
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Cursor Vexilloids - from Google Docs

A unique kind of digital vexilloid was created in Google Docs, cursor vexilloids.  Cursor vexilloids indicate who is contributing to a document, when there is a team of people working together to make a document.  They were so designed to just happen to look like flags.  They can be of various colours, and are marked with the given name of the user. The original names demo-promo run of Google Docs uses less than diverse names to exhibit its properties.  No doubt more updated versions, a reboot will illustrate their use with diverse names as below.

Due to 2020 being a cultural inflection point for the Anglo-Saxon Oriented Communities (which speak English and are required to Study Shakespeare), Google will likely reboot the sample-demo ware with more diverse names than the plain old Tom, Pam or Kim.

This is new ground ground for the authorship of any document, since each character encoded can be recorded.  Consequently, data can be collected to see who contributed the most and how they contributed.

Demo-cursor vexilloids are oriented towards a Euro-centric axis, with no representation for other cultures

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