Part III - Gad and Zebulun

Gad's icon is usually a tent or group of three tents. The number doesn't matter so much, lest you understand that the totem for Gad is a group of outlaw folk commonly called raiders, bandits, thieves, or robbers. The totem for Zebulun on the other hand is almost always represented by a single ship. The origins of these icons trace back to the account in Genesis when Jacob blesses the Twelve Tribes of Israel on his death bed.
Most of the tribes derive their icons from this account, subsequently the emblems of the Twelve Tribes of Israel have served as a source of inspiration for artists for countless generations.
But the odd common element for Simeon and Gad is, both are external to the blessing. Most of the tribal emblems arise when Jacob uses a direct metaphor or simile. For example it is written that - Judah is like a lion, Benjamin is like a wolf, Dan will be a snake, Issachar is no better than a donkey.

However the emblems for Zebulun and Gad are predictions of men in an occupation. They also apply more aptly to foreigners rather than Israelis. Zebulun is predicted to become a haven for ships? What kind of ships? Ships that bring trade and economy - which includes foreign ships. Gad's emblem refers to a troop of raiders that rob him, subsequently Gad - like Batman - must pursue them, lending us the joke of Gadman the desert avenger. But seriously folks,the raiders could be future Israelis that go bad or robbers of foreign nations.
Also, the emblems of Gad and Zebulun hint at the perpetual dichotomy between the navy and army. Just as there is a captain of the ship and officers, a desert caravan - bandit or merchant - must have a chief with lieutenants. The life of a sailor or roving band of 'land pirates' requires an organized group effort composed of roughnecks as well as a shrewd class of keenly intelligent individuals. Setting camp, maintaining order and navigating a sea or dessert are the important duties for sailors or and an army of raiders.
link to part 1 (who is man's best friend?)
link to part 4 (fruit salad anyone?)
photo credits
Ship: User:WIBEAN (维基百科,自由的百科全书), upload in commons.wikimedia of 22-02-2006
Troops in Tent: J. David Rogers
Ship: User:WIBEAN (维基百科,自由的百科全书), upload in commons.wikimedia of 22-02-2006
Troops in Tent: J. David Rogers
Good post..
ReplyDeleteSHALOM.. SHALOM... (1)
ReplyDeleteGad, they are the commander or person in the battle and strategy. Some time ago the world was not too fussy with the repatriation of the remains of the tribe of Manasses on the border of India and Myanmar to the land of Agreement / Israel. I'm from the Moluccas, may you know .. I live in the city of Ambon. In Ambon Here there is a study of a pastor and author of "Children of Israel lost key-Indonesia" and according to the results of the study were identified Maluku have 3 Tribes of Israel were lost (only the remnants of) the tribe of Gad and Reuben and Levi.
In the book "The Israel Golden Gate Sector in Indonesia" by Rabbi Resley
Disclosure of the existence of Israel in the Moluccas was started from the study authors about the origin of the author's own ancestors, ie the initial (first) S'rua island which is the third island of the archipelago Teon, Nila, S'rua (TNS). But it turns out this research extends to the whole culture of Maluku.
According Resley, when during the Moluccan Christians call themselves by the name Israel without fear, using the symbols of Israel, and tend to behave like the children of Israel, and Israel defended desperately; thing they will not just fanaticism of their faith alone, but also arise due to encouragement from their hearts. This is because pretty much based on his research found similarities between the languages, customs (culture), as well as relics of the Moluccas which have similarities to the Jewish race. In other words, the ancestors of the Moluccas were Jews.
Resley said that well before the Arabs and the Europeans know Maluku (Arabic arrived mid-14th century, the Portuguese arrived early 15th century) there have been other nations that recognize first Maluku, including the Chinese.
The Israelites (Hebrews) into Maluku through India and China. Because in the year 605 BC Kingdom of Judah (Southern Kingdom) conquered and transported to disposal in the area of Media and Persia (Iraq and Iran). When the kingdom of Persia came to power, covering power Ethiopia (Africa) to India. In fact, since the year 722 BC, the Kingdom of Israel (the Northern Kingdom), which consists of 10 tribes had already been transported by the Assyrians, then scattered in many nations in the territory of Assyria, and when the Romans invaded Palestine and Central Asia since the year 63 BC until the rise of religious Christianity in the 1st century AD, when the roads were built, making it possible for a person to reach all parts of the kingdom easily. The people of Israel are scattered in almost all cities in the Roman Empire as a trader (Introduction to the New Testament p. 4-5) and when this happens an excellent trade relations between the western world (the Roman Empire) and the East (Royal China).
By the time a part of the Roman Empire is the merchant of the Hebrews arrived in Maluku with trading partners, namely the Roman empire of the Chinese merchants. One of the strong evidence that in the 1st century AD spices from the Moluccas never sold in Jerusalem, is due in the year 33 AD, some Jewish women are: Mary Magdalene and her friends buy spices at the market Jerusalem to preserve the corpse Jesus (Mark 16:1).
Another opportunity the people of Israel arrived in the Moluccas are the merchants of Israel came alone to the Moluccas after knowing the way to the Moluccas from the Chinese traders.
ReplyDeleteIn the book History of the Moluccas things. 19 it is said that the word is derived from the Maluku "Maloko" which is the designation for Kalano title (head area). Well, the word "Maloko" according Resley of Hebrew origin. Designation for the king in Hebrew is "Literacy" or "Melech". More ancient forms is "Maliki" (EKAMK II p. 292), resulting in the Tambo Chinese Tang Dynasty (618-906) "Moluccas" listed as "Miliku", which is an area that is used as a benchmark for determining the direction of the royal "Holing "(Kalinga) in the west.
Other words similar to Maloko is "Moloch" is the god of the Ammonites worshiped. Hebrew form of this name is "Molek". In the Old Testament scriptures, Molek generally have the article (Leviticus 18:21; 20:2-5, 2 Kings 23:10, Jeremiah 32:35). The word "Moloch" in verse-verse implies that the word may be a common word for people who rule (EKAMK II p. 93). Thus, the title Maloko charged for a Kalano is derived from the Hebrew language and culture. And the word Molekh (Moloch) in Hebrew means king. Maloko then called the Moluccas (Molokhus). And it means the Moluccas islands the kings.
Also according to Resley, the word "ALIFURU" which is a term for people who first inhabited the Maluku is not derived from the Arabic (Alif). Because long before the influence of Arab (Islamic) goes to the Moluccas in the mid XIV century, there have been people who inhabit the Maluku islands that spread starting from Nusa Halmahera Ina and which is called by anthropologists AH. Keane, FJP. Sachese and OD. Tauren tribes as the "Alfuros".
Alfuros said it is not likely derived from the word ALIFURU, though it refers to human understanding at first. For if the word is associated with the word ALIFURU Maloko, Baeleu, and seniri, as well as cultural chiefs, namely Alluf, so it is not suitable.
Alif word appears after the entry of the Arabs into Maluku. But before that, said Alfuros it refers to the name of the tribe that has been discovered by experts, the "ALUNE" that exist both in Nusa Ina (CERAM) and Halmahera with a culture or system of government "ALLUF" namely: leadership is at hand " the heads / chiefs ". Culture was originally implemented by the "Edom": the descendants of Esau, brother of Jacob (Israel) the son of Isaac, called the eyes of the house in the Moluccas (the head), head of Soa and chiefs.
Alluf within the meaning of the Hebrew is:
- Commander, the leader (Hebrew Short-Indonesian dictionary terms. 11)
- The chief of the Edom who later called the "King" (Genesis 36:19, 31)
At the end of the book, Resley said that the majority of the Moluccas is a descendant of the tribe of Gad, the tribe of Israel that had been presumed lost and never be found again. This is the only tribe that does not have a representative in Israel today. The opening of the gates of gold (golden gate) as well as the fulfillment of the prophecy of the second coming of Christ to rule the world from Jerusalem is only fulfilled if the twelve tribes had gathered in the land of Zion (Israel), which including the tribe of Gad, which eventually termed Resley as the Jewish Alfuros.
ReplyDeleteIn the chronological birth order and each of their twelve patriarchal Degel colors.
[1] Reuben - Red squire flag, with mandrake flowers.
[2] Simeon - Green squire flag, with buildings of the city of Shechem.
[3] Levi - The exterior squire flag frame made of White, Black, and Red vertical stripes. With internal squire emblem of the Hoshen [Breastplate] fabric motif, consisting all twelve tribal Degel.
[4] Judah - Sky blue squire flag, with a lion.
[5] Dan - Blue squire flag, with a snake.
[6] Naphtali - [clear wine] Purple squire flag [burgundy], with a hind.
[7] Gad - Grey [a varicolored blend of black white and sky blue color thread cord then interlacing together into weave fabric] squire flag, with a tent camp.
[8] Asher - Blue-Green squire flag, with a woman’s turban and olive tree.
[9] Issachar - [dark] Blue squire flag, with a sun and moon
[10] Zebulun - White squire flag, with a ship
[11] Joseph - Black squire flag, with Sheaf of wheate.
* a. Ephraim - Black squire flag, with a BULLOCK
* b. Manasseh - Black squire flag, with a ORYX.
[12] Benjamin - All tribal Color blend [a varicolored combination all tribal colors twisted blend into a single cord then interlacing together into weave fabric] squire flag with a wolf.
ReplyDeleteThere are fourteen tribal flags [Strong’s # H1714, Degel.] including those of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh
Since the Exodus the use of the term armies [Tsaba, Strong’s # 6635,] signifies a permanent Israelite army (Exodus 6: 26, 7: 4, 12: 17, 12: 51.) In the organization of tribes in the wilderness, each tribe was assigned a specific location in respect to the tabernacle, three tribes assigned to each side with the tabernacle at the center. Each of the four groupings [east/south/west/north] had a “leader tribe” that led that grouping, with each group of three tribes having a army unit flag. Judah emblem of a Lion face to the east, Reuben emblem of a Young Man face to the south, Ephraim emblem of a Bullock face to the west, and Dan emblem of a Eagle face to the north, were the four “lead tribes” designated with the four square army unit flags. The Jewish study Bible’s commentary on Numbers 2: 3-31 states the following: “The twelve tribes are arranged to form a square camp around the Tabernacle of four army with three tribes in each army.”
In Ezekiel 1: 5-10, the prophet has a vision in which four-faced cherubim echo the four emblems traditionally understood to represent these four square army units flags of Israel. They are seen in that vision in Ezekiel as surrounding the celestial tabernacle [Mishkan]. Ezekiel 42:16-20 and 45:2 describes the well-known scriptural maxim of the symmetrical square temple [Mishkan,] the symmetrical square shape as well characterize all of YHWH’s flags.
An additional scriptural flag/banner was called the Nes [Strong’s # H5251]. In Exodus 17 the Hebrew words "YHWH Nissi” mean YHWH’s flag/banner or YHWH is my Flag/Banner, depending on how the idiom is interpreted. While the Hebrew word {Nissi} literally means “my Nes,” (YHWH’s Nes), the related word Nasas [Strong’s # 5264] means {Nes} bearers, or {Nes} flag/banner-bearers, signifying those who bore the flag of YHWH, Israel’s God and King.
In the ancient times rulers were considered demigods, part human/part deity god-kings, and their flags represented them and bore related symbols. For example, the flag of King Cyrus III bore the image of a golden eagle deity, illustrating Cyrus’ legitimacy in relationship to that national god and identifying him as both king and demigod over his people. Ancient kings were perceived and worshipped as deities in conjunction with existing “gods.” Likewise, the god-Pharaohs had flags on high flagpoles in the entrances to their royal palaces, temples, and roadside shrines. Their culture shared a religious practice of setting up a flag as the icon for a god, this custom was so prevailing that the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for the word “god” [neter also pronounce ne’t] is identified as a flag on a flagpole. Bearing in mind that it is believe that the Hebrew term {Nes} has a different root, it is just as plausible that Moses may had used the term {Nes} in the Pentateuch as a play on the Egyptian word for the {ne’t} because the Hebraic {Nes} had a similar meaning as "YHWH Nissi,” in the role of YHWH’s iconic flag/banner.
Each tribal flag in Hebrew is {degel.} Each army unit flag is {tsaba degel,} and the royal flag of Israel’s God YHWH is the {Nes.} There are 14 individual tribal flags plus the 4 army flags, and the additional {Nes} flag brings the total count of biblical flags to 19.