
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Australian Capital Territory New South Wales Heritage Flag

A new heritage flag that commemorates the history of New South Wales with Australian Capital Territory.  The design is taken from the modern Aussie Capital flag and New South Wales badge.  However the black swan is coloured black. 

Northern Territory South Australia Heritage Flag

For 48 years from 1863 to 1911 Australia's Northern Territory was a part of South Australia.  In honor of this historical footnote, here is the Northern Territory South Australia Heritage flag that commemorates this fun fact.  It's design is based upon the badge for South Australia and flag for Northern Territory. Northern Territory is unique since it shares two heritage flags since if was once a part of South Australia and New South Wales.

Tasmania New South Wales Heritage Flag

For 37 years from 1788 until 1825 Tasmania was a part of Australia's New South Wales.   But Tasmania's maiden name was Van Diemen's Land.  In 1856 Tasmania reinvented herself with an Aboriginal name, switching from the Dutch sounding Van Diemen's Land to Tasmania.

Tasmania broke away from New South Wales before the genesis of New Zealand, ironically New Zealand would keep her Dutch name, but Van Diemen's Land would not. 

The flag of the Tasmania New South Wales heritage flag is based upon the designs of current flags for New South Wales and Tasmania.

Queensland New South Wales Heritage Flag

For 71 years from 1788 until 1859, the Australian state of Queensland was a part of New South Wales.  In honor of this historical fact, here is a post modern heritage flag that commemorates this relationship.  The design of the flag is based upon the fusion of the New South Wales flag with the modern badge of Queensland.  The upper red region denotes that Queensland is on the north eastern side of the continent.

Queensland is essentially Oregon's temporal twin born down under, or rather Oregon is Queensland's twisted time twin born up and over.  Reason being both states were created in 1859, and for the record Oregon is four months older.  The US's Oregon being an Aquarius while Queensland is a Gemini.

Victoria New South Wales Heritage Flag

For 63 years Victoria was a part of New South Wales, from 1788 until 1851.  Thus you can think of Victoria as being California's Southern Cousin down under.  The Victoria New South Wales Heritage flag is based upon the flag of New South Wales and Victoria.  The coloured yellow quadrant is a reminder that Victoria is on the southern eastern side of Australia. Victoria was the first state born after New Zealand was separated from New South Wales.

South Australia New South Wales Heritage Flag

If New South Wales is the Alpha Dog of Australia, then South Australia is the Gamma Dog.  South Australia is the third state to be born out of New South Wales the same year Arkansas became a state - that was 1836.  South Australia was around to remember when New Zealand was still an adjunct area of New South Wales.

The design of the flag is based on fusion of flag: New South Wales and South Australia.  

Northern Territory New South Wales Heritage Flag

For 75 years from 1788 until 1863 Australia's Northern Territory was a part of New South Wales.  In honor of the period, here is the Northern Territory New South Wales Heritage Flag.  The design is based upon a fusion of the Northern Territory flag with the flag of New South Wales.

New Zealand New South Wales Heritage Flag

The New Zealand New South Wales Heritage flag is a post modern creation that honors the history of Australia and New Zealand.  Although New Zealand and Australia are two completely different nations that have distinct cultures and accents, they were once united as one political entity for quite a while.  New Zealand was a part of New South Wales for 52 years from 1788 until 1840.  Thus in honor when New Zealand was attached to "Australia's Virginia", this flag commemorates their mutual heritage.  

The design is a fusion of the modern New South Wales flag and popular New Zealand Fern Flag.  The Lion has changed colours to white and the stars have been altered as double coloured Kiwi stars. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Happy St. Patrick's Day 2015! 

 Although many people compare the Irish flag with the Italian Flag, it's natural partner is the Ivory Coast Flag, which is the Irish flag upside down, or rather the Irish flag is the Ivory Coast flag upside down - depending on your point of view.  

Additionally India and Niger also use the orange, white, green patter like Ireland but have their stripes perpendicular.  So in honor of these nations that all come together under similar colours here is the multinational St. Patrick's Day Plus flag for people all over the world.  Note the symbols have been slightly modified.  The four leaved clover represents Ireland, the Crescent Tusk represents the Ivory Coast, the green loom wheel represent India, and the orange sun disc represents Niger.   

Monday, March 16, 2015

Republic of Trumania Flag from the Truman Show - 1998

A distinct and original vexilloid makes an appearance in The Truman Show 1998, starring Jim Carrey.  When Truman becomes aware that his life is not so ordinary, he acts in a silly fashion in front of his bathroom mirror.  He uses soap to writes on the mirror a flag pennant with a letter "T" upon it.  Truman then proclaims the planet for "Trumania of the Burbank Galaxy."

Trumania Flag, by Jim Carrey
Coincidentally in 1998, the Internet was in its infancy before social media, blogs, and youtubes.  "Reality television" was upon the verge of becoming a real media, which would later launch the careers of some fairly odd but ordinary people. But in the Truman Show, Truman was adopted from birth and is unaware that he is the star of the fictional Truman Show. Everyone else from his point of view is just an actor or actress.

The amazing and hard to do aspect of the Truman Show is that it conveys deep and comical messages simultaneously.  Jim Carrey walks that thin and delicate line between humour and thoughtful pondering.  The Truman Show was a one of kind film, that was made perfectly before the dawn of the 21st century, as a kind of pre-science of things to come. 

The Truman Show is perhaps the best utilization of a show within a show, that totally imbibes and carries the story, much like the theoretical moon of a moon - making this show a favorite of mature and philosophical thinkers and critics.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Geographic Latitude-Longitude Flag Key

 August 13, 2018 
Newer Version 
Corrected Colour Order

Reading longitude below 100° (values 0° E/W to 99° E/W) the hoist bar is the 10s value and the fly bar is the 1s value.  And the central bar has no value, and will being white.  Thus 45° East will be a tribar, as read from the fly, of green-white-cyan with central star with a yellow core.  Also note for the tens/teens value of longitude (10° to 19°) will have a white stripe upon the coloured areas nearer the center.    

Friday, March 13, 2015

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Natural Geographic Meridian Flag

The Natural Geographic Meridian Flag takes its colours from official flag from the National Geographic Society Flag.  It represents a "Natural Prime Meridian" which is based upon the the highest point of the equator. This longitude is at about 77 to 78 Degrees West.  

Sunday, March 8, 2015

New Face Card - The Peasant, The One of Spades

The One of Spades, The Peasant

Finally a number one card - the Peasant.  The Peasant is a kind of paradox. It is the lowest numbered card yet also a face card. Peasants must get their due respect since their role in the Kingdom is vital to the livelihoods of Kings, Queens, and Jacks. Even the Jokers must live off these "lowly" ranks. Otherwise there would be no royal suits or kingdom to speak of. One may be a low value, but peasants can hold their ground against Aces.  The Peasant ranks above The Pawn, and below the duce.  However, they tie against Aces.  Unlike an Ace, the Peasant can never rank above its value of one.  Thus if you get to two 'ten' cards and one peasant, you will have Blackjack.  Or if you are playing with an 8 deck Blackjack shuffle, then you could theoretically get 21 peasants to also get a Blackjack! Or One Ace and 10 peasants.

(10 clubs + 10 hearts + 1 peasant) = 21 black jack
four aces tie four peasants
four 3s  beat four peasants

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Lower Makefiled Township Flag, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA

The Lower Makefield Township flag in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA consists a divided field horizontally of green and yellow.  Yellow on top and green on the bottom.  In the center is the township seal, which recycles the Pennsylvania State seal with different colours.

Lower Makefield borders New Jersey along the Delaware River and is sometimes referred to as Yardley, but that is a separate Borough within Lower Makefield. 

Really close up, this is what a galaxy looks like.  Remember you too are a part of the Laniakea Superdooper Cluster.  You are just as beautiful from a distance as close up!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Laniakea Super Cluster Flag - The Super Dooper Galactic Cluster Association Flag

The Laniakea Super Cluster is an association of galaxies that form a network in the cosmos.  The common feature to this galactic association is gravity.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New Holland Australia Heritage Flag

What might have been?  What if the Dutch would have invested some of their Indonesian Riches to establish a colony in Australia?  Perhaps New Holland would have been the name of the 6th continent instead of Australia.

This flag commemorates that fact that Australia's maiden name was New Holland before she was married to the UK and get her 'proper' name - Australia.  From the early 1600s until about 1828, the Dutch had a tenuous foothold on The Sixth Continent, but by 1829 all Dutch dreams of nation down under were dashed.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Red Hero Flag of Rhonda Byrne 2014

 The Hero Flag as portrayed in the Rhonda Byrne book Hero is a red pennant.  Here it is artistically positioned onto of a mountain.

Magic Eye 3D Flag

In the 90s the Magic Eye became a hypnotic phenomena.  In this picture here you can see a race car cross the finish line and more importantly you can see a flag being waved.  If the 50s had the hoola hoop, and Rubik's cube was it in the 80s, then the Magic Eye was it of the 90s.

Does your brain have background OS?  If you can see the flag here, they you do!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Central Asia Solo Flag

The Central Asia Solo flag is a geographic flag.  It can be flown anywhere in the longitude in between the most eastern point of Europe and most western point of Australia.

Eurasia Solo Longitude Flag

The Eurasia Solo Longitude flag is a geographic flag.  It represents the longitude where Asia and Europe overlap, beyond the east coast of Africa.  It is a narrow band and its definition depends.  The western boundary is the most eastern point of the African continent, while the eastern boundary is set by the most eastern point of Europe.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Asia, Africa, Europe equal longitude overlap flag - The General Trinity Zone Flag

The General Trinity Zone flag is a geographic flag.  It represents the longitude where Asia, Africa, and Europe all overlap.  Essentially a time zone of itself of the United Continents of the Old World - UCOW.  Green represents Asia, blue represents Africa, and yellow represents Europe.

Note Africa and Europe do not touch, but Asia touches both Europe and Africa.  This fact is represented  through the green triangle.  The red portion represents that no matter where a person comes from their blood is still red.

This flag can be flown anywhere between the most western point of Asia and most Eastern point of Africa.


Geographic Equal Latitude Flag for Asia, Africa, Europe and North America

The General Cycladic Belt flag can be flown anywhere from a latitude of 36 Degrees 00 Minutes North unto 37 Degrees 32 Minutes North.  This is due to the fact that at this latitude Asia, Africa, Europe and North America are all parallel to each other.  Thus the four triangles represent the four continents seeing eye to eye at this latitude.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tassels from The Time Machine - 1960

 The granddaddy of time machine movies is based upon the story by Hubert George Wells, the Time Machine.  Before the Hot Tub, the flying DeLorean, or Skynet, there was the chair with a spinning disk, originally built in 1899. 

Tassels are often official parts of the flag, yet less ignored but when flags are in full dress the colour and length of the tassels are important.

The common theme in this film as with all good time travel films, is the timeless transcendent spirit of love, friendship and loyalty that connects the future to the past.

UDF command Flags - 2014

Unique movie flags appears in the Edge of Tomorrow 2014.  The UDF is a fictional defense alliance created after the arrival of aliens who have the capacity to travel trough time and act as one entity.

The Edge of Tomorrow effectively takes the 12:01pm theme and makes an awesome movie.  The other successful movie of the 12:01pm was Ground Hog Day in 1993. 

The Conan Texas Hot Tub Time Machine Toaster Republic Flag

A unique comedic Texan flag appeared on the Conan O'Brien show on February 19, 2015.  When sexist trouble arises during the interview with stars of Hot Tub Time II Machine, they become determined to fix things.  On their second jump back in time, they accidentally cause the rise of Texan Toasters to rule the world.  The flag of the Texan Toaster Flag is strikingly similar to the flag of Texas, except for the seal of the master race of machines who are apparently sentient toasters.

 See the Episode Here:;eyJ0b3RhbCI6NCwidHlwZSI6InRhZyIsImlkIjo5fQ

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Flags in Jobs 2013 movie, about Steve Paul Jobs


In 2013 the US peace canton flag appears in the movie Jobs, which was about one of the Apple founders Steve Paul Jobs.  The US peace flag uses a peace symbol on a field of navy blue for the canton.

Another flag also appears during the scene, is the US Ecology flag.  It is composed of the colours green, white, and yellow.  The field has green and white stripes.  In the canton is a yellow theta letter on a green.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Asia-America Ocean Longitude Gap Flag

The Amerasian Ocean Longitude Gap flag is a geographic flag.  It represents the longitude between the most eastern point of Asia and most western point of North America.  This flag can be flown anywhere between168 Degrees 5 Minutes West unto 169 Degrees 40' West.

The Atlantic Ocean Longitude Gap

The Atlantic Ocean Longitude Gap flag is a geographic flag.  It is for the longitude between the continents of South America and Africa.  This flag can be flown anywhere between the most western point of South American and most eastern point of Africa, which is from 34 Degrees 47' West unto 17 Degrees 33' West.

The Arctic Intercontinental Ocean Gap Flag

The Arctic Continental Ocean Gap Flag is a geographic flag.  It represents the area above the most northern point of the continents, found in Asia. Thus it can be flown anywhere from 73 degrees 43' north (the most northern tip of Asia) unto the north pole 90 degrees north.

Yellow is associated with Asia and the yellow ring of the Olympic Ring, we have a yellow stripe along the bottom.  Since the crab is the most northern water sign of the zodiac, its symbol is in the center. 

Intercontinental Atlantic-Pacific-Arctic Ocean Gap Flag

The Atlapacitic Flag is for the intercontinental latitude between the continents of South America and Antarctica.  The colours represent the continents in the associative colours based upon the expanded Olympic rings.  In the seven ringed model, the Red Ring represents South America while the Orange Ring represents Antarctica.  The symbol for the "lowest" most southern water sign of the Greek Zodiac is centered in the middle, since this is the lowest and most southern of Intercontinental ocean gaps of the planet.

Thus is can be flown anywhere from 53 degrees 53' south (the southern tip of Chile) unto 63 degrees 12' south (the northern tip of Antarctica).

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Year of the Goat or Year the of Sheep?

Which is it? The Chinese Goat like the Greek Zodiac has two forms. Capricorn can be a goat or mythical sea goat. Likewise the Year of the Goat can be the Year of the Sheep.

For the record the Royal Chamber opens twice this year:  Starting March 20, 2015 unto April 20, 2015 we get for first batch of Aries Royals.  Then it opens again on December 22, 2015 until January 19, 2016 for Capricorn Royals. 

Lambchop pic
 Goat Pic

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Northern Asia Solo Latitude Flag

Which continental body is the most north of the north?  Maybe Europe or North America might pop into your mind?  But when, only the mainland continent is considered - Asia is King or rather Queen of the North, by a long shot.

Thus the Northern Asia Solo Flag is a geographic flag that heralds this fact.  For about five degrees from 72 degrees 0' North unto 77 degrees 43' North, Asia is the last continent standing above Europe and North America. 

In the upper hoist area is the North Star.  The three stripes represent the colours found in the Northern Lights.


Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Female Presidents Day!

Amaze your friends with this fun Presidential trivia concerning the USA

Which US State was the first female president born in? Yes, it already happened, and she led the nation during perilous and uncertain times.

Answer: Illinois!

 Janet Jagan was the first female president born in the United States.  Note, Jagan was not president of the United States, rather Jagan was the president of Guyana.  Janet Jagan was born in the USA - just like Ronald Regan.

J.J. like R.R. was born in Illinois.  J.J. was an International Illinois President while R.R. was Domestic Illinois President.  President J.J. was born in Chicago, IL on 10/20/1920 and President R.R. was born in Tampico, IL on 02/06/1911. 

Also note that Jagan kinda' sounds like Regan?  Certainly Jagan could pass as Regan's little sister, or rather Reagan could pass a Jagan's big brother? However their policies differed like night and day, or rather Yin and Yang. Bottom line is, perhaps they should name the international wing of Ronald Regan Airport the Janet Jagan wing?

Guyana is America's cousin nearly down under in South America.  If they only made a "Guyana Dundee" movie, then people would know about this nation that is so intimately tied to the United States. 

Another fun fact is that the person who designed the flag for the Nation of Guyana is an American.  And he is still alive!  Whitney Smith is a living legend or virtual  "Mr. Betsy Ross" from Massachusetts.

You can do the same thing but with African American Presidents.  Yep, there was more than one African American President born in the USA.


Which US state was the first African American President born in?

Answer: (Not Hawaii)Virginia

Joesph Jenkins Roberts was the first African American president.  He was the President of Liberia, that is.  Roberts was born in Virginia in 1848.  Nine other men born in the USA would later become presidents of Liberia.  Thus Obama is the 11th African American president born in the USA, but the first African American president of the USA.  Coincidentally Liberia has 11 stripes on its flag.  

Happy Presidents Day!