
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Continental Congress Flag for the Fourth Capital of the United States - York, Pennsylvania

On September 30, 1777 unto June 27, 1778 York, Pennsylvania served as the fourth capital of the United States of America.  It was in York, PA where the first program of American Gov 1.0 was written under the Articles of Confederation.  This grand document ran the country for about decade until 1788, when a reboot was in order.

The heritage flag of York's cameo as America's Capital City takes its design from the official flag of Washington DC.  However the colours stem from the original White Rose of the House of York in England with its blue background.  Coincidentally George Washington's ancestors originally came from "Old York, England."  As fate would have it George Washington was "crowned" as the first president in"New York, America."

Photo Credit: 


Continental Congress Flag for the Third Capital City of the United States - Lancaster, PA

Most people know that Philadelphia was the original capital of the fledgeling United States of America, but did you know that three other cities in Pennsylvania were also host to the Revolutionary Continental Congress?

You may have also heard of president for a day, but did you ever hear of capital for a day? 

For one day Lancaster, Pennsylvania became the Capital of the United States of America on September 27, 1777.  Thus Lancaster deserves a 'Capital City Heritage Flag' since it was the third city be the US Capital.  The flag is based upon the design of the now legal capital city flag of Washington DC, but the colours are reversed.  The colour red conserves the red colour for the House of Lancaster in England, whose great rival was the House of York during the War of the Roses.  Coincidentally the fourth capital of the United States of America was in fact York, Pennsylvania.

photo credit:Randolph Carney, 15 August 2009

Continental Cogress Flag for Baltimore the Second Capital of the United States

Did you know just after the Declaration of Independence was issued, the 'Capital' moved from Philadelphia to Baltimore on December 12, 1776?  Just in time for the first American Christmas of 1776! Congress was under war pressure from the UK, so it was decided to head south for safety - Baltimore, Maryland that is.

The colours of Baltimore's Congressional Capital Heritage Flag are taken from the flag of Maryland and mixed with the modern design of the District of Columbia, which was a part of Maryland during the American Revolution.

The newly independent nation of America opened for business in Baltimore Maryland on December 20, 1776 at the Henry Fite House.  Thus the first Christmas, New Years, and Ground Hog Day for the capital city of USA B.C. - USA Before the Constitution took place in Baltimore, Maryland.

In a weird way it foreshadowed that a part of Maryland would sacrifice a part of herself, which would become the permanent Capital of Washington DC.

Photo Credit

Continental Congress City Flag for Philadelphia

The Original Capital of the United States was Philadelphia, thus in honor of that time frame here is an honorable flag for the city of Philadelphia as the fledgling Capital of the United States of America.  It is modeled after the flag of Washington DC. It uses the traditional colours of the Philadelphia City Flag - yellow and blue, which hearken back to the colours of Sweden, since Sweden was the first European Colonial power to settle in Philadelphia.  

The first Continental Congress was held in 1774.  Later the Declaration of Independence was issued in 1776.   Philadelphia hosted the leaders of the American Revolution until December 12, 1776.  Afterwards Baltimore became the Capital, for a short short while.  Eight other cities would become temporary 'Capitals of the American Revolution'  - see the list below to see their 'American Revolution Heritage Capital City Flags.'   

Philadelphia was the capital in the summer of 78'.  Most famously the Constitutional Congress met in 1787.  But during the Constitutional Era - America Version 2.0 - Philadelphia was the second 'Constitutional' Capital of the USA for most of Washington's and Adam's term as chief executive.  Also note that someday in the near or far future their may be an America Version 3.0?  But one can suppose in the eyes of states to join the Southern Confederacy, America Version 3.0 was terminated under President Johnson. 


Photo Credit:  Ed Yakovich (Emy111 at en.wikipedia)





Monday, August 12, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013



ICV 25 Speakers - Day 5

#29: Theun Okkerse
Points of View: Aspects of Flags and Flag Design

#30: Buxin Han
Colour on National Flags: Geography & Psychology

#31: Marcus Schmoger
Orange as a Political Colour

#32: Ladislav Hnat
The National Flag of Lusatian Sorbs

#33: Pascal Vagnat
Regional flags in France: History, Use, Legality and Identities 

#34: Andrea Nunes & Tiago Jose Berg
Flags of the Touristic Cities in Sao Paulo State (Brazil)

#35: Zeljko Heimer
Ceremonial Flags of the Croatian Units of Local Government:  A New Phenomenon Emerging from the People? 

#36: Jorg Majewski
North Rhine-Westphalia and its Local Symbols in the Mirror of its History



Thursday, August 8, 2013




ICV 25 Speakers - Day 4

#15: Edwin Crump
Dreaming in Arcadia: Vexillological Relationships on Lord Howe Island

#16: Michel Lupant
Flags over Bermuda

Lupant noted that Bermuda has 9 Parishes and 2 municipalities and showed us the city hall flag of Hamilton. 

#17: Alain Raullet
Ireland: 1 Island, 2 Flag Trends

 Raullet showed us a wonderful expose on his travels through Ireland and the various flags he noticed.

#18: Klaus-Michael Schneider 
Military Colours of Hamburg: Flags of the Armed Citizens from 1684 to 1817

Schneider reminded us that flags of this type have four adornments: dates, arms, patron saint, and coat of arms.

#19: Ales Brozek
The History of the Flag of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 

Brozek showed us the bohemian white lion and states that blue stands for the Slovak people.  We also so a rejected flag that was similar to Texas's design. 

#20: Patrice de La Condamine
The Migration of the Emblems through the Example of the Cross of Burgundy

Patrice presented in French with a translation.  We saw flags for the Duchy of Burgundy.  The historical flags for Spain from 1506 to 1701 were displayed.

#21: Ralph Bartlett
The Right Angle Tricolour

Bartlett discussed the various uses of the French horizontal tricolour.  He noted that with the death of Nelson a short lived blue, red, white tricolour was used. 

#22: Roberto Breschi
Little Known Flags of the State of Lucca

"Lucca" is on the west coast of Italy.  This flag was detailed in its simple yet unique design. 

#23: Hugh Brady
Utility of Futility?: Revisiting Smith's Vexilological Classification System 

Brady gave a thoughtful analysis and test questions is a new flag classification system can arise.  If it does it should help people identify flags.  Hugh also mentioned that vexillology is an auxiliary science of history, or social science by its writing. 

#24: Christopher Maddish
The Fraternal Flag Partners of Europe Major: A Meta-vexillological Classification & Study of Flags

Flag of Europe were presented in pairs that had similar designs.  According to this design were ranked against each other according to their similarity.

#25: Roman Klimes
The Cedar Tree - The Symbol of a Country

Klims talked about the flags of the Arab revolt from 1917. 

#26: Zev Landes
Presentational Flagging and Political Change in the Middle East 

Landes noted that social media has a new culture and effecting the way flags are used.

#27: Jaroslav Martykan
Flags in Somalia - Somalia in Flags

#28: Agiri Chris
National Flag as a Tool for Patriotic Awakening: The Nigerian Experience


Tuesday, August 6, 2013




ICV 25 Speakers - Day 2

#7: Scot Guenter of the United States of America

Revitalized Flag Magic: Flag Retirement Rituals and the Power of Talismans

Flag use in sports and rituals were discussed.  Scot noted use of flag during funerals and flag day.  He also pointed out that burning the flag after its use is a "Patriotic Duty."  Burning in this fashion was previously private before 1942, but became a public spectacle afterwards.  Guenter also stated that, "the [US]war on terror will never end."

#8: Tiago Jose Berg of Brazil
Geography and Vexillology: Landscapes in the Flags 

Tiago pointed out that Ukraine is key example of a flag that reflects land with sky, as the blue part is sky and yellow refers to the land. 

#9: Amy Langston of the United States of America
The Truth in our Stars: The Symbolism behind their Use in Flags

Why are there stars on flags?  According the Langston because of their versatility, aesthetic appeal, and symbolism.  She noted that red stars didn't always symbolize communism, as is the case with Panama and Tunisia

#10: Sekhar Chakrabarti of India
The Ancient Symbol of Swastika: Its Distortion, Uses and Misuses

Sekhar noted that the Swastika is an ancient religious symbol from India and Nazi Gemany's use of it is unacceptable.  The Swastika is a symbol of good fortune and luck.  He noted that Jain, Buddhist, and Hindu faiths recognize this faith as something positive and truly a sacred symbol.

#11: KV Singh of India
Ancient and Epic Flags of India 

Singh mentions that flags are mentioned in the Rig Veda.  Probably composed of the triangular pennant style.  He noted that blue represents inner energy.  Singh also noticed that flags give a spirit of aliveness as can be seen with the Olympic Flag, espeically when it is lowered and rises for the Olympic Games.  He also noted that lowering flag at night or dusk is done so that the flag is not exposed to the dark forces of the night.

#12: Xing Fei of China
The Study of Vexillology in China

Fei reminded us that China has a long history of flags.  He described in detail the flags of Manchu from 1630 to 1911. 

#13: Zhao Xinfeng
Initial Study of Chinese Flag Culture

Xinfeng spoke in Chinese with the accompaniment of language translator.  Xinfeng discussed the origins of the Chinese character which dated to 2000BC.  He noted the oldest record of a flag in China dated to the "Rites of Zhou" which was a ceremonial flag.  Zhao also stated that flags were used in commerical situations for selling goods.  He also showed us the Kanji for streamer.  

#14: Marcel van Westerhoven
Flags of Princely States in the Dutch East Indies 

Westernhoven noted that the Dutch East Indies, mostly Indonesia, was similar to British Colonization of India.  Marcel stated the colonization was rather slow and colonizes often meddled with internal politcs to gain advantage, played natives against each other.  About 280 'independent states' were affected with Dutch Colonizers.  Westerhoven also spoke about the Garuda "Birdman" and buddhist colours of red, white, blue, and black.  He also noted there were ten kingdoms in Bali when the Dutch arrived. 

Geoff Parsons - ICV 25: Sixth Speaker

British Maritime Flags: Naval Flags Flown in Portsmouth Naval Base

Parsons discussed Portsmouth, which is where much of the UK Navy is serviced.  Parsons presented an overview of British flags discussing the red, white, and blue types of ensigns.  He also noted that the Royal Yacht Squadron can fly the white ensign.  He also showed great red flag of the HMS Warrior 1860 Red Ensign. 

Another flag of interest was the "UK Out of Order" flag which has red and white vertical stripes. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Dominique Cureau - ICV 25: Fifth Speaker

House Flags of French Shipping Companies

Cureau gave his entire presentation in French.  Cureau also gave a brief review of international flags.  

Ralph Kelly - ICV 25: Fourth Speaker

Colonial Signal Flag of Port Jackson 

Ralph Kelly from Australia gave an insightful presentation signal flag evolution at Port Jackson, Australia.  Port Jackson is a part of Sydney waterway.  Ralph asserts that Nicholson's chart was foundational to vexillology.  As communication was lacking in the colonial period, flags were used as signals for the community to detail the composition of ships in Port Jackson.  Kelly showed that evolution of the code signals, eventually it was used to indicate weather as well.  An important place was Ft. Philip as a key signal station. 

Art Ness Proano Gaibor - ICV 25: Thrid Speaker

Hidden History behind the Colorants of Banners 

Art Proano is research analyst from the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency.  Proano is a well spoken researcher on fabrics and analysis of dyes.   He pointed out that restoration techniques to antique flags are often more harmful than beneficial.

Link to Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency

Art Ness Proano Gaibor's Youtube Site


photo credit: 

ICV 25 Speakers - Day 1

#1: John Cartledge of the UK 
Flags and Emblems of the British Republic 1649-1660

The second speaker at the 25th International Congress of Vexillology was John Cartledge of the UK Flag Institute.  Cartledge informed us that James I restricted use of flags for the Navy of certain orders.  The badge of Commonwealth was shown, which was used during the first 'Kingless-Queenless' period when British Congress (Parliament) executed the King more than 100 years before the colonial rebellion of 1776 in the Americas.  The UK Commonwealth flag had an English flag on the hoist and the field was blue with a yellow harp as its badge. 

#2: Art Ness Proano Gaibor
Hidden History behind the Colorants of Banners 

Art Proano is research analyst from the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency.  Proano is a well spoken researcher on fabrics and analysis of dyes.   He pointed out that restoration techniques to antique flags are often more harmful than beneficial.

Link to Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency

Art Ness Proano Gaibor's Youtube Site

photo credit: 

#3: Ralph Kelly 
Colonial Signal Flags of Port Jackson

Ralph Kelly from Australia gave an insightful presentation signal flag evolution at Port Jackson, Australia.  Port Jackson is a part of Sydney waterway.  Ralph asserts that Nicholson's chart was foundational to vexillology.  As communication was lacking in the colonial period, flags were used as signals for the community to detail the composition of ships in Port Jackson.  Kelly showed that evolution of the code signals, eventually it was used to indicate weather as well.  An important place was Ft. Philip as a key signal station. 

#4: Dominique Cureau
House Flags of French Shipping Companies

Cureau gave his entire presentation in French.  Cureau also gave a brief review of international flags.  

#5: Geoff Parsons
British Maritime Flags: Naval Flags Flown in Portsmouth Naval Base

Parsons discussed Portsmouth, which is where much of the UK Navy is serviced.  Parsons presented an overview of British flags discussing the red, white, and blue types of ensigns.  He also noted that the Royal Yacht Squadron can fly the white ensign.  He also showed great red flag of the HMS Warrior 1860 Red Ensign. Another flag of interest was the "UK Out of Order" flag which has red and white vertical stripes.

#6: Annie Platoff
A Shuttle Full of Flags: Use of Flags in the Space Shuttle Program 
 Platoff noted that US flags were put on hardware as well as uniforms.  Flags are to be put on the left sleeve and backpack.  Annie also reviewed the mission patches of US spaceflight.   She noted that NASA often flew mini flags and mounted flags on certificatetes. 

Rene De Vries - ICV 25: Opening Speech

Speech by the Harbour Master of the Port of Rotterdam 

The first presentation of the 25th International Congress of Vexillology was given by Rene De Vries, the Harbour Master of Rotterdam Port.  It started with a visually stunning video about the Rotterdam, which is the largest port in Europe.

In sci-fi terms Rotterdam is like Coruscant in the fictional Star Wars universe.  On Coruscant you can see thousands of ships flying by, but in Rotterdam thousands of huge ships gently gliding through the river port.   But in Rotterdam's case there are thousands of ships heading in and out of this port.  Amazing Rotterdam is neat, organized, efficient, and lacking that noisy, toxic, grimy, in and out pollution of other large port cities found in other parts of the world.  Everything moves at fast, quick, polite, and in a gentle pace like a well oiled super aquatic station.

De Vries noted that, "flags in politics are a source of pride yet not a symbol of superiority."  Likewise flags are a popular tradition and useful in the maritime tradition.

Photo Credit:l