
Monday, October 10, 2011

Rocky with the Battle of Bennington Flag

Rocky with Bennington Flag

America is made up of myths like the semi-legendary tale of King Aurthur. But a uniquely American myth is the story of Rocky Balboa - the Itallian Stallion.

In the picture to the right we see Rocky waving the flag with a young kid. The Bennington Flag like Rocky Balboa may not have been true, but their story nonetheless tells of the reality of the human spirit.

Timing is everything, and Rocky came at a perfect time for America. It seemed that the US was down for the count in the Cold War after being knocked out of Vietnam. The nation was reeling with the racial issues of the 1960s. It seemed that patriotism was running on fumes. But when times are dark, it seems that heroes can arise in the most unlikely of places. In this case an American legend was born under the guidance of Sylvester Stallone.

American Flag

The quinteseential unknown underdog versus the big show heavy weight champ. The issues of white and black America are played out in Hollywood. Both boxers are rich three dimensional characters with faults and loveable charms. Later in Rocky IV the tensions between the Soviet Union and US would play out in a similar manner.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Department of Airforce Patch from Source Code: CAOC-N, 2011

On April Fools Day 2011, Source Code was released to the public. It starred Jake Gyllenhall and Michelle Monaghan. In this movie a fictional arm of the US Air Force fights against crime and terrorism under the "CAOC-N." In this extreme science fiction movie, a medical experiment allows scientists and doctors to revisit past memories before they fade away.

The departmental patch of the fictional CAOC-N within the US Air Force features a shield with five stars and five stripes. In the supporter positions are wings. In the ring around the roundel are eleven stars and it is written 'Department of the Air Force.'

Movie Poster for Source Code, 2011"Make Every Second Count"

This thoughtful movie merges the line between military science fiction while addressing end and or purpose of life questions.

The mind can be easily deceived, thus it's best to use your heart as the compass to make up your mind.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Red Sea Flag

Red Sea Flag

This flag represents the Red Sea. Its colours are red, black, and yellow. The bottom red portion represents the parting of the Red Sea during the Israeli exodus out of Egypt. Centered near the top is a Hebrew Star with the sign of Cancer upon it. This is a geographical reflection since the Tropic of Cancer passes through the Red Sea.

The colours yellow and black reflect that the shore line of the sacred Red Sea divides yet unites Africa and Asia.

Note that most of the stories that take place in the Holy Land were centered mostly on Asia and secondly Africa.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Russian Space Force Flag

Flag of the Russian Space Forces
it has a noticeable element
from the Star Trek

Certainly Chekov would be proud? This is not some imaginary flag. It seems an American Television Show had a lasting effect, even upon her national rivals.

The Star Trek franchise has had wide reaching influences all over the world, even in Russia. The evidence? Look at the flag.

This is the flag of the Russian Space Forces. It uses four colours - white, red, navy blue, and sky blue. The central icon uses a Star Trek design. This Star Trek like icon is on a ellipse that is thematic of a Russian flag but with one added colour on top - navy blue. This flag was established on December 18, 2006.

Russian Space Forces
are the heirs to the Soviet Space Program and operates two space ports in Asia and Europe. The European space port is Arkhangelsk and the Asian space port in the Amur.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

NJ Govenor behind the US and NJ State flag, tires to get his message though a thick skull

Ohh boy? This is getting embarrassing. We gots problems with much of our news people. Governor Chris Christie tries to spell it out to mass media.

Monday, October 3, 2011

SpongeBob Square Pants and Patrick find a 'Russian' flag at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean

On a trip to visit the north pole Sponge Bob and Patrick find a flag near Santa's House. Is it a Russian or Serbian flag?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Krusty Krab Pennant or KK Pennant

Krusty Krab Pennant

The first Sponge Bob Square Pants Movie came out in 2004. It featured an underwater chariot-car with a Krusty Krab pennant.

The colours of the Krusty Krab Corporation pennant are red and yellow, like the colours of McDonald's. It features two letter Ks (Krusty Krab) with the one Sinister K smaller than the Dexter K.

Birds Eye View of the KK Kart

Oh yes! We can build one for your local town parade, but don't tell Viacom, or else.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mercury Flag, the Planet

Flag of Mercury
first planet next to the sun

This is the flag of planet Mercury, currently the smallest and closest planet to the sun. In many ways it qualifies as moon, from a Jovian point of view.

The colours of this flag are black, silver, red, and purple. Silver represents the element Mercury while red and purple represent the beginning and ending colours of our visible spectrum.

A view from Mercury

The black icon is a combined symbol from the West and East for Mercury. In the West Mercury is a liquid metal and planet, coincidentally in East the planet designated as Mercury used the symbol of water or liquid.

Friday, September 30, 2011

The 50 US States with a California Twist, plus a little more

Here are the 50 US states flags with a California overtone, plus Canada too.

Just as America is a nation of immigrants, California the largest state with non-Native Californian-Americans. Thus any American not born in California but becomes a resident to California is a 'N.O.F.C.A-Californian.' (Not Originally From California American) In honor of all 'NOFCA' Californians who headed to the Golden State to pursue their dreams or riches or East and South in a few cases, here are flags for naturalized born out of state Californian-Americans. Fly them with pride.

For an expanded explanation on the various animals that represent each flag, follow the link - within this blog to the California Republic Mojo Flags.

The Not Originally Native California American Pride Flag Video

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Official Flags of the NFL 1995 from Jerry Magurie

Official NFL team flags back in 1995

In 1996 Tom Cruise played as Jerry Maguire in Jerry Magurie. It was a dramatic comedy about the behind the scenes of life of a fictional pro-sports agent - Jerry Maguire.

One scene takes place in the banquet room before the NFL draft, during this scene we see Mr. Maguire get into a lovers quarrel with his fiancee Avery, played by Kelly Preston.

Tom Cruise as Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

During their lovers spat we see the official NFL standards for the various teams.

These flags all featured the same design with a five rays emanating from the lower hoist corner with the charge of the teams football helmet facing right - towards the fly. There are nine rays to each flag.

Flag of the Arizona Cardinals

Even today you can still purchase a standard NFL bottom ray flags. In the movie Jerry Maguire, the player he represented Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr.) plays for the Arizona Cardinals.

Movie Clip from Jerry Maguire
Famous "Show Me the Money Scene" and NFL Flags - in the back ground

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Gavdos Flag, the most southern island of Eruope

Flag of Eruope's most Southern Island
Gavdos - a part of Greece under Crete Rule

The most southern point of the European Continent belongs to Spain at 36 degrees North. But the most southern isle of Europe limbos at 34 degrees with the island of Gavdos. Gavdos is a part of Greece governed as a part of Crete, yet a small island to itself.

The colours of this flag is red, white, blue and yellow which can be found in all Europeans flags. The blue background with yellow star in is honor of the European Union flag. The star is 'upside down' to indicate a southern direction. The apparent white cross on a blue background represents that Gavdos is a part of Greece.

Other flags of Europe are hidden within such as Monaco, Poland, Netherlands, and France. The cross is also an echo of others crosses found on other European flags.

Gavdos rests at 34 degrees 50' North. This puts it at same latitude of Los Angels.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Flag for the most northern isle by Africa - Isle of Mal Ventre

Flag for Africa's North-most Island
Mal Ventre

The Island of Mal Ventre or rather in Italian - Isola di Mal di Ventre is the proverbial Midway in between Africa and Europe. Its name means Isle of Negative Winds. It is politically a part of Italy, and locally governed with Sardinia.

The colours of this flag are black, yellow, red, and green. These pan-African colours are combined with a popular symbol with Europe: the Fluer-di-lis.

The Fluer-di-lis was employed because it symbolized the direction North on old European maps, and the isle of Mal Ventre is arguably the most northern point of Africa. Meaning, it is closer to Africa than it is Europe. Additionally, pan-African colours blended with a traditionally European symbol reflect with two natures of Isola di Mal Ventre as a land caught in between Africa and Europe.

Map of America - circa 1526
Made by Juan Vespucci, Nephew of Amerigo Vespucci
America was named after Juan Vepucci's famous uncle

NOTICE - North is indicated with a Fluer-di-lis on the compass

Mal Ventre Isle is one of thousands of islands in the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea is a cultural nexus for the Old World since it has a shoreline with Africa, Europe, and Asia. This puts all the islands in the Mediterranean up for grabs, as to which continent it should be associated with.

The basic rule is whichever continent it's closest too, gets dibs. With this logic Cyprus is an Asian Isle, Corsica a European Isle, and Mal Ventre an African Isle. But this rule dosen't always work out so well. Examples being, the islands of Crete, Sicily, and Sardinia. These isles are geographically in between two continents. The east coast of Crete is closer to mainland Asia, while its west coast is closer to mainland Europe. With Sicily its eastern coast is closer to Europe while its western coast is closer to Africa, as with Sardinia its north shore is closer to Europe while its south shore is closer to Africa.

Isola di Mal di Ventre with flag
Geographically, an isle closest to Africa

But with Mal Ventre Isle, it is wholly closer to Africa - since all of its coastlines are closer to Africa. Thus it is the most northern isle of Africa. It stands at 40 degrees north - rounded up a few seconds. Mal Ventre Isle is much smaller than Midway, but like Midway has become a breeding ground for birds.

The Isle of Mal Ventre is a lonely midway point and peaceful sanctuary between two continents.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Flag Twins - Corsica and Sardinia

Flag of Corsica

An interesting flag comparison between Corsica and Sardinia reveals an edge of similarity. Both flags feature the profile of Africa's 'Scandinavians' - the Moors. Or rather Scandinavians are the Moors of Europe.

Corsica features one head facing towards the hoist, while Sardinia has many heads facing towards the fly.

This is a natural reflection of their shared heritage in between Africa and Europe - with a tilt towards Europe.

The flags are of the two main island in between Africa and Europe. Sardinia is under Italian rule while Corsica is attached to France. There are thousands of islands in the Mediterranean Sea, but these islands of a similar 'orbit' and weight, by queer chance have flags with matching charges.

Flag of Sardinia

The Corsican flag is modeled from the forlorn Corsican Republic, likewise Sardinia was once home to the semi-forgotten Kingdom of Sardinia.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Flag of Bikini Bottom? Bikini Atoll

Flag of the Bikini Atoll
The Marshall Islands are no longer a part USA
but the US design lives on

Yes Virginia, Bikini Bottom is a real place, however Krabby Patties and talking yellow sponges are a different story. Bikini Atoll is officially a part of the Marshall Islands Republic.

The official flag of Bikini Atoll has 23 stars that represent the 23 islands that make up Bikini Atoll. Written on the fourth line from the bottom in Marshallese is "Everything is in the Hands of God."

The stars are also arranged in a partial shape of the letter H in honor of the H-bomb - that Bikini Islanders oddly see as a blessing. The three black stars represent the terra-forming actions of the US via nuclear weapons testing. The two black stars near the bottom represent the two livable islands - Majuro and Kili Island.

Flag of the Marshall Islands
Independent from the USA in 1986

After WWII the islands became a nuclear testing wonderland, with over 20 nuclear devices being set off. Thus there is a good chance that the marine life in the area - starfish and crabs may have underwent an extreme mutant shift.

And for the record the bikini swim suit was named after these islands. From the air, the island atoll is skimpy like a bikini. And the word Bikini or Pikini is a native pacific word that means "coconut top."

Rumor has it that Sponges Great Grampi and Great Grammy
died the Bikini nuclear test of 1949

With all that radiation from nuclear testing - talking sponges and squids playing clarinets don't seem to weird. The marine life at Bikini Bottom would have had to whether the extreme radiation in the 1950s.

Rumors have it, when Bikini Atoll was occupied by the Japanese they did some weird experiments on the coral reef. After the area was irradiated with nuclear radiation, Japanese and American DNA was apparently absorbed by some of the critters living under the sea - giving rise to the unique and intelligent fauna found at Bikini Bottom.

Painting of US soldiers hanging out at
Bikini Atoll with Bob and Patrick

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Krusty Krab Flags, Sponge Bob Square Pants

The Krusty Krab is a fictional restaurant located at Bikini Bottom. Its specialty is the Crabby Patty. The Crabby Patty is a succulent sandwich that is more than just a sandwich. The formula is a closely guarded secret by it owner - Mr. Krabs.

The entrance way is decorated with maritime flags. In international maritime code it seems to spell out R-I-(A?)-(upside down U)-K or RIAUK.

The central flag was used in British maritime code. Perhaps its a coded flag for Interpol Intelligence? Its colours are similar to the letter A flag. However its design is similar to the letter O flag, but the colours are different. The central flag above the entrance to the Krusty Krab are blue and white.

This flag could be a personal flag of Mr. Krabs? Perhaps its for a sound that is only made by Bikini Bottom dwellers - like a snapping claw sound?

Another oddity of the Krusty Krab restaurant is that the letter 'U' is hung upside down or the wrong way.

A final explanation for this discrepancy is that the population of Bikini Bottom uses their own code for these maritime flags. An example being, the Russian Navy, which uses the same flags in a different code.

with international standard meanings, explained (sort of)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Atlantic City Expressway Flag

Atlantic City Expressway Icon
with red flag in the center

A road with a flag? This is one road that can lead to a bust or boom, more often a bust. This limited access road was made in the interest of connecting the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area to Atlantic City - or rather to the hometown of Monopoly to the Delaware Valley. But due to a recent liberalization of Pennsylvania gambling laws - Atlantic City no longer holds a gambling monopoly on the Delaware Valley.

The logo of the Atlantic City Expressway features a life preserver with a red flag on a white hoist. The red flag shaped like a pennant shaped guidon - in a similar style to the Ohio State Flag.

Red is the colour of passion, danger, and excitement. This is a fitting for flag that leads to the unpredictable and dangerous hi-way of fateful chance.

Meaning of the Red Guidon
Letter B - International Maritime Signaling
Loading/Offloading Dangerous Cargo IMS
Letter N - Russian Navy
Explosives UK & Russian Navies
Going to Fire - Russian Navy
Expressway to Atlantic City - PA-NJ

The red Atlantic City flag is similar to the letter B or Bravo flag of International Maritime Signaling. Its secondary meaning is of a warning flag that means a ship is either taking up or releasing dangerous goods.

In the British Royal Navy it specifically refers to explosives, while in the Russian Navy it means the letter N and its secondary meaning is - I am going to fire off a shot or load ammunition.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Flag of the Enaran from - Star Trek Voyager

Flag of the Enaran
in a traditional Earth format

a fictional species from Star Trek Voyager

Star Trek Voyager was the fourth live action Star Trek television series. In this series the team is lead by female captain Kathryn Janeway - played by Kate Milgrew.

In one episode they come across an alien species who can share memories and thoughts telepathically - the Enaran. Upon the introduction of these species, the flag of the Enaran is displayed and talked about.

As it appeared in
Star Trek Voyager

The Enaran flag uses green, blue, black and light-indigo colour. It is similar to a vertical tri-bar with green on the outer bars and blue in the middle. There are also two thinner black vertical stripes that separate the three main green-blue-green bars. In the center is a diamond shape, fimbrated in a light-indigo. The left and right triangle ends of the inner diamond are counter charged to the background bar colours. The center it features a light blue hexagon.

The great coincidence about Kate Milgrew is like William Shatner - the original Captain Krik - she was the second choice to play the lead captain in their respective Star Trek shows. This proves that second place is sometimes better than first. Also Captain Krik was 'born' in Iowa, and the actress Kate Milgrew was actually born in Iowa.

Video about the Enaran with flags

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Flags on the Moon, planted by the Soviet Union

Soviet Soccer Ball Pentagonal Pennants
On the Moon in 1959, 52 years ago today
may have melted on impact

Although the United States was the first nation to have men walk, talk, and plant a traditional flag on the moon - the Soviet Union put their national totems on it first, when Ike was president.

52 years ago the Reds were able to chuck a man made thunderbolt to the moon, 10 years before moonwalk was invented. The craft was an unmanned vehicle - Luna 2.

The first vexilloloids on the moon were initially shaped like a soccer ball. When the 'Communist Soccer Ball' hit the moon the it was supposed to explode and release its pentagonal 'shards' at the landing site - the Sea of Showers. Whether or not the 'flag' shards melted - will be determined at another date, nonetheless Luna 2's mission to the moon was a cosmic goal for the history books. Also note, the Sea of Serenity is quite different from the Sea of Tranquility. In case you forgot, the Sea of Tranquility is where JFK's dream of landing on the moon came true, and where America pulled ahead of the Soviet Union, in more ways than one.

A month after Luna 2's smashing success, Luna 3 journeyed to the dark side of the moon for the first time, and boldly sent back images than have never been seen before. But mankind had to wait 6 more years before the first soft landing on the moon - 1966 with Luna 9. Since Luna 9 had a soft landing in the Ocean of Storms - Oceanus Procellarum - lonely red metallic flags have been collecting space dust for the past 45 years.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Adoption of the Confederate Florida State Flag, 150 years ago today

Florida's Confederate State Flag
adopted today 150 years ago today

The Confederacy had hundreds of flags under its name. There were three versions of the national flag, different battle and regimental flags, and perhaps the best remembered is the rectangular version of the battle flag. Remember that the battle flag was officially square - in theory but not always in practice.

The second version of the Confederate Navy Jack looks like the dominant modern version seen on the covers of books, posters, and pickup trucks.

Less popular are the state flags adopted by the individual states within the Confederacy. And it was 150 years ago today, that Florida adopted its own State flag under the Confederacy. It was basically the Florida Confederate Seal on blue with a mixed design of the first version of the Official Confederate Flag.

The rare 11 starred Confederate Flag
'at equilibrium version'
From July 2, 1861 to November 26, 1861

The first version of Confederate flag had four versions, that varied with the numbers of stars in the canton. The number of stars varied between 7, 9, 11, and 13. They were linked to the number of states in the Confederacy. Note that the Confederate flag never had an even number of stars - at least officially.

The seal featured a tree in the center by the shore. There are two ships in the distance. In front of the tree is a cannon pointing towards to hoist. To the right of the tree are a tepee stack of flags and pikes - on the far right is the Confederate Flag (eleven stars), while on the left you can see the Confederate Florida State Flag. To the left and in front of the tree is another tepee stack of four guns. Finally in the front foreground is a war drum and a pile of cannon shot.

In the ring around the seal is the Florida Confederate State Motto -
"In God is Our Trust."

Interestingly the Confederate Florida State Flag became official when 11 states made up the Confederacy. Over the course of the war, the Union only ever recognized 11 states as a part of the Confederacy. Before the end of 1861, two more states were accepted into the Confederacy - Missouri and Kentucky. However the Union never recognized this action, partly because the political efforts to join the Confederacy did not occur at either official state capital. Subsequently after the war neither Missouri nor Kentucky underwent Reconstruction.

So in a weird way the state flag of Florida under the Confederacy captures the eleven starred version of the Confederate Flag, before it had 13 stars. Eleven is also a point of political equilibrium when both the Union and Confederacy saw eye to eye, as to the number of states in rebellion. Also at this time, both the Union and Confederacy legally enforced and protected the institution of slavery.

The odd question is how many flags are on the Confederate Florida State flag? Since the seal repeats itself on the seal within - in theory it has an infinite number of Confederate flags. But in practice and reality there are only two flags on a Confederate Florida State Flag, maybe eight if you can sew real good?

The Confederate Florida State flag is the only 'US State Flag' to exhibit an 'infinite digression of design' since it features a seal that has its own flag on it - the inner seal has another pair of flags. Thus in theory there are and infinite number of Confederate Flags. It's like the phenomena of looking into two mirrors and seeing the an infinite reflection of reflections. But in the case of Florida's Confederate State Flag, the repeating flags would get smaller and smaller.

Ironically this design echoes of forever, is like a luminous shadow of the mystical fountain of youth.

The Florida State Flag with 11 starred National Confederate Flag
image is based on the flags as they appear
on the FL State Flag under the Confederacy

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baloo & Boo Boo Bear as the California Republic Bear

Boo Boo Bear on the California State Flag

Yogi Bear's loveable side kick is Boo Boo Bear. Boo Boo may be the world's favorite side kick. Born at the beginning of the space age in 1958 Boo Boo got a his big break in Yogi' Bears Big Break.

Bears have been always sacred totems in the Native American tradition, but in Modern America the appreciation of the bear has gone to new levels of enchantment. Usually animated - these bears from fantasia have become virtual teachers and friends.

Baloo Bear as the California State Flag

Another fictional bear - Baloo Bear - originates from the Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. The animated Baloo was featured in Walt Disney's adaptation of the Jungle Book in 1967. Baloo is a caring bear, who helps a lost orphan boy find his way. Baloo is the idealized over-sized big brother bear of protection. His mantra was, "All you need in life are the bare necessities."

Boo Boo bear is the lovable naive little brother bear of good conscience, while Baloo Bear is the wise big brother bear of protection.

Baloo Singing about the Bare Necessities

Boo & Yog in a Service Ad

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tepui Flag

Tepui Flag

The Tepui are proverbial islands in the sky. More romantic that the table rock mountain, these unique formations of South America are a natural balance the Grand Canyon of North America.

Long considered sacred by the natives they were the inspiration for Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World and Disney's Up.

The flag features four colours: blue, white, yellow and green. There are five semi-circles along the bottom that represent clouds. The yellow trapezoid represents the steep edges of the Tepui. The green table top represents the biosphere that has been separated from the bottom. The sky is blue while the sun is represented by a five pointed yellow star - lest we forget that the Sun to is one of many yellow stars.

Flags of the Greatest Generation - US & Soviet Alliance

Soviet Union raising flag over the Reichstag
Photo of a lone solder who became
as the other statues in the background

There are two famous photographs of flags from WWII that captured in essence the victory of the Allies. Both photographs were actually second takes from a previous action to raise either flag. Coincidentally, both the Soviet banner and 48 US Stared flags are no longer official flags.

May 2, 1945 by
Yevgeny Khaldei
Lone Soldier hoisting flag supported by a comrade over the
Reichstag Building
Returned to Germany
Defeat of the West from the East

United States of America
The four US Marines become
symbols of the nation with the flag

February 23, 1945 by Joe Rosenthal.
5 US Marines
Returned to Japan
Defeat of the East from the West

WWII was the epic struggle of wars that heralded the space age and use of nuclear weapons. The US and Soviet Union were both latecomers. The Soviet entered in the Summer of 1941, while the United States entered in the Winter of 1941.

Although the US and So
viet Union were allies and victorious, soon afterwards the world would simmer in a virtual World War III, that took place on nearly every continent, ocean and even in outer space. Before peace with Japan and Germany was settled the left and right wings of earth dove into a death struggle in the most ancient of nations - Greece and China. Soon the Soviet Union and USA followed in their wake, taking sides on Korean Soil.

From 1945 unto 1991 the Soviet Union and United States clashed and harmonized like Yin and Yang. Although the Soviet Union 'lost' this war, the United State too underwent a metamorphosis - as the America of 1945 was no more by 1991, with a new flag by its constellation of stars.

In 1945 the United States of America had a racial caste system enforced by law. In some regions it was enforced lightly while in others it was enforced with deadly vigilante violence. However the Anglo-Saxon Cultural Revolution of the 1960s forever changed role of races and gender roles, in America and around the world.

By 1991 the Soviet Union was choking under monotheism of one nation under one path. Their American foe of 1958 was a different nation by 1988. The Soviets seemed to recognize that freedom, choice, and faith were attractive, if not essential, elements on the perpetual journey towards utopia.

Friend, Enemy? Allies from 1941-1950
Dates when flags were official

Just before their Sacrifices, this speech was given in 1940
by Charlie Chaplin as a Satire on the Third Reich
Synced with modern videos

Monday, September 5, 2011

ICV 24 - Table Displays and Other Fun Stuff

ICV 24 - International Congress of Vexillology, Day 1 - Bonus Presentation, Murder over a Confederate Flag

Day 1 - Bonus Speaker, Dr. Phillip Rault
France - Brittany

Confederate Flag revealed

In between Arthur Etchell's and Annie Platoff's first scheduled presentation we were given an informal vexi-bit about the first Civil War, Union Colonel to die over a flag.

On May 24, 1861 Colonel Elmer E. Ellsworth - Mr. E.E.E, was shot and killed for taking down a Confederate Flag that was flying over the Marshall House - now the Monaco Hotel. The owner of the building, James Jackson was a firebrand secessionist.

As Colonel EEE came down the stairs while still holding the Confederate Flag, he was shot and killed. In retaliation for Ellsworth's death, the NY 11th Zoavue Regiment executed Mr. Jackson in retribution.

The building is still standing today as the Hotel Monaco. As an option for the ICV Congress delegates, they could have stayed at this location.

Later that day attendees were invited to retrace the history with a visit to this historic 'Civil War' hotel.


ICV 24 - International Congress of Vexillology, Day 5 -36th Presentation by Jan Oskar Engene, Norway

Day 5 - Speaker #37

The thirty sixth and final presentation was given by Jan Oskar Engene and was entitled Four Forgotten Norwegian Ensigns.