
Monday, February 14, 2011

For the Lonely Hearted!

Dear Ms. or Mr. Lonely Hearts in 2011,

Sending you all love tonight!

The Jelly Belly Care Bear Kind!

Happy Valentines Day,

Love Christopher Maddish

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day 2011 with Villanova and Diet Coke

Valentines Day Flag

Valentines Day is the primary holiday in February. It overshadows Groundhog's Day and commands more attention than Presidents Day. Valentines Day is celebrated all over the world in different ways. For some it's a holiday for romance, for others it is a chance to send love to all, and for a few its a chance to make a buck or two.

Valentines Day has taken a life of its own in Japan. On February 14 only women buy chocolates, and only give them to men. But then a month later on White Day - March 14 - only men are supposed to buy cookies for women.

In US children give Valentines to everyone in their class - at least until middle school. But as an adults, only lovers give to each other. Right now the marketing people on Madison Avenue have given more gravity to romantic lovers love. Unfortunately this can lead to some lonely and or broken hearts. Perhaps this can also be a day for a universal love fest. Love what ever you got - your car, your sports team or favorite video game, your family or neighbors, your dog or cat, your heath, your favorite TV network? Just love it and feel no shame about it!

Villanova University Seal

The university seal of Villanova in Pennsylvania is featured today since it has a heart with an arrow though it. Villanova is a relatively Catholic College that won the NCAA Men's College Basketball Championship in 1985.

Close up of Villanova Heart
with Arrow on the Seal

In the center of the Seal is a bounded bible with red heart on top. The heart is pierced with a golden arrow crested with a crown. Behind the bible are a cross staff and sheapard's crook. The motto of the university is on ribbon and it says Veritas, Unitas, Caritas. This literally translates to Validation, Unity, and Caring. Or more traditionally Turth, Unity, and Love.

Love a Lot Bear

If your feeling down and think you have no one to love, just remember lessons of the Care Bears. The most appropriate Care Bear of the hour is of course Love a Lot Bear!

Weather a commerical, song, stranger, colour, feeling, TV preacher, bird song, or fluttering of a flag. The arrow of cupids love can strik from nearly any dimension if you let it! Where ever it comes from grab on to a soak it up!

Finally Coke has flown a heart flag campaign to raise money and awareness for women's health.

Diet Coke Women's Health Heart Flag Commercial

Friday, February 11, 2011

One Piece Flag

Flag of Once Piece

Every once and a while the world of Japanese Anime & Manga-Comic Books strikes a chord in Japan. Recently the Comic One Piece since 1997 has captured a big audience in Japan. In the US its considered child's play but in Japan the majority of people who read this comic and watch the cartoon are adults.

The flag of One Piece is a jolly roger - white skull and cross bones on a black background. The skull is wearing a yellow round straw hat with a red wreath-band. The skull also has eight teeth in a smiling position.

It is popular partly because it shows that trust and friendship can carry people through difficult times. It also inspires people to follow their dreams and fear not the obstacles in your path. Do not worry about what others will think, trust in yourself, and people who care about you!.

The intro in the third season sums up the spirit of One Piece, "Seek Freedom and the world will stand stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your spirits, follow it! Bear the will and conviction behind your flag!"

This show has truly inspired rather than just entertained.

Intro of One Piece with Flags edited

Link to Once Piece - watch in English

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wookie Flag - The Force Unleashed

Wookie Flag - Star Wars

In The Force Unleashed two designs are shown - a Wookie Flag, which looks like a royal flag, and the 'flag' of the Rebel Alliance.

This game takes place in between Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith 2005 and Episode 4 - A New Hope 1977. In this video game we see the origins of the Rebel Alliance. Ironically Darth Vader is a catalyst for the movement.

Close up of Royal Wookie Flag?

Short Movie showing Birth of
the Rebel Alliance and its "FLAG"

First Cut Scenes for this Video Game. Acting, story, and special effects are top notch.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Star Trek Federation Spock Coffin Flag

Arguably Star Treks most popular movie - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - Spock dies from radiation poisoning while saving the fictional United Star Ship Enterprise from ultimate destruction.
Sulu is chosen to carry
off the Federation Flag

This flag of fancy from the imaginations of Hollywood and Paramount Pictures was waved in front of audiences in 1982. In this movie we learn of revenge, passion, and the logic of love.

Spock is an alien without religion with a seemingly religion of logic. Spock gives up his life for the crew in this movie. Although an imaginary sacrifice, such things have come to pass many times over in history.

We walk in shadow of countless officers, alien nations, and scientists who surrendered their lives for our benefit.

Short Video of Star Trek II Flag

LINK to website with excellent history of Star Trek Flags and Vexillology Link

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl XLV - NFL Flag Logo Symmetry, Part 11

Waving the Green Bay Flag

The Green Bay Packers are the NFL's First Team. The first to win Super Bowl I 1967 on Martin Luther King's Birthday.

This is the last in a string of 11 blog posts that explores what I call a certain kind of flag symmetry. Click here for part one to get a quick overview. The basic idea about flag symmetry is that the NFL team mascots-logos exhibit flag symmetry - nearly all flags are connected in an intimate and amazing way to another flag.

Since the Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl XLV they get the final 11th and lucky position on this string. The Pittsburgh Steelers and the other teams will have to wait until my book comes out.

A Large Browns Banner

The Packers exhibit a strange kind of flag symmetry sort of like Buffalo and the St. Louis Rams. The names of host city for the Bills are combined with the team logo of St. Louis- that form a pair: (Rams and Buffalo).

Green Bay is often referred by its city name which has a colour within it, and another team with a colour in it, is rooted to the city of Cleveland. The Browns of Cleveland are matched to the team of Green Bay, Wisconsin. It is the Greens vs Browns - via the Green Bay Packers and the Cleveland Browns.
The Core Colours of Football
Green and Brown

Green and Brown are masculine earthy colours. They are the essential colours of this game. Every player who has played this game will know that this tug of war is best played for with a BROWN FOOTBALL and bed of GREEN GRASS.

When the games begin of the NFL - Mother Nature is Green - but near the end of the season Mother Nature prefers that things go Brown.

Some Day these Teams may meet in an

Sporting events are strange phenomena that allow communities to unite disharmonious minds and egos.

Republicans, Democrats, Super Liberals, Christians, Atheists, Feminists, ghetto thugs, soccer moms, marijuana users, alcohol drinkers, tobacco smokers, anti-tobacco people, blue collar workers, college boys, high school drop outs, Jews, Muslims, band wagon fans, and hardcore gamer facinistas can all unite as one force when their team needs their help - a Pittsburgh Steeler Fan is a Pittsburgh Steeler Fan - no matter what. When the team wins all fans in all classes share in the common joy.


Finally an open message and proposal to NFL executives and team owners: If you like what you see, let's finish this book together.

Link to Green Bay Packers Official Site
Link to Cleveland Browns Official Site

Link to Original NFL Post - this Blog

Final Part of NFL - Winner of Super Bowl XLV

Which team will get the final grand stand in this blog chain? The Steelers or Packers?