. This is one of those cosmic to-may-to vs to-maa-to moments or rather soda vs pop.
Most of East Asia is grounded to the 'Eastern Chinese Horoscope.' But there are subtle variations in each nation. In Japan they have the Year of the Boar instead of the Year of the Pig.
Another dichotomy is found with the Year of the Goat instead of Year of the Sheep. Sheep and Goats are closely related, but different species, since they can't interbreed. Depending on the manufacturer of your paper Chinese food place mat - you may see a Goat or Sheep.
Eastern Zodiac Wheel with Cat
instead of the more popular Rabbit
instead of the more popular Rabbit

But by far the most dramatic rift in the Oriental Horoscope is the Year of the animal in between the Tiger.....and.....the Dragon.
Is it a Rabbit or Cat? Most East Asian nations follow China and call it the Year of the Rabbit, but Vietnam and a few 'renegades' call it the Year of the Cat!
Cats are soft and fuzzy like Rabbits, and both are charged with feminine energy. Basically a rabbit is totally infused with Yin-feminine energy - submissive, timid, shy, and cute. The Cat is too, but with a dash of Yang-male energy. Cats would rather run and hide like a bunny or 'pussy cat' but if you push a cat into a corner - he or she will stand up and fightback!
Link to Blog Post about China and Vietnam Post - they are Flag Symmetry Partners
Link to Year of the Cat post by Cat Lady BLOG
In honor of the Year of the Rabbit

Here is a video game about Rabbits and Flags. Bunny Flags is a real time strategy video game where bunnies defend the flags. It has overly dramatic warrior music. The irony is that the submissive and docile rabbit is the patriotic defender of the flag.
Bunny Flags Video Game