Saturday, May 30, 2020
California Republic State Seal Flag Design
Here is a California State Flag that is reflective of the state seal with Minerva or Athena sitting behind the California Grizzly.
TEXAS Spelled Out Blue Star Flag in Thai
Texas in Blue Star Flag in Arabic
When you sub in the Arabic letters in the Blue Star Spelled Texas Flag you get a mighty holy flag. No doubt the first Arabic person to visit was Black Steven long long ago, when our Earth was in a different position of the Galaxy, far far away.
Today, Texas is home to a small community of Arab-Texans. Fine thing to note is that much of North Africa, Iraq, Syria, and Iran are at the same latitude of Texas. Thus they should feel somewhat on a climatic level, at home in Texas. Or rather Texas would find North Africa and the Levant much like home, with regard to Mother Nature.
Today, Texas is home to a small community of Arab-Texans. Fine thing to note is that much of North Africa, Iraq, Syria, and Iran are at the same latitude of Texas. Thus they should feel somewhat on a climatic level, at home in Texas. Or rather Texas would find North Africa and the Levant much like home, with regard to Mother Nature.
TEXAS Blue Star Flag Spelled out in Hebrew
Since Texas is in the Bible Belt and directly due west of Israeli in the Israeli Belt, this state deserves a Texas Spelled in Hebrew Flag. The is something blessed about Texas, after all when they pray East their are facing Jerusalem. It is most likely that most of the people in the Bible and Old Testament would have found Texas, especially West Texas, to feel like home. Or rather, when persons from West Texas visit Israel, they should feel at home.
TEXAS ☼ Blue Star Flag in Greek
The Blue Star Spelled Texas Flag in Greek is a fun addition for Greco-Texans and people who love Greek culture in Texas. It makes best to use the lower case of Greek, because the upper case looks too much like the original Roman Alphabet: TEXAΣ as opposed to TEXAS.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Megatron Texas Taunt Flag - Come and Take It Flag
Come and Take It — Texas-Klingon Flags
The Klingon Race is somewhat like that of the people of Carthage. We are connected to both in two different ways through our speech. One was real and the other is virtual. Something of our nature, but none the less when you combine it with Texas Come And Take It flag it makes good sense.
Here are several possible version of the Klingon-Come And Take It flags. Sometimes the cannon is replaced with a Klingon Disruptor.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Jim Henson of Mississippi looked just like JEB Stewart?
Of things that make up the stereotypical Southern Man, we have JEB Stewart. He was a dashing, talented, skilled, rootin' tootin,' rip roaring, and a bit a jokster. His clever command of the Southern Calvary was a severe annoyance to Union forces. No doubt if you were a solider under his command, you would have loved this man and be willing to take a bullet for him—he was the Han Solo of the Confederacy.
Funny thing is JEB Stewart is the spittin' image of Jim Henson. Maybe Jim Henson was the reincarnation of JEB Steward? When you superimpose Kermit on JEB Stewart, it becomes more than obvious.
Easy it is, to pass judgement on persons of the pass, on ghosts who can not defend their actions. And harder it is to imagine what it must have been like to have been born as another ethnicity from the past.
Try imagining being born as white southern slaveholder or as black woman in bondage or as a Native American fighting for the North? Can you imagine? Certainly they offer of two different points of view. Likewise the attachment of things of what one knows is a common theme across the ages.
Given, enough time these persons of the past accrue and certain glory and deserve a proper respect.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Flags for the New Internal California Provinces
Rather than split into new states, California should divide internally into sub-state regions. That way California remains united in some fashion for resident's rights and state agencies. Consequently the regional-prefect governors will gain more power in a step wise evolutionary process, instead of cutting it cold turkey.
If California were to split up into smaller political entities. No doubt there would be a fight as to which offspring prefect would get to keep the California state flag. In this case they remain as the State of California but have a new regional-prefect flags.
This keeps California together, and allows regional sectors to more effectively govern at the expense of the state government. Additionally, California keeps all her problems to herself, without dragging other states to take care of her business.
Many of the proposed prefect flags of California are based upon historical flags and flags that currently fly over California.
The Draper Plan = A Power Grab for California
Every so often, voices in California call for the split up of the state. One of the primary reasons is to fix the states chronic problems. However, in reality it can be seen as a political power grab for the Senate. It is not fair that California only gets 2 Senate seats, but then California gets all those electoral college votes and power in the lower house.
All in all California should fix her own problems. Likewise a better plan would be to create internal quasi-states if California really wanted to separate. California would remain as a state but have five internal prefects that would be nearly equivalent to states, but all under one governor, who would be more like a prime minister-governor with reduced powers to the provinces. Thus California will have it both ways. The Provincial Prefects would have the power within the state of California. For example the state tax of California would be reduced to 1% while the provincial governors could set up taxes to whatever they like from 1% to setting a record at 12% or higher.
Nominally California's split up for Senate Power Grab would favor the Democratic Political Party.
Eventually this power grab could cause a chain reaction in states opposed to West Coast politics and Texas could counter such a political move. Texas even has it written in their constitution that they could split up into five more states if need be. With five new 'blue' states their would be five new 'red' states. Additionally California would have more power over the government to come fix her own problems.
In this political cartoon, the flag of the US Senate is hanging over the Congressional Capital Building, to demonstrate this political process.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Roman Numeral US L flag - L is for 50
Since L stands for 50, this Roman Numeral can be subbed for the canton.
Here is another version where the stars are missing. As L indicates 50 stars.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Roman Numeral iiii or iv
Most but not all Roman Numeral clocks employ the IIII for the 4th hour. You can see to the left a clock with IIII instead of IV. One major exception is Big Ben's Clock Tower in London, that uses the official IV for the 4th hour time slot.
1988 in Roman Numeral Flags - Different Ways
Roman Numeral flags should be used in the composite form, but there are options. Option number one is to use singular flags in a one to one ration of letters to flags. This is long yet stylish.
Another way is to use them without substitute repeaters. And finally the official way is to use repeaters as necessary.
Note that number L has the same form as the original international L flag, before it the blue section became black.
Another way is to use them without substitute repeaters. And finally the official way is to use repeaters as necessary.
Note that number L has the same form as the original international L flag, before it the blue section became black.
The Year 1999 in Maritime Roman Numeral Flags
Flags for numbers are noting new. But here we have the International Roman Numerla Maritime Flags coding for years. Above is the year 1999 and below is the year 1988 in the three different possible forms. Also note there are additional substitute-repeater flags that have been added.
Monday, May 18, 2020
International Roman Numeral Maritime Signal Flags
Roman Numerals have a special place in modern society. This ancient numerology of the West has traveled East and is truly an International System of Symbols. As a consequence, there are now International Maritime Signal flags for this long honored classical system of symbols.
The design of the flags are based upon forlorn signals flags, that were used by the nations born in the after wake of the Rome Empire. Most of these flags are derived from vexilloids conceived in the Austria-Hungarian Empire, the Keigsmarine, French Empires, United Kingdom and the United States. Thus these new international maritime flags pay tribute to all their sacrifices, efforts, and most importantly, higher good. All these nations are 'Children of the Roman Alphabet' and are dominantly tilted towards Western-Roman Astrology, than Eastern-Chinese Astrology.
Some of the flags are based upon permutations of the single, double, and triplet of the letter combinations. Note that some Roman Numerals are solo indicators: L, V, and D. However I, X, and M are clonal indicators, since they can form pairs and triplets. Also included are Roman fractional symbols that were indicated by 'decimal' points or 'periods.' Although modern math proclivities prefer reduced fractions, the fractions are kept in 'concordant denominations' so the Roman Fractional Decimals can be more easily understood. Unfortunately, the fractional symbols are not taught in schools and it may be revelation that S represents "half."
International Maritime Flag for Infinity ∞
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Greek Maritime Signal Flags - A Modern Make Over
After the Roman Alphabet, perhaps the next most important international alphabet is the Greek Alphabet. It is used in science and math: as with pi, theta, sigma, or delta. Likewise astronomy uses the Greek letters to indicate brightness within a constellation. The uses in science is nearly countless. Consequently, this alphabet deserves its own International Maritime Flag set based upon the Greek Alphabet.
There was already an established set that was found in the signal book a Greek admiral, Yakoumakis Tombazis' flagship "Themistikles." To the bottom-left is the original flag page. Perhaps there were other flags for the other letters of the Greek Alphabet?
In this modern 2020 version the mono-coloured flags from Themistikles are replaced with lost signal flags that retain some of Tombazis's old colours but with an added pattern.
Likewise retired signal flags that were lost across the ages are resurrected from the old international maritime navies that include: Japan, France, England, Germany and no longer used signals flags of the American Navy. Take note that old flags from Marrayts, Pophams, and Admiral Howe are reconstituted with the Modern Greek Maritime Signal Flags. Also note that effort was taken to select flags that look a little bit like the Greek letters themselves.

Most of the letters should be called out as they are, except for Alpha. Since Alpha already is used in ICS ABCs, Athena is the name of Alpha. Likewise Delta is called Demeter, since Delta too is in ICS ABC International Maritime flags. Mu and Nu also get different designations, since they sound so much alike. Mu's name is Metis and Nu's name is Nike. Finally to bring clarity between Epsilon and Upsilon, Epsilon is Electra.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Other Vexilloids in The Incredible Shrinking Woman 1981

Unique 1980s tassel balls are on the curtains of Pat Kramer's Kitchen while she is literally on a hand soap box. They are of that early 1980s garish pinky pom pom style, of people on the well to do happy pappy path. The colour and tone of this movie is like a happy version of Edward Scissor Hands.
Notice the Burger Power logo; it is attention to detail like this, with extras that make a movie great. Who knows how many others props and scenes that got lost during the editing process? Perhaps it was made to cover up another official company that refused free advertising in a movie like M&Ms for 1981's E.T?
A quirky Shrinking Woman logo is created when a news reporter speaks about the strange phenomenon. It is pink question mark with woman 'bathroom' symbol in white upon it. As the news does, things are often interpreted through another lens that was not a part of the original story. The reporter equates the shrinking woman with the shrinking role of motherhood.
A protest banner made from a grocery bad with Pat Kramer's face. Wow! The kudos to the props. They did a great job. This movie was like an Edward Scissor Hands with a delightfully sparkly tone.
Lily Tomlin with Rainbow Streamer - The Incredible Shrinking Woman 1981
In the movie The Incredible Shrinking Woman 1981, rainbow streamers can be seen along the ceiling corners of the children's bedroom. In this shot Lily Tomlin, plays as Pat Kramer who is starts to shrink to due a misapplied science.
In 1981 the rainbow did not yet have mainstream recognition as the Gay Pride flag. It would be another 15 years before rainbow was dominantly associated with non-heterosexuality in collective consciousness. Coincidentally Lily Tomlin is an active member of the rainbow community; she was pioneer ahead of her time, leading the way in that polite and providential manner.
Logos of the Corporate Consumer Overlords - The Incredible Shrinking Woman 1981
In the background the of the corporate cabal office the logos of the most powerful consumer based products can be seen. In 1981 the public was horridly unaware of the commercial powers that be, but in 1981 a sci-fi dramedy was released on the public The Incredible Shrinking Woman.
In it, our heroine is affected by all the chemical additives that makes her shrink. Ironically her husband's company is responsible for making many of these man-made chemical agents.
Interesting thing to note is the transgender symbol; it is above the nose of the man on the far left, that is known as Genetic Engineering Applied. No doubt in the future, science will tame the virus and harness it to modify ones gender, ethnic, height, and aptitude.
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That's a Samsung Galaxy! In 1981! |
Coincidentally, one of the corporate spy goons who takes a clandestine picture of Pat Kramer is holding what looks like an I-Phone, in the year 1981!
PAT KRAMER - A Pennant from the Incredible Shrinking Woman 1981
The PAT KRAMER pennant appears twice in the 1981 seminal classic The Incredible Shrinking Woman. It first appears during a segment when the Incredible Shrinking Woman appears on TV. After she gets to her seat, the host points out in to the audience that her 'first ever, fan club' is present. They appear with pompoms and a pennant that has Pat Kramer's name upon it.

In another scene, when media circus of neighbors and news camps out on her front lawn, the same flag is visible. In this shot the her first name is clearly visible "PAT."
The US Flag in The Incredible Shrinking Woman 1981
In 1981 Lily Tomlin, aka Mrs. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, began her journey into the imaginations of children across America. The Incredible Shrinking Woman 1981 was a comedy-science fiction commentary on modern day consumerism. However, the political message is packaged softly and with a comedic tone. The film captured suburban life in the early 1980s, with an artistic twirl that combined all sorts of film types yet and fit perfectly into a spectacular cartoon like sitcom, that felt like a movie. Unlike many modern movies, as was the case with Downsizing, this movie hits the mark without smacking the audience over the head with political club. Rather this movie allows the viewer "think" as ideas are presented.
The film was also a portent for Lily Tomlin, because later in her career she would become the bus driver of the animated series The Magic School Bus. Many times over, her magic school bus would shrink in size; on one class trip it shrank so they could explore the digestive track of one of her students.
This movie is often overlooked, but it is a masterpiece and a work of art of the 1980s. However, this movie has a delightful dose of 'That 70s' feels afterglow—a kind of Very Brady touch. The Special effects do not distract, but add appropriately to the plot, with just the correct amount of ham and spectacle. Even without the extra effects, the story, filming, and acting carry the show.
The US flag appears in this movie, incompletely. During one of breakfast kitchen scenes a boy in green pjs, or kiddie costume has US flag as an arm patch.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Church Signal Flags from the US Civil War - United Today
The United North & South Church Signal Flag is based upon the two different Church Flags flown by the Southern and Northern Navies during the US Civil War. The Confederate Navy used a white pennant with a red cross that was upright. The Northern US Navy also used a white pennant with a blue cross that was horizontal. In this united version, the upright cross from the Southern Navy is used, however the dominant inner color of the US blue Northern Naval Church flag is apparent, with the red Southern Cross along the outer edges of the cross.
The Church Signal flag for the Confederate Navy was white and red. Similar to red cross cross, the difference is that the foot of the cross is traditionally longer.
The Church Signal flag of Union forces used blue and white. The cross was on its side.
The Church Signal flag for the Confederate Navy was white and red. Similar to red cross cross, the difference is that the foot of the cross is traditionally longer.
The Church Signal flag of Union forces used blue and white. The cross was on its side.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Guilded Age US Naval Style SOS Flag
In the early 1900s the US Navy had special SOS flags, intuitively reflective of Morse Code. Most likely, they were shelved since they all looked a like, unlike the modern ICS Maritime Flags.
Old Morse Code - Error Code Flag
Before WWII the US Navy a special type of Morse Code flags that used the three colours to represent Morse Code. Red was the DIT, Yellow was the DAH, and blue was the Repeater-Sub that depended on the preceding colour towards the hoist.
Thus using this old US Navy Code a Morse Code Error flag can be represented. It has eight stripes for the eight DITS of the Error Message. Since it is only uses DITS red and blue are used.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Original US NAVY Morse Code Flags
For a short while the US Navy has a special class of flags dedicated to Morse Code. Using three colours of red, yellow, or blue; the dits and dahs of Morse Code were distinguished with these flags.
Although they are no longer in use, as the ICS Maritime flags have taken over, they are interesting relics of once official flags.
The dits are represented by the colour red, while dahs are represented by the colour yellow. Blue is the special colour that can be a dit or a dah. The rule for blue is that its identity is determined by the preceding colour towards the hoist. This is on the left in the standard model, but is on the right when looking from the anterior side.
These flags were in limited use during the early 1900s. Finding one, would be of great value as they are extremely rare.
They are a first of their kind of Tele-morse-graphic flag. Innately confusing the the eye that is unfamiliar with Morse Code, it was perhaps due to this property, that the ICS flags became the norm for the US NAVY. Note that ICS flags are often called Morse Code flags, which makes little sense since ICS flags have no direct connection to Morse Code.
These 'Retired US Navy' flags are at their base architecture and design, intimately reflective of Morse Code. And deserve to be called Morse Code flags more so than ICS flags.
Note that for the letter M the Morse code flag is shifted to horizontal axis. Obviously this was done to distinguish this flag from the ICS Number 5 flag. Otherwise, it'd be a confusing situation. A similar type of confusion still exists with our script between the letters and numbers 1 & l and O and 0. It is easy to make a mistake as these letters and numbers can be confused. This is also the case with ICS 5 and K, they are the same pattern and could look the same from a distance, to some extent.
Below is a modern extrapolation of the Old US Naval Code to numbered, Morse Code Pennants. Although they were never issued in this format, the basic principles of the patter still work. It was a simple design but since all the flags 'look-a-like' the Morse Code flags were not as effective as the contrasting symbols and colours of ICS standard flags.
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