
Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 100th State Flag Centennial for Colorado, North Dakota, Michigan, California, and Ol' Oklahoma

Four state flags are celebrating their 100th anniversary this year. 100 years ago in 1911 there was a burst of American Vexillological activity. Five states officially adopted flags however Oklahoma would have a change of heart.

California Flag is 100 on 11/11/11
February 3, 1911 - the original past

North Dakota's Flag is 100 on 11/11/11
March 3, 1911 - the middle past

Michigan's Flag is 100 on 11/11/11
June 26, 1911 - the most recent past

Oklahoma's Retired Design
100 years old on 11/11/11
1911 - the alternate past

Colorado the Centennial State - Statehood achieved 1876
On 11/11/11 the Colorado flag is still 99 years old
Flag Adopted on December 4, 1911
The past that is yet to be...

Back to the Future Flags - Part VII, US Flag Flying Proudly

George and Marty McFly next to US flag

Here father and son stand next to each other. Usually a father must stand by his son, but in Back to the Future the roles of coach or teacher are reversed. In this case George McFly's son helps the father rise to the occasion. In this scene Marty coaches his future father to woo his future mother. Marty is playing more than a match maker, if he doesn't get his potential mom and dad to meet up - it'll be the end of his existence.

'Clint Eastwood' with Doc
When is it Cowardice or Stupidity?Notice the US flag in background

In Back to the Future Part III, Marty McFly learns that fighting over ones reputation and over ones ego may not be worth it.

In this scene Marty (aka Clint Eastwood) is taunted by Buford 'Mad Dog' Tannen. Marty learns to stand down a dare-foolish challenge. There is a fine line between holding your ground, following a foolish taunt of the ego, and cowardice. In the end, Marty learns to value his own internal sense of worth than what others think.

US flag shadows Marty McFly
US Flag of Protection?

In Back to the Future 1985, the US flag coincidentally shadows Marty McFly when Biff tries run him over. Marty gets stuck in front of Biff's car and is nearly rammed into a manure pile, but right before our hero gets it... he instinctively jumps over the bullies. While he does this, the American Flag in the center of Hill Valley seems to follow or rather shadow Marty on his daring escape.

Link to Part VII - Back to the Future Flags

Video of Marty being chased by Biff and Gang
notice US Flag 'shadow' of protection when Marty jumps over the car

Thursday, November 10, 2011

US Marine Corps Flag, in Philly - Occupy Wall Street and Anniversary Banner

US Marine Corps Banner
City Hall Philadelphia

It seems appropriate the day before Veterans Day it also the day the US Marine Corps was established. There was a banner hanging on the Eastern Entrance of Philadelphia's City Hall commemorating the corps 236th anniversary. The US Marine Corps were established in Philly November 10, 1775.

Occupy Wall Street-Philadelphia City Hall
with US Marine Corps Flag

On the other side at the west Entrance of Philadelphia's City was was a Marine Corps flag flying from one of the Occupy Wall Street protest tents.

Short Video of 'Occupy Wall Street' in Philadelphia 2011

Back to the Future Flags - Part VI, Non-American Flags

Griff Standing in front of the US and Soviet Flag
Back to the Future 2

The only official non-American flag in the Back to the Future trilogy belongs or belonged to the Soviet Union. It appears when Marty travels to 2015 and meets Griff in Cafe 80s.

When this movie was originally made in 1985 the Cold War was flaming hot in Afghanistan, Africa, and Central America. But by the release of Part 2 in 1989 - the Soviet Union was on its way to a becoming a historical footnote.

Japanese Rising Sun Flag
on the Hover Board - BTTF 1989

The Japanese Rising Flag also appears in this movie but not as a flag. Rather it appears as a decorative design on a hover board. In this scene Biff's side kick bully chump holds his hover board with the Imperial Rising Sun Flag design.

Link to Part VII - Back to the Future Flags

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Back to the Future Flags - adjunct Part V, expanded description of Hill Valley's Community Service Organizations

The badge of Rotary International uses 24 toothed sprocket. It has a six spoke wheel . In the ring of the wheel it is written Rotary International in yellow letters. In the center of the is a key hole in white.

Kiawnis International also uses the colours yellow, blue, and white.  Founded in 1915 in Indianapolis, Indiana as a service organization. Kiwanis is a Native American word meaning that we share our talents or build. They aim much of their attention to the service of children.

Here is the original logo of Camp Fire Girls,

Lions International uses the colours yellow and blue. The badge features a yellow letter 'L' on a blue disk. The blue disc is bordered with a yellow ring. On the left and right sides of the outer ring are two profile sides of a lion with its mouth opened up. In the upper portion of the disc is 'Lions' written in all capital letters on a frame. Below the disc on a curved frame are the words are 'INTERNATIONAL' in capital letters.

The badge for the Future Farmers of America badge features an owl on top an animal pull plow pointed to the right. Behind the owl is a red sun along the horizon. Above the owl are the letters FFA, which represents the Future Farmers of America. In a circular format written in blue appears the word 'Agricultural' on the upper half, and on the bottom half in the same format it is written 'Education.' The outer ring of the is composed of 20 kernels of corn. In the crest position is the American Eagle facing left with an American shield.

Under Construction

Link to Part V- Primary Post

- it featured the colours gold and blue with the name written in a ring centered with a letter K. Underneath is Jaycees sign - with Jaycees written in red cursive and a 'Welcomes You' written in black on a brown square shield. Next is Rotary International with the colours blue, gold and white and it which features 24 strutted sproket with six spokes. Next is the American Legion with the colours blue and gold. In the center it features a blue star on a gold disc. In the ring is a the name and on the outer rim are obtuse points to eight pointed star. In the center we see a rectangular sign for 'The Future Farmers of America - Hill Valley' printed in blue on white with the golden seal of the Future Farmers of America. Next are the Lions International using blue bold and white. Underneath and overlapping the Lions space in sign for the Hill Valley Chamber of Congress in olive green with white. Starting from the bottom right is the YMCA sign using the colours red, blue, and white. The YMCA uses a red triangle charged with its name written in white on a blue rectangle. Above that a sign for the National Grange of the Order of Partrons of Husbandry. It uses the colours white, gold, and blue. In the center is a 'garb' of wheat wrapped with suppored by a blue ribbon with 'P' and 'H' on it. Above the is the seal for Optimist International. It too uses the colours blue and gold. In the center are the letter O and I in gold on a blue octagonal background with rays of splendor up top. It is within another octagonal ring with the name of the organization. Finally in the upper right hand corner is the badge for Camp Fire Girls. It uses the colours blue, gold, red, orange, and yellow. Camp Fire Girls features a four logged camp fire on a background of blue. It is placed on an arched triangular frame of gold with the organizations name upon it.

Link to Part 1

Back to the Future Flags - Part V, Hill Valley's Welcome Banners and Seals

Hill Valley Welcome Sign
Decorated with Community Organizations

In Back to the Future 1985 Marty gets a unique perspective on this home town. He gets to travel back to 1955 and see how things once were.

On his magical return to 1955, Marty passes by a community welcome sign. We can see the insignia of the various community organizations. Starting from the upper left: Kiwanis International, Jaycees, Rotary International, American Legion, The Future Farmers of America, Lions Club International, Hill Valley Chamber of Congress. From the lower right we see the icons of the YMCA, Patrons of Husbandry of the National Grange, Optimists International, and finally Camp Fire Girls.

Back to the Future 2015
Hill Valley - Welcome Board

When Marty jumps to 2015 where his dad stands up to his personal bullies, we see a hovering welcome sign. New Organizations presented are the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, 4-H Youth Organization, Neighborhood Crime Watch, National Exchange Club and ....

Community Organizations still running strong thirty years later are Kiwani's International, Rotary International, and the Lions Club International.

The Rule of Avarice upon Hill Valley 1985
notice H-E-LL VALLEY Graffiti

In Part II - Marty's avarice though betting on athletics leads to a dark and less than friendly version of Hill Valley. In this reality Hill Valley is devoid of civic service organizations and his father's nemesis is a powerful violent self-absorbed greedy tyrant.

The 'original' Hill Valley of 1985

The 'original' Hill Valley that we meet in 1985 is dilapidated and worn down. The mom and pop businesses have been put out by strong corporations. Low brow adult oriented business have taken over the heart of the city and all of the community service organizations have left town.

On the back of the welcome sign we see various forms of graffiti, tags, and vandalism. This was a reflection of many central small town city centers and even with Times Square in New York City in the 80s. The original 1985 Hill Valley may not be the best place to live, but it is still better than Biff's World.

Back to the Future III
Hill Valley Banner 1885

Perhaps the first community banner to be hung in Hill Valley, if only for a short time. None of the familiar community organizations were created yet, except for the Lawman or the Sheriff. The banner was a notice heralding a festival on September 5, 1885. The proceeds are used to "Construct the Clock Tower."

It reads:

The Foundation of Hill Valley set in 1885
setting the legend for Clint Eastwood


Link to Part VI - Back to the Future Flags  


link to expanded post about the community service organizations of Hill Valley

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Back to the Furture Flag - Part IV, Hill Valley City Seal

Hill Valley Police Car of 2015 with Civic Badge

When Marty McFly travels into the 'future' to 2015 we get to see the civic badge of Hill Valley on a police car. It features the clock tower on a disc, on top of an eight pointed golden star. The star itself is on top of several black and white warp rings. Finally a compass in the 'crest' position.

Marty coming out of the underground Court House Mall

Also in Back to the Future Part II we see the fancy logo of the 'Court House Mall.' It features a stylized clock with time hashes at 12:00, 3:00, 6:00 and 9:00. At the 1:00 position in a thunderbolt, obviously dedicated to when the clock was struck by lightning back in 1955.

Hill Valley City Seal

Here is a home-brew version of the town seal for Hill Valley, California. It is based upon the design shown in Back to the Future - Part II 1989.

Link to Part I

Back to the Future Flags - Link to Part V

Monday, November 7, 2011

Back to the Future Flags, Part III - Banners at Hill Valley High School of the Bully Bulldogs

Hill Valley High School -1985
Home of the Hill Valley Bulldogs

In Back to the Future we travel to Hill Valley and its fictional High School. The mascot of this school is the Bulldogs. There are several banners that announce the upcoming football game likewise many the students in the 1950s have their books covered with brown paper covers featuring their school totem - the bull dog.

Banner for Ron Woodward for Class President 1955

Notice the students with brown bulldog covers. In this scene George McFly is being harassed-bullied by other students with a kick-me sign. As it was in the 1950s, 1980s, and 2010s bullying in secondary school continues but on different levels between boys and girls. However there are cosmic consequences for bullies - see revenge to bullies flag from Stand By Me.

Bulldogs on George McFly's Book in hand

Close of up Marty with his dad, you can see the Bulldog emblem of Hill Valley High the best here. Also in the background are two broadsides that announce the upcoming football game between the home team Bulldogs versus the away team Indians.

Audition Battle of the Bands Banner

In 1985 Marty McFly auditions to play at the school dance. A banner redundantly shows it's an Audition. The name of Marty McFly's band is the 'Pinheads.' However Marty and the Pinheads leave the auditions with rather low hearts. Also note that this is the new high school gym.

Marty Playing at the 'old' gym at the
Enchantment Under the Sea Dance

Although embarrassed and dejected with his initial tryout, fate gives Marty a second chance to play at another High School dance with Marvin Berry and the Starlighters, and unconsciously lays the foundation for rock and roll.

LINK to Back to the Future Flag - Part IV

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Back to the Future Flags - Part II, the US and California State Flags

Back to the Future California and US flag
September 7, 1885: BTTF-3

In the Back to the Future trilogy the American Flag and the California State Flag appear in all three films and appear together, at least once. This post will highlight their joint appearances in the Back to the Future Universe - or rather Back to the Future Multiverse - from a semi linear point of view beginning in September 7, 1885.

At this point in history the US Flag only has 38 Stars. Colorado was the last state in the Union and 'its' banner flew for 13 long years. Bobby Z did his vexillological home work and the original style of the California State Flag is flying in the center of town. The original California Bear Flag revolt flag differs with the modern version - see below.

Back to the Future California & US Flag
November 6th, 1955?: BTTF-1

The next time we the California State flag on screen side by side with the US flag is during Biff n' Gang's chase of Marty McFly on his makeshift skate board. At this time the United States only has 48 stars on its flag. Also note the California State flag was in its current form.

Back to the Future California and US Flag
Saturday November 12, 1955: BTTF-2

Later that week on Saturday November 12, 1955 Marty McFly raises the American Flag. Rather, Marty lifts a table top 48 starred American Flag so he can undo some of his 'past-future-now' mistakes. To the left we also see the California State Flag. This technically mundane yet critically important 'raising' of the US flag occurs in Principal Strickland's office.

The US and California Flags make several appearances in each film by themselves. The great coincidence from our point of view is the flags appear together in 1985 BTTF-1, 1989 BTTF-2, and 1990 BTTF-3.

LINK TO: Flags in Back to the Future Part III

Crossed Flag of California and the US
as they would be in 1885

A wonderful ad for the re-release of Back to the Future