Back to the Future California and US flag
September 7, 1885: BTTF-3

In the Back to the Future trilogy the American Flag and the California State Flag appear in all three films and appear together, at least once. This post will highlight their joint appearances in the Back to the Future Universe - or rather Back to the Future Multiverse - from a semi linear point of view beginning in September 7, 1885.
At this point in history the US Flag only has 38 Stars. Colorado was the last state in the Union and 'its' banner flew for 13 long years. Bobby Z did his vexillological home work and the original style of the California State Flag is flying in the center of town. The original California Bear Flag revolt flag differs with the modern version - see below.
Back to the Future California & US Flag
November 6th, 1955?: BTTF-1

The next time we the California State flag on screen side by side with the US flag is during Biff n' Gang's chase of Marty McFly on his makeshift skate board. At this time the United States only has 48 stars on its flag. Also note the California State flag was in its current form.
Back to the Future California and US Flag
Saturday November 12, 1955: BTTF-2

Later that week on Saturday November 12, 1955 Marty McFly raises the American Flag. Rather, Marty lifts a table top 48 starred American Flag so he can undo some of his 'past-future-now' mistakes. To the left we also see the California State Flag. This technically mundane yet critically important 'raising' of the US flag occurs in Principal Strickland's office.
The US and California Flags make several appearances in each film by themselves. The great coincidence from our point of view is the flags appear together in 1985 BTTF-1, 1989 BTTF-2, and 1990 BTTF-3.
LINK TO: Flags in Back to the Future Part III
Crossed Flag of California and the US
as they would be in 1885
as they would be in 1885

A wonderful ad for the re-release of Back to the Future
I'm very impressed that they paid attention to detail, honored and displayed the flags in this Trilogy.