
Friday, January 7, 2011

Hudson Bay Company Heritage in the USA

click map for larger image

Since four US States at one time were a part of the Hudson Bay Company, I have created four flags reflective of this honorable Canadian Heritage. Basically these four states have rivers that flow into the Hudson Bay.

These are post-historical heritage flags for Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. From 1670 until 1818 parts of these states were 'Canadian' under the compact of the Hudson Bay Company!

North Dakota HBC Flag

South Dakota HBC Flag

Minnesota HBC Flag

Montana HBC Flag

Montana would get a double dose of Canadian Heritage. Because her western portion was a part of Oregon Territory until 1846 - which was a "Bi-National Territory" ruled by the UK and US at the same time. (see my Oregon Territory Flag Post Here)

LINK to 1st HBC Post with funny commercials

LINK to Part III

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hudson Bay Company

Flag of Old Hudson Bay Company

As Old Man Winter settles into the Northern Hemisphere, and we don our furs of natural and synthetic origins. Here is a little bit of interesting Heraldry of one of North America's oldest and richest companies to generate income - the Hudson Bay Company. In the US mind this is simply a foot note in some history exam, but in Canada it is a shopping mall. Yes Virginia the Hudson Bay Company is still selling "furs''... since 1670. On May 2, 2010 the Hudson Bay Company celebrated its 340th year in operation.

US states that were a part of the Hudson Bay Company charter included Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana.

Original Coat of Arms
The original arms of this oldest of American Companies has the red cross of St. George with a four beavers in each corner. The supporters are two deer. At the Helm is a house of piers hat and in the crest is a red fox facing to the left. The motto in Latin reads Pro Pelle Cutem. In traditional translation this means, "a skin for a skin."

The modern corporate arms kept the basic design but is all black and white. Four horizontal colour bands separated by white stripes make up the background - green, red, yellow, and blue. The motto was also changed into English and French - Since 1670 Depuis.

Modern Corporate Logo

Here are three commercials that reflect the 3 main types of Canadians

Patriotic Angloite Canucks

Wacky and Fun Loving Cnuckers

Artistic and Elegant Qebekerites

Link to Modern Hudson Bay Co.

Click Here for Part II

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

X-Box Kinect Flag

The Adventures Flag for Kinect

Flags in video games are nothing new, but every once in a while there is great leap in the home entertainment system. With the advent of technology the first marvel of 'nerdoistic ways' was radio. The next step in nerdovlition was the TV in simple black and white. Then came colour TV. At the end of the 20th century came video Image and sound recorders & cable. And in the 21st centuty we have... X-Box Kinect.

Kinect uses the human body as the controller. Eventually all gaming systems will have a full body controller. Gamers will finally be mostly fit, if they have a Kinect. This one step closer to the Star Trek Holli-deck!
Digitized Version of
the Adventures Kinect Flag

The game Kinect Adventures has its own flag. It uses the colours of X-Box "green, yellow, black and white." On a background of camouflage green in light disc fimbrated with olive green and filled with a black disc. Upon the disc is a stylized letter 'A' in a white-green colour.

Learn about Kinect on Wikipedia
Learn about Kinect from X-Box

Kinect Adventures Video

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January is the Month of the Cosmic Goat

The two forms of Capricorn
The Amphibious 'Tranfomer'

Capricorn is perhaps the most capricious sign of the Zodiac. It has two forms the goat and the sea-goat. Which one is it? Nobody knows, but I like to think of it as a transformer sign, kinda' like a frog. Capricorn can switch back in forth on land and water, depending on how it feels.

Its sort of like the mermaid from the movie Splash 1984 that starred Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah. When the mermaid was dry her fish portion would grow legs but when she was hit with sea water she would revert to being a mermaid. Likewise this can happen with Capricorn.

Flag of Balawaristan in Kashmir

In the hotly contested issue of Kashmir there is group of people hoping for the independent nation that Balawaristan. There are several variations of the flag but the most popular seems to the Goat of the Mountain. Since it is the month of the "Mermaid Goat"- Balawaristan is our feature flag.

The flag bears a slightly resembles its semi-parent state - Pakistan. Both Pakistan and Balawaristan have a white vertical stripe on the hoist with a green field to the right. But Balawaristan also has a black vertical stripe and red triangle. In the field are three moutains with a large white goat head.

Part of the Balawari name means 'highlander.' Just like some highlanders in Scotland there are highlanders in Pakistan who want to form their own nation.

Youtube Link to Balaristan Person
SORRY NO ENGLISH but some good flag pics and what seems to be unhappy Balawari men

Friday, December 31, 2010

Vexillology Wrap up 2010

New Burma Flag

2010 was a rather active year for vexillology. Two national flags changed - the flag of Malawi and Burma! In the South Pacific the special overseas French Territory of New Caledonia adopted the previously rebel Kanak Flag as being official.

King, North Carolina
Christian Flag Rally 2010

On the flag controversy front - the desecration of the US flag was a non issue. But it may come up again in 2011, with the new Republican Congress? But in North Carolina the flying of Christian Flag at a veterans memorial was perhaps the most controversial vexi-issue. With the 150th of the US Civil war in order, the Confederate flag is poised to be an issue in 2011.

Flag of Chile rev upped the
Chilean Spirit for the Miners

Unfortunately due to national disasters the flags of Chile and Haiti were plastered all over the news media. At least with the trapped Chile miners it was a happy ending, Haiti is still recovering. Which ever nation gets hit with misfortune will at least gets its flag flying all over the news networks. This causes the suffering nation to get a boost of communal flag-salute prayer energy, or something like that.

North Korea was able to gets its flag waved 'In Your Face America' due simmering issues and festering back karma. Thus North Korea won the top prize of 'enemy flag' of the USA in 2010. Maybe next year Iran, Yemen, or Somalia will give the 'pain body' of North Korea a run for money? Try as 'THEY' might American people will not care about Venezeula or whatever Hugo Chaves does with his oil.

The World Cup was held in South Africa and thus the colours of South Africa waved in the limelight in addition to grand winner - i Viva Spain!

Of fanciful flags created this year - South Park flew an anti-New Jersey Flag, Coats of arms were granted to Cable news shows on their own agenda (Glenn Beck University & Steven Colbert University). But on a lighter note the flag of Disney's Tangled flew with some grace and universal humour.

New Malawi Flag

Who knows what 2011 will bring? A prediction - at least one African country will switch up there flags as soon as a new party comes into power. Maybe something exciting will happen in Eastern Europe? One thing for sure Australia and New Zealand will think about changing in the flag and do nothing about it.

Also the last moon of 2010 ends on January 4th 2011. Thus we only get four extra nights of 2010 in 2011.

Malawi & Burma (Myanmar)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New New Caledonia Flag & the Mapuche

Since July 20, 2010 a new New Caledonia Flag has been adopted
The image on the disc is a kind of 'totem
pole' placed on homes of native Kanaks

In between Australia and Hawaii is the lush and beautiful island of New Caledonia. Although it is much closer to Australia.

Caledonia is the old Roman name for Scotland, but very few people in New Caledonia are Scottish. Instead persons of the French ethnic make up a good percentage. The other dominate group are indigenous Melanesians. Melanesians are similar in looks to African and Aboriginal peoples of Australia with 'black' skin and curly hair. But Melanesians sometimes have blond hair when they are young.

Last July of 2010 New Caledonia adopted a second official flag. Thus at the moment New Caledonia has two official flags - the flag of France and the flag of the Kanak People. This flag was created in 1984 and was originally a rebel flag. It is a horizontal tri-bar with blue in up top, red in the middle, and green on the bottom. Off center to the left is a yellow disc with a native totem found on Kanak houses.

Flag of the Native Mapuche People
in South America
, Chile and Argentina

On the other side of the Pacific in Chile and parts of Argentina another flag represents another indigenous group of people - the Mapuche. The Mapuche flag is also a tri-bar with similar colours of different shades or order. Another difference is that the central yellow disc is centered, but like Kanak of New Caledonia it is decorated with cultural totems. Finally on the top and bottom are two thin black strips with 12 white diamonds on each for a total of 24.

Just as Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492 the Mapuche were fighting against the Inca. The Mapuche held their ground against the Inca but had a more troublesome time with the Spanish and their successor states. The Mapuche remained nominally a free people until the Chilean Government came into power. Chile and Argentina settled these Native South Americans in a similar manner as did the US and Canada did in North America. Instead of reservations or reverses, the Mapuche were grounded to analogous 'reducciones.'

The Mapuche people make up more than 3% of Chilean people but are much less in political power. They have their own Mapuche Language, culture, and the old religious ways have survived to the modern day.

Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? I don't know but recent archeological and genetic evidence indicates that the chicken may have been brought over from Polynesia before the arrival of Columbus - maybe even from New Caledonia?

The flags of New Caledonia and the Mapuche South American connect two people from one end of the South Pacific to the other.

Website about Mapuche Movement

News about the new New Caledonia Flag

Video about Mapuche

Video About New

Saturday, December 25, 2010

NAVA 43 Flag is entangled with Disney's Tangled?

Flag of the North American
Vexillological Association's Meeting #43

The theory of entanglement states that all atoms/waves of energy are perpetually connected to each other by some sort of cosmic glue/net. Two 'objects' that are entangled will always have an effect on the other no matter the distance of separation. If you poke one 'object' the other will be instantly effected - and this happens instantly 'beyond' the speed of light?

Kind of strange but two flags that seem to be entangled are the official flag of NAVA 43 and the flag featured in Walt Disney's movie Tangled, 2010. Both flags use the colours violet and yellow. Both feature a golden sun in the center. Although the sun of NAVA 43 is eclipsed by a crescent moon. The crescent moon is an old symbol for South Carolina.

Both the suns of Disney's Tangled and NAVA 43's flag have wavy sun rays - NAVA has eight wavy rays while Tangled has seven wavy rays. Inbetween the long wavy rays are others rays. Tangled has seven short wavy rays while NAVA 43's flag has eight long triangular waves.

NAVA's 43rd meeting took place in a castle of sorts. It was held at the original Citadel of Charleston South Carolina. Currently run by Embassy Suites. This is a true American Castle that even has the battle scars to prove it. A wee bit of fighting actually occurred there during the US Civil War. Now, it is a top notch hotel with some of the best Southern Cooking I have ever had.

Princess Repunzel's flag in the background

NAVA's #43 flag in a Disney movie!? How strange? Not! However NAVA's #43 flag did come out officially a year before Disney's Tangled. But perhaps both flags were created at the same time in 2009 because of movie post production?

Flag of the lost princess - Repunzel
according to Disney in movie Tangled

Coincidentally when women in the United States fought for their rights to vote, the two most popular colours of this movement were purple and yellow.

Amazingly no national flag has ever come to use the combination of purple and yellow-gold. Many times over patterns and colours are recycled over and over. But never has purple and gold become the dominant colour of any nation. It seems appropriate that the Women's Vote Movement chose such a combination of Colours.

Another banner in Purple and Gold. Made in honor of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who was instrumental in extending voting rights to women in the United States 1917 bp

Digitized Version of a 1913 bp
Flag for Women's Voting Rights


Wikipedia's Repunzel
Disney's Tangled (Go see it in 3D - good movie!)

Wikipdia's Elizabeth Cady Stanton
NAVA 43's Flag (you have to scroll down)

Good Theory of Entanglement physics video

*bp = ball park figure estimation
PSST - Merry X-mas!