
Friday, August 20, 2010

Aug 20

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Colbert USA Meat Flag

The Protein Packed Patriotic Meat Flag

On August 17, 2010 Steven Colbert did a madly humorous piece on the American Meat Institute.

Before interviewing the president of the American Meat Institute, Jay Patrick Boyle, Colbert presented a protein packed patriotic meat flag.

This portentously non-kosher pork product flag was made out of 'Slim Jim' and 'bacon' meat.

Steven Holding the 'Flagtastic' Newsweek Cover

Coincidentally this episode was especially 'Vexillicious' as he talked about a Newsweek story that ranked the nations of the world as to the best place to live. The cover of Newsweek was decorated with various flags of the world. Unfortunately Newsweek ranked the US at 11th best place to live in the world.

You can learn more about the American Meat Institute Here

Enjoy Recent Episodes of the Colbert Report Here

Steven Eating the Breakfast of Patriots

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Six Flags

Under Construction

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ferengi Star Trek Symmetry

Rom the Younger Brother

In Star Trek: Deep Space 9 the Ferengi Race took on a major role. These species are supposed to have a keen sense for the love money. This love of abundance and prosperity runs through their persona and even their religion. Basically a Ferengi business dealer would make a 1980 Wall Street Junk Bonds Broker seem communistic. Their love of money and profit by human standards is on the verge of criminal, yet for Ferengi anything that generates profit is good for the one and spirit of the cosmos.

Coincidentally the actors who played Ferengi on Deep Space 9 Rom and Quark are cosmically aligned by my flag symmetry idea as state partners. The Ferengi Rom and Qark are brothers, but in real life they come from sibling states according to my flag symmetry idea.
Quark the Older Brother

Rom played by Max Grodenchik is from New York, while Quark played by Armin Shimerman is from New Jersey. In fantasy land they are brothers but in real life they are from sister states.

Only New Jersey and New York are states with heraldic women supporters on both sides. And the 'sibling rivalry' between NY and NJ is similar to the imaginary sibling rivalry between Rom and Quark.

Max "Rom" is from New York

Here Max Grodenchik has signed my NY-NJ card. He thought my flag symmetry idea was, "Neat and Interesting." I have not yet met Quark the 'older' brother.

Armin "Quark" is from New Jersey

On the Flag of New Jersey is the Goddess of Abundance, Ceres. It's quite a poetic fit as Quark was the key point man for Ferengi people since they are dedicated to abundance & prosperity.

The unsigned other side
waiting to be
signed by Armin "Quark" from New Jersey

Here are the Goddesses of the NJ State Flag.

The New Jersey Motto is similar to Ferengi Principals "Liberty & Prosperity."

It is a total dedication of freedom for profit, sort of like an extreme cut throat laissez-faire trickle down economic policy, no exchanges and no returns, a deal is a deal.

Link to my Original Post comparison between NJ & NY

Monday, August 16, 2010

New Delhi Ink

Getting a tattoo of your favorite national flag is not anything all that special but getting all the flags of the world tattooed on your body certainly is.

A man from India has embarked on a destiny to certainly go where no man has gone before, to cover his body with every national flag of the world.

They call him Guinness Rishi. Born in 1943, that makes him older than many of the world flags, especially of Africa.

Rishi's mantra must be, 'love the world and it will love you back.' He took this to heart. Rishi is carrying the world proverbially on his back, but literally on his belly.

Covering your tummy with flags is also the perfect excuse to justify a big round belly. Furthermore you can always have the whole world within your grip, or rather in your abs.

One suggestions is that he should leave a little extra space, as flags change every so often, especially in Africa. Rishi is a living work of vexillological history.

A bow and greeting taken literally
"Top of the world to you sir or mam!"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Flag Staff County Canada

In between Edmonton and Calgary is county called Flagstaff in the province of Alberta.

Flagstaff must be city with divided loyalties during the hockey season: you must choose to be a part of the traditional proud Oiler fans versus the upstart counter Flames? It's sort of like the NY Giants fan vs. a NY JETS fannery.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Flag Staff War, New Zealand

From 1845 unto 1872 this part of New Zealand history is known as the New Zealand Land Wars. It was basically a conflict between British Colonials and indigenous peoples. The first year of conflict opened with the vexillologically romantic Flag Staff War.

The Flag Staff War took place on the more tropical Northern Island. As had happened in Canada, US, and Australia, a cultural clash between European settlers and a technologically primitive peoples inevitably led to war.

In 1840 New Zealand was formally annexed to the British Empire. However as relations between 'aboriginals' and UK settler's evolved in an unbalanced way, a Native Chief Hone Heke chopped down a British Flag on 'Flag Staff Hill.' But the colonists managed to erect it at least three more times, each time it was chopped down.

The colonists won the war but gave up on raising a flag pole. They found it prudent to swallow their pride rather that incite more conflict and death. The colonists had the advantage of high technology and were also allied with other rival Native Kiwi peoples.

The Flag Staff War is also called the Northern War and Hone Hoke's Rebellion. Nearly 200 persons were killed in this war. This conflict wasn't simply about flags, but the vexillological escapades are what is best remembered.

Long after the conflict had subsided a flag staff was put in place which you can see today.

Ironically the HMS North Star participated in this war, but since New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere one can't see the North Star. For Aboriginal Maroi the concept of a constant North Star had to be taken on faith.