
Monday, November 14, 2011

Back to the Future Flags - Part X, The California State Flag

Back to the Future III - 1990
California Flag Flying Alone

In the Back to the Future trilogy the California State flag makes an appearance in all three movies. In Part 3 the modern version of the California State flag can been seen outside of the bar when Buford Mad Dog Tannen calls out 'Clint Eastwood' for a gun fight. The flag is flying in the upper right corner.

The appearace of a modern California State flag in 1885 is highly unlikely but not impossible, since the modern flag was adopted in 1911. It's interesting to note that the flag with the original Bear Flag is also flying in the movie.

Back to the Future II - 1989
California Flag is never alone

In Part 2 the California Flag never appears alone but always side by side with the US flag. You can see a mini California flag on Principal Skinners desk in between the US flag and school trophy.

Back to the Future 1985
California Flag Alone in Hill Valley

By far the best shot of the California State flag flying alone in Hill Valley. You can see the white shoes and skate board of Marty McFly under the tree branches on the left. The California State flag is barley visible. It is flying from a pole on Bank of America above the Hill Valley welcome sign.

Link to Part XI - Back to the Future Flags


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back to the Future Flag - Part IX, Biff's Butthead Cane

Biff Hitting Marty with his Golden Fist Cane

In Back to the Future Part II we travel to 2015 and see an elderly Biff harass Marty McFly. In this episode the cause of trouble starts with Marty. In a way Biff is less not the guilty party, rather Marty can only blame himself for the sequence of negative consequences.

Subsequently Marty must face the music of his own making, that leads him and Doc into a nightmare universe, that must be fixed.

Biff holding his Vexi-Cane

Biff's cane has a golden fist for its finial. The handle is has a shimmering black coating.

Although vexillology mostly concerns itself with flags and fabrics, a pole with a decorative icon or totem falls under the general term of vexillology. The Egyptians were famous for using such objects.

 Link to Part X - Back to the Future Flags

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Back to the Future Flags - Part VIII, Banners of Hill Valley

Hill Valley 1955 Essex Theater
Air Conditioned Banner

In 1955 the Essex theater proudly touts that it is "AIR CONDITIONED." This is a marvelous technology that is often taken for granted in the modern world.

The banner is written white with a blue background. The letters are topped with snow to show that its cool inside.

Hill Valley Essex Theater 1985

In 1985 the Essex theater lives up to its name in more ways than one.

In the original 1985 banners of the Essex theater tout a new DNA exchange art festival every Thursday and promotes a daily double. The sign has been slightly altered to read 'Org American Style' for the wee ones.

Hill Valley Court House Mall Banners

In 2015 the Court House Mall has zip zap early nineties art banners. The colours are rather unconventional - grey, sea green, and red. Apparently there was a retro art exposition going on at the Mall in 2015?

You can see the hands of Biff's Gang smashing though the windows after their aborted attempt to bully Marty McFly.

Hill Valley 1885
Gold Bunting behind the Mayor

By fateful chance Marty and Doc end up in 1885 and witness the opening ceremony-festival for the start of the clock tower.

On stage is the Mayor of Hill Valley in 1885. He is standing behind a certain type of vexilloid - the golden bunting - fan shaped 'curtains' that are more often decorative than symbolic.

Fireworks go off with the official start of the Clock Tower

Here Marty and Doc witness spectacular first minute of the clock tower. Below the fireworks on top of the wooden scaffolding are decorative 'flags' known as bunting.

The bunting on the clock tower is fan shaped and from the outside it is red, white, and blue. The people are crowded around a flag pole with the US and California State Flag. And just in the upper frame you can see the bottom stripes of other American Flags, that fringe the shot.

Red Bunting with ZZ Top

Finally ZZ Top plays music on stage, surrounded by red bunting.

 Link to Part IX - Back to the Future Flags

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

11/11/11 100th State Flag Centennial for Colorado, North Dakota, Michigan, California, and Ol' Oklahoma

Four state flags are celebrating their 100th anniversary this year. 100 years ago in 1911 there was a burst of American Vexillological activity. Five states officially adopted flags however Oklahoma would have a change of heart.

California Flag is 100 on 11/11/11
February 3, 1911 - the original past

North Dakota's Flag is 100 on 11/11/11
March 3, 1911 - the middle past

Michigan's Flag is 100 on 11/11/11
June 26, 1911 - the most recent past

Oklahoma's Retired Design
100 years old on 11/11/11
1911 - the alternate past

Colorado the Centennial State - Statehood achieved 1876
On 11/11/11 the Colorado flag is still 99 years old
Flag Adopted on December 4, 1911
The past that is yet to be...

Back to the Future Flags - Part VII, US Flag Flying Proudly

George and Marty McFly next to US flag

Here father and son stand next to each other. Usually a father must stand by his son, but in Back to the Future the roles of coach or teacher are reversed. In this case George McFly's son helps the father rise to the occasion. In this scene Marty coaches his future father to woo his future mother. Marty is playing more than a match maker, if he doesn't get his potential mom and dad to meet up - it'll be the end of his existence.

'Clint Eastwood' with Doc
When is it Cowardice or Stupidity?Notice the US flag in background

In Back to the Future Part III, Marty McFly learns that fighting over ones reputation and over ones ego may not be worth it.

In this scene Marty (aka Clint Eastwood) is taunted by Buford 'Mad Dog' Tannen. Marty learns to stand down a dare-foolish challenge. There is a fine line between holding your ground, following a foolish taunt of the ego, and cowardice. In the end, Marty learns to value his own internal sense of worth than what others think.

US flag shadows Marty McFly
US Flag of Protection?

In Back to the Future 1985, the US flag coincidentally shadows Marty McFly when Biff tries run him over. Marty gets stuck in front of Biff's car and is nearly rammed into a manure pile, but right before our hero gets it... he instinctively jumps over the bullies. While he does this, the American Flag in the center of Hill Valley seems to follow or rather shadow Marty on his daring escape.

Link to Part VII - Back to the Future Flags

Video of Marty being chased by Biff and Gang
notice US Flag 'shadow' of protection when Marty jumps over the car

Thursday, November 10, 2011

US Marine Corps Flag, in Philly - Occupy Wall Street and Anniversary Banner

US Marine Corps Banner
City Hall Philadelphia

It seems appropriate the day before Veterans Day it also the day the US Marine Corps was established. There was a banner hanging on the Eastern Entrance of Philadelphia's City Hall commemorating the corps 236th anniversary. The US Marine Corps were established in Philly November 10, 1775.

Occupy Wall Street-Philadelphia City Hall
with US Marine Corps Flag

On the other side at the west Entrance of Philadelphia's City was was a Marine Corps flag flying from one of the Occupy Wall Street protest tents.

Short Video of 'Occupy Wall Street' in Philadelphia 2011

Back to the Future Flags - Part VI, Non-American Flags

Griff Standing in front of the US and Soviet Flag
Back to the Future 2

The only official non-American flag in the Back to the Future trilogy belongs or belonged to the Soviet Union. It appears when Marty travels to 2015 and meets Griff in Cafe 80s.

When this movie was originally made in 1985 the Cold War was flaming hot in Afghanistan, Africa, and Central America. But by the release of Part 2 in 1989 - the Soviet Union was on its way to a becoming a historical footnote.

Japanese Rising Sun Flag
on the Hover Board - BTTF 1989

The Japanese Rising Flag also appears in this movie but not as a flag. Rather it appears as a decorative design on a hover board. In this scene Biff's side kick bully chump holds his hover board with the Imperial Rising Sun Flag design.

Link to Part VII - Back to the Future Flags