Valentines Day is the primary holiday in February. It overshadows Groundhog's Day and commands more attention than Presidents Day. Valentines Day is celebrated all over the world in different ways. For some it's a holiday for romance, for others it is a chance to send love to all, and for a few its a chance to make a buck or two.
Valentines Day has taken a life of its own in Japan. On February 14 only women buy chocolates, and only give them to men. But then a month later on White Day - March 14 - only men are supposed to buy cookies for women.
In US children give Valentines to everyone in their class - at least until middle school. But as an adults, only lovers give to each other. Right now the marketing people on Madison Avenue have given more gravity to romantic lovers love. Unfortunately this can lead to some lonely and or broken hearts. Perhaps this can also be a day for a universal love fest. Love what ever you got - your car, your sports team or favorite video game, your family or neighbors, your dog or cat, your heath, your favorite TV network? Just love it and feel no shame about it!
Villanova University Seal

Close up of Villanova Heart
with Arrow on the Seal

In the center of the Seal is a bounded bible with red heart on top. The heart is pierced with a golden arrow crested with a crown. Behind the bible are a cross staff and sheapard's crook. The motto of the university is on ribbon and it says Veritas, Unitas, Caritas. This literally translates to Validation, Unity, and Caring. Or more traditionally Turth, Unity, and Love.
Love a Lot Bear

If your feeling down and think you have no one to love, just remember lessons of the Care Bears. The most appropriate Care Bear of the hour is of course Love a Lot Bear!
Weather a commerical, song, stranger, colour, feeling, TV preacher, bird song, or fluttering of a flag. The arrow of cupids love can strik from nearly any dimension if you let it! Where ever it comes from grab on to a soak it up!
Finally Coke has flown a heart flag campaign to raise money and awareness for women's health.

If your feeling down and think you have no one to love, just remember lessons of the Care Bears. The most appropriate Care Bear of the hour is of course Love a Lot Bear!
Weather a commerical, song, stranger, colour, feeling, TV preacher, bird song, or fluttering of a flag. The arrow of cupids love can strik from nearly any dimension if you let it! Where ever it comes from grab on to a soak it up!
Finally Coke has flown a heart flag campaign to raise money and awareness for women's health.
Diet Coke Women's Health Heart Flag Commercial
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