
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Maryland Revolutionary Order Heritage Flags

 The flag above their 13 gold stars and 7 silver stars represents order of entry for Maryland under the US Constitution and Articles of Confederation.  Reason being Maryland was the last state with the Articles of Confederation, and later in 1788 was the 7th state to ratify the Constitution—the younger, Patch US Gov 2.0 that fixed the free play Us Gov 1.0 with a whole new mother load of apps and obligatory subscription software of 1788 (aka the US Constitution). 

However Maryland was originally the 13th state to join the United States under the Articles of Confederation.  Thus Maryland gets the coveted circle of 13 stars flag, reflecting her positions the last of the original 13 colonies to join the USA, on Ground Hog day back in 1783. 
 Finally there is the Constitutional and Confederation flag that denotes Maryland position as the 13th state of the Confederation and 7th state of the Constitution. 

 A funny coincidence is that Maryland's number of stars for her unilateral rank flags reflect the rebels of 1776 and of 1861.  Reason being there where 13 colonies in revolt in 1776.  Likewise 7 states formed the initial Southern Rebellion of 1861.  The first official flag of the USA had 13 stars while the first official flag of the CSA had 7 stars.  

Also the hour of Maryland begins at 1:07 PM, or rather 13:07 hrs.   

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