
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Flag for Americans born on the Pacific Ocean

The flag for Americans born in the Pacific Ocean uses the colours navy blue and white.  It is a simple flag with a rising white diagonal and Betsy Ross Canton in the honorable canton position.  In the 1800s and early part of the 1900s several hundred Americans were born at sea in the Pacific Ocean as intercontinental travel by ship was slow and the primary means of long distance transport.

Notable Americans born on the Pacific Ocean:
Francis Lathrop - American Painter born near Hawaii

Flag for Americans born on the Atlantic Ocean

Most Americans are born in the USA, some are born abroad in foreign lands by Americans living abroad.  But still a few are born at sea.  This flag is for Americans born on the Atlantic Ocean.

The flag for Americans born on the Atlantic Ocean uses the colours red, blue, and white.  In the upper hoist area is the famous Betsy Ross Circle of stars to denote connectivity to the United States.  In the 1600s, 1700s, 1800s and early 1900s there were hundreds of Americans born at sea on a ship, since this method of transport was extremely slow and the only means of intercontinental travel.

In many ways the Atlantic Ocean is the ocean that gave proverbial birth to the people of America who would come to dominate the American Continent undergoing a metamorphosis from African, European and Asian unto becoming a new people - American.  

Notable Americans born on the Atlantic Ocean
Westmoreland Davis - the 48th Governor of Virginia
Oceanus Hopkins - Born on the Mayflower 1620
Mary Jemison - frontierswoman 
August D. Julliard - founder of The Julliard School in NYC
Ed Porray - Baseball Player of the Buffalo Buffeds
Moses O. Williamson - Illinois Politician

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Flag for Americans born in the US Exclusive Economic Zone

Believe it or not, there is an exclusive minority of Americans born upon the sea.  Some are born in US Internal Waters, while others are born in the US Maritime Contiguous Zone, and finally at the very tail-end afterglow of American spaces - we have the US EEZ - or rather the United States Exclusive Economic Zone.

These situations arise when an early unexpected birth takes place at sea, usually upon a cruise ship, transport ship, refinery, or yacht.  Thus a person who has at least one parent or grandparent with US citizenship, can fly this flag so long as they they were born 24 to 200 nautical mile out to sea in the US Exclusive Economic Zone

Although the US EEZ starts three nautical miles out to sea, this flag is for Americans who were born 24 to 200 nautical miles out to sea.  Reason being, citizens born from 3 to 12 nautical at sea are officially born in US territory at sea, thus they can fly the US Internal Waters flag; while a persons born 12 to 24 nautical miles out to sea miles use the US Contiguous flag. 

The colours of this flag are based upon the Exclusive Economic Zone flag combined with first proposed and vexillological US Internal Waters flag.

Image of Map Source/Credit

Monday, November 2, 2015

Flag for Americans born in the US Maritime Contiguous Zone

The US Maritime Contiguous Zone is a shadowy grey region of the USA.  Although this maritime area is classified as International Waters, the United States of America has protected rights upon this region of the Earth.  These rights are related to defensive and law enforcement duties.  This grey zone of America is where US legal proceedings are in effect yet, this area of the Earth is also considered international space.

The colours of this flag are black, orange, and white.  This design is based upon the US Internal Waters Flag  combined with the International Contiguous flag.

The US Maritime Contiguous Zone flag is for Americans who happen to be born in this paradoxical Partial American and Partial International Maritime Zone of the world. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Flag for US Internal Waters

The flag for US Internal Waters is based upon a fusion of the red, white, and blue striped flags that were common during the early part of the revolutionary period, mixed with the star field pattern from the US flag from the War of 1812.  However it only has 13 stars that alternate angles in a wavy pattern.  It was during this 'Second War of Independence' with the UK that the US Navy stood its ground.  In honor of that time frame and rise of the US Navy to blue water navy status, the wavy stars of the War of 1812 - Star Spangled Banner flag are brought back into use.

Additionally this flag is for Americans who were born in US internal waters-beyond the three nautical mile claim of the 50 states.  Basically a flag for persons born in sovereign waters of the USA 3 to 12 nautical miles out to sea.  Imagine if you were born on a cruise ship 8 nautical miles off the coast of South Carolina.  You would be born in recognized US federal maritime territory, just beyond South Carolina's maritime borders.  However if you were born 2 nautical miles out to sea from the Charleston, you would be officially born in the state of South Carolina.  Although a rare event, persons born in US internal waters within this special 3 to 12 nautical miles "out to sea" have a right to fly this flag.

This can easily happen if a person is on a cruise ship, ferry, or yacht and their mother just happens to give birth at sea.  The question is, what if the person does not have parents who are US citizens?  Oddly they are US citizens not because they were born on US soil but rather because they were born in US territory at sea, making them True American Blue Blooded Salty Dogs, or real life "anchor babies" by the Jus Oceanus rather than Jus Soli. 

But also note along the Gulf of Mexico the states were able to extend their boundary a few extra nautical miles.  So states like Texas and Louisiana have a 9 nautical mile claim out to sea, thus shrinking federal waters in Gulf of Mexico to only three nautical miles.  No doubt, in a few years the other states will follow suit, using the old argument of 'Not fair! Why does Texas get 9 nautical miles out to sea while we only get 3!?'  My bet is that New York asks to expands its state water front property lines first, followed by California. 

12 Nautical Mile Sovereign Internal Waters Flag

The flag to indicate the 12 Nautical Mile Zone of a nation's sovereign waters uses the colours blue, red, white.  The red diagonal off set to blue dominance indicates the division between internal national waters and international waters.  The white triangle on the lower fly represents the peaceful intentions of international waters while the upper hoist blue section represents the recognized claims of a nation's official barrier at sea.

This flag is to be flown under the national flag at sea or directly below the 12 mile contiguous flag of law enforcement.