The New Dela-Jersey flag combines the flags of Delaware & New Jersey in a special way. Basically an slightly impaled double diamond, or the 'Batman' device. The blue part of Delaware has spilled in the diamond of New Jersey. Other than that the coats of arms are the same.

Mother tongue of settlement was Swedish, then they had to switch to Dutch, and finally they settled on English.
There are two areas where Delaware soil makes contact with New Jersey. The northern-upper portion is in Salem County, NJ that shares a land border with New Castle County Delaware. On the local level it is Pennsville Township, NJ that borders Delaware. It is about two square kilometers of land.
The main reason why Delaware shares a land border with New Jersey is because any new land in the Delaware river automatically becomes a part of Delaware. Unlike New Jersey's border with Pennsylvania where the two states share the river to the middle. Delaware bogarts the entire Delaware river. So New Jersey's claim to the Delaware River stops at Pennsylvania's southeastern border by the Sunoco Marcus Hook Refinery. This is sort of like opposite situation with New York and New Jersey. Because any artificial land added to the State of Liberty or Ellis Island, shall belong to New Jersey.
The other 'Southern' connection point is next to the Hope Creek Nuclear Power Plant Station. I tried to visit the area, and was greeted with a much less than friendly attitude. Even though they have a visitors entrance, they don't want visitors—it's a Catch-22 situation. They will basically give you a one finger Jersey Salute, if you try to visit.
So, the best way to visit New Deli-Jersey is from Fort Mott Park. If you plan on visiting, the best option is to leave from the ferry Delaware City in Delaware. After you get your fill on the way awesome Fort Delaware , a ferry will go to Fort Mott. From there you can reach New Deli-Jersey, but remember to watch the ferry schedules back to Delaware City.
The name of the northern point is New Dela-Jersey, the Southern point is known as New Deli-Jersey. Or was it that, Delawarians call this area New Dela-Jersey and New Jersians call it New Deli-Jersey. I guess we will never know.