
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 3

Tambov & Ivanovo

Flag of Ivanovo Province
Moscow's Secondary Gurad to the East

The flags of Tambov & Ivanovo Provinces align by my 'flag symmetry' concept. Both flags are basically divided from top to bottom in the middle. Their right-hoist sides are red and the left-fly sides are blue. Both flags feature a heraldic shield. Tambov has a torch and weaving spinner while Ivanovo has a bee hive and with three large bees. On the crest of both flags are crowns.

These Russian Provinces are two territorial 'clicks' away from Moscow. If you can think of Moscow of being the center of the Russian Doll - Tambov & Ivanovo would be the second doll from the center. Likewise Leningrad Province & Ulyanovsk Province (first Russian post) would be the third doll from the center since they are three territorial 'clicks' away from Moscow.

Flag of Tambov Province
Moscow's Secondary Guard to the South

Ivanovo have a Yin and Yang aspect of the Russian Soviet Era. Ivanovo Province was home to one of the first Soviets to form in 1905, years before the birth of the Soviet Union. However Tambov Province was home one of largest anti-Soviet rebellions in 1920-1921. The Soviet Union officially came into existence in 1922.

Learn more about Ivanovo Province Click Here

Learn more about Tambov Province Click Here
Link to Wikipedia - Tambov Oblast


Friday, December 3, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 2

Karelia and Dagestan

Flag of Karelia

The flags are 180 degree perfect inverts of design by colour and pattern. Karelians and Dagestani people are nations that were adopted and colonized by Russians Czars.

These two flags represent Russian Federal Subjects classified as Republics - which means they are nations within the nation of Russia. Karelia is in the far north of Russia on the edges of Scandinavia while Dagestan in the far South of Russia on the edges of the Asia Minor.

Flag of Dagestan

Karelians are close cousins to the Finnish people, while Dagestani people are separated cousins of the Turks. They are a proverbial union of the Russian North and South.

Here is a tip to distinguish these two Russian Republics Flags that look so a like. The
Dagestani are blood brothers in the South of Russia connected by flags to their blood brothers in the North. Now take notice of where the red - blood - stripe is located. It mirrors their geography, relative to Moscow.

Karelia would be a nice place to visit but remember to bundle up. It is rumored that the Chief Elf at Santa's Workshop for born in Karelia. But if you're looking for action and a perilous Indian Jones adventure, be sure to visit Dagestan.

Want to learn more about the semi-Turkish repulic of Dagestan?


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 1

Leningrad & Ulyanovsk

Flag of Leningrad Province

My primary work in flag study revolves around pairing up flags with design synchronicities. These uncanny alignments of design and colour occur with US State Flags, Australian Flags, Japanese Flags and even Russian flags.

The coincidental alignments offer hard evidence for synchronicity - or in the ancient way of looking at things - as the mysterious footprint of providence.

Leningrad Province & Ulyanovsk Province are Russian federal subjects whose pattern mimics each other and the pattern of Russia's national flag. Coincidentally Vladimir Lenin was born in Ulyanovsk Province in 1870. And oddly Ulyanovsk Province matches up with a province named after Lenin - Leningrad Oblast! St. Petersburg used to be called Leningrad during the Soviet Era, but has since reverted to its classic name after the fall of communism.
Flag of Ulyanovsk Province

Russia does not have states like the USA or Australia. Rather they call their sub-national divisions 'oblasts' which is equivalent to province in English.

Both flags have white dominantly on top as the 'sky.' In the middle both have blue waves. The bottom of both flags utilizes red. Leningrad Province has red waves, while Ulyanovsk Province has a red stripe. The provincial coat of arms are found of both flags.

A balanced coat of arms alignment is that Leningrad has white rampart while Ulyanovsk has a white column.

Click Here for Part 2

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December is Sagittarius Month

Flag of Massachusetts with an archer

The Sagittarius is one of the unique signs of the Zodiac represented by two essences - sometimes a human archer and other times a centaur archer. Which is it? Both it seems. In honor of the cosmic archer, here is a flag with a Native American archer - Massachusetts.

Weapons make several appearances on flags but only a few have the bow and arrow, an ancient tool known to all the tribes of man.

The flag of Massachusetts has a Native American Archer. In his right hand is a bow resting on the ground and in his left hand is an arrow pointed downwards.

Perhaps the most famous Centaur can be found on a Remy Martin bottle. Although the Remy Centaur uses the more primitive spear, than a bow and arrow.

Looking for a special gift this Christmas? How about some fine champagne cognac? Perhaps Remy Martin could have a sale during the month of December in honor of the cosmic Centaur and holiday season?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Flag for persons mixed Jewish and Buddhist Faiths

The Jewish-Buddhist mixed heritage flag is based upon a combination of modern flags for both cultures.  Although this may seem like a new idea, mixed Buddhist-Jewish marriages have taken place before the Rise of the Roman Empire. Since Buddhism arose before the birth of Christ, and rose to prominence during the Jewish Exile in Babylon.

Additionally in the afterglow of Alexander the Great's union of East to West, India entered a Buddhist version of Camelot or rather "Buddha-lot" phase when Emperor Ashoka embraced Buddhism in an empire that included parts that are now Iran, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, and Myanmar.

Yet today, there is a growing population of persons who have one parent born of the Jewish faith and one of the Buddhist path.  Countries like Russia, Canada, and the United States are currently the leaders of persons born with spiritual connections to Abraham and Buddha. 

This banner is a birthright flag for persons who happen to have a spiritual heritage to both wisdom traditions.  Additionally it is for persons who identify as both Buddhist and Jewish.  Sometimes people refer to these individuals as Jewboo, Jubu, Buju, or Jewbu.

List of Famous Persons of mixed Jewish and Buddhist Faiths

The spirit of Iron Man is potentially mixed Jewish and Buddhist since the character came out the imagination of Stan Lee during the Vietnam Crisis, when the cultures of American Judaism and Vietnamese Buddhism mixed to a certain extent. 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Holiday Card of 2008

Back in 2008 I made another Christmas Holiday Card. It featured the soul mate states of Rhode Island and Indiana. Although they are different colours they have several overlapping harmonies.

They complement each other very well. Rhode Island and Indiana are the only US State flags to have a complete 'Betsy Ross Circle' of 13 stars. Although Indiana has six more on the inside since she was the 19th state, but both of their stars are coloured gold. In harmonious balance, Indiana has a torch while Rhode Island has an anchor. These are man made devices that work with opposite elements of fire and water.

Coincidentally when you combine the ancient alchemical symbols for fire (a triangle pointed up) and water (a triangle pointed down) - you get the star of David. Likewise if you combine the anchor and torch on these two flags it sort of looks like a Catholic Cross.

These cards have been decorated with two ancient scripts - Hebrew and Aramaic. Likewise Rhode Island is the older state and was home to the first US Synagogue. On the other hand Indiana is a younger state and home to one of the most famous US Catholic Cathedrals at Notre Dame. Likewise Christianity is younger than Judaism and it's good bet that Jesus was familiar with Aramaic.

Link to Holiday Card 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jericho on CBS

This is the Jericho Flag from the television show Jericho. The series had a two year run on CBS from 2006 until 2008. A key marketing element used a new American Flag design.

is a post-apocalyptic action-drama that took place in Kansas.

Although the series was canceled in the first year, a dedicated fan base was able to resurrect the show for a second season. Jericho has found new life in comic books. There are even dreams of a Jericho movie in the works some day.

Jericho transferred to comic
book from TV land, although
there is little comedy in this comic

This Jericho flag has 13 stripes in a vertical pattern with twenty one stars in an octagonal position.

Another TV show that jumped into the comic book universe was Quantum Leap. Comic books provide an excellent respite for shows that cultivated a strong fan base.

Maybe Northern Exposure, X-files, the Greatest American Hero, and other shows with cult fans could find new life in the comic books?

Hey TV executives!!! It's cheap, fun, and profitable!

Imagine ABC TV Comics Issue #1 that plays out beloved and canceled shows? Love Boat, Fall Guy, MASH, etc?

Link to one Jericho Fan site of many