
Sunday, July 26, 2020

卍 Flag, Castle Flags on Cyborg Planet, Episode 105 Galaxy Express 999 若き戦士の伝説

A unique flag appears in the 105th episode, 若き戦士の伝説, of Galaxy Express 999.  At the cyborg castle a pink, green and black flag can be seen.  It has pink field with a lime green frame, in the center is Manji. 

You can see the flags along the central citadel. These types of flags with are known as the swallow-tailed guidon.  

The overall story arc of the this star train trek to Andromeda, is the theme of potential immortality.  The young boy Tetsuro is traveling to a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy inorder to get a cybernetic body, with the potential of living a near immortal life.   However on several visits to planets, ugly issues that arise between cyborgs and organics are debated. One assumption of the future is that cyborgs look down upon organic people as inferior, and often mistreat them, and at times violently, eviscerate them from the general population.

Although this series started in the late 1970s, it is another story that foretold of human arrogance with technology.  Already today, we are an externally-bound cybernetic civilization.  It is nearly impossible to live a full life without electronic devices.   Likewise many humans look down upon others who do not have the most modern I-Phone or other electronic devices. Many tech advanced externally-cybergistic humans, are filled with scorn, rage, and contempt when they see other humans using old and outdated technology.

Also note that the black symbol-cross in the center of the flag is a Manji:卍 .  It is an ancient symbol connected to Japanese Buddhism.  1000 years before 1941, in the year 941 these cross-like icons represented the path towards enlightenment.  Only recently, in the Western Euro-Centric mindset has this beautiful symbol of grace become a socially triggering device.  Perhaps it is best to call these symbols when positioned properly at a perpendicular perspective, Manjis rather that the other inflammatory name?

Also note, in the original Legend of Zelda 1984, the third dungeon was shaped like a Manji, rather than infamous Nuttzo, Arsely, Zooky, and Idiotic symbol of revenge.  Instead one should consider the Manji as a Majestic, Awesome,  Nice, Joyful, Image of Hope.  

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