
Sunday, July 26, 2020

卍 Flag, Castle Flags on Cyborg Planet, Episode 105 Galaxy Express 999 若き戦士の伝説

A unique flag appears in the 105th episode, 若き戦士の伝説, of Galaxy Express 999.  At the cyborg castle a pink, green and black flag can be seen.  It has pink field with a lime green frame, in the center is Manji. 

You can see the flags along the central citadel. These types of flags with are known as the swallow-tailed guidon.  

The overall story arc of the this star train trek to Andromeda, is the theme of potential immortality.  The young boy Tetsuro is traveling to a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy inorder to get a cybernetic body, with the potential of living a near immortal life.   However on several visits to planets, ugly issues that arise between cyborgs and organics are debated. One assumption of the future is that cyborgs look down upon organic people as inferior, and often mistreat them, and at times violently, eviscerate them from the general population.

Although this series started in the late 1970s, it is another story that foretold of human arrogance with technology.  Already today, we are an externally-bound cybernetic civilization.  It is nearly impossible to live a full life without electronic devices.   Likewise many humans look down upon others who do not have the most modern I-Phone or other electronic devices. Many tech advanced externally-cybergistic humans, are filled with scorn, rage, and contempt when they see other humans using old and outdated technology.

Also note that the black symbol-cross in the center of the flag is a Manji:卍 .  It is an ancient symbol connected to Japanese Buddhism.  1000 years before 1941, in the year 941 these cross-like icons represented the path towards enlightenment.  Only recently, in the Western Euro-Centric mindset has this beautiful symbol of grace become a socially triggering device.  Perhaps it is best to call these symbols when positioned properly at a perpendicular perspective, Manjis rather that the other inflammatory name?

Also note, in the original Legend of Zelda 1984, the third dungeon was shaped like a Manji, rather than infamous Nuttzo, Arsely, Zooky, and Idiotic symbol of revenge.  Instead one should consider the Manji as a Majestic, Awesome,  Nice, Joyful, Image of Hope.  

Thursday, July 23, 2020

North Korean California Republic Flag

The North Korean Republic fun flag is based upon the state flag of California.  It has the Asian Black Bear which usually has a white patch under its neck. 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Air Force JROTC Guidon

Delaware Nature Society Pennant

The Delaware Nature Society is based in the state of Delaware.  The are committed to helping maintain natural habitats, clean water programs, and educating the public on the vast resources.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Cursor Vexilloids - from Google Docs

A unique kind of digital vexilloid was created in Google Docs, cursor vexilloids.  Cursor vexilloids indicate who is contributing to a document, when there is a team of people working together to make a document.  They were so designed to just happen to look like flags.  They can be of various colours, and are marked with the given name of the user. The original names demo-promo run of Google Docs uses less than diverse names to exhibit its properties.  No doubt more updated versions, a reboot will illustrate their use with diverse names as below.

Due to 2020 being a cultural inflection point for the Anglo-Saxon Oriented Communities (which speak English and are required to Study Shakespeare), Google will likely reboot the sample-demo ware with more diverse names than the plain old Tom, Pam or Kim.

This is new ground ground for the authorship of any document, since each character encoded can be recorded.  Consequently, data can be collected to see who contributed the most and how they contributed.

Demo-cursor vexilloids are oriented towards a Euro-centric axis, with no representation for other cultures

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Galaxy Quest 1999 flags

Star Trek was a series that just cried for a spoof.  There have been so many, and many more to come.  From Saturday Night Live to Youtubers.  Spoofing Star Trek is a sign that this franchise is indeed a cultural institution.

However, a unique sentimental spoof made fun of the show and fans and yet, was able to capture that warm glow trekkie glow...Galaxy Quest 1999.   Several banner and flags appear in the movie.  During the convention-meet and greet the stars of the show- a purple Galaxy Quest pennant can be seen on the wall with the Saturn-like planetary logo.

Before he was cast as Snape, Alan Rickman, was a funky scientific alien with a flag swearing vengence for his fallen comrades.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Captain Harlock's Flag from Galaxy Express 999: キャプテンハーロックの旗—銀河鉄道999

The Star Trek of Japan is Galaxy Express 999 or rather the 'Ginga Tetsudo Sureenain' of the USA is Staru Tureku?  One key character is Captain Harlock, who flies the pirate ensign on his Galactic Voyager. 

Galaxy Express 999 was an animated show with many adult themes.  It was basically a star trek across the span of the Milky Way to Andromeda Galaxies.  Themes of life, love, death, war, broken dreams, immortality, ghosts, greed, capitalism, work and the social contract of cultures were its mainstaty, explored in each episode. 
KIRK = Tetsuro てつろ星野 鉄郎
SPOCK = Maetel  メーテル
SCOTTY = Shasho-san "Conductor" 車掌しゃしょう