
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Rainbow in the Indian Ocean: Seychelles & Mauritius

Flag of Seychelles

Mauritius and Seychelles have flag of similar colours but of slightly different patterns.

They are both island nations of the Indian Ocean. Mauritius is probably more famous for its now extinct animal than the nation itself: the Dodo. Like wise Mauritius saw a large swath of animals go the way of the Dodo after the arrival of mankind like its native sea turtles.

Flag of Mauritius
Like a shimmering rainbow pointing to the mystical pot of gold, these nations shimmer on the ancient Ocean of India.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Green Flags Ahoy! Saudi Arabia & Guess Who

Flag of Saudi Arabia
with Islamic Prayer on it the Shahada

Libya and Saudi Arabia are nations enchanted with the emerald colour. Perhaps living in a desert made them treasure the colour green, for it meant life was near and perhaps an oasis.

Islam claims green for it's very own.

Libya and Saudi Arabia are nations with a vast ocean of sand. These nearly endless seas of sand and earth rest on the entrance door steps of Europe to Africa and Asia.

They are close cousins of sorts but polarized to different oceans. Libya is on the African Coast of the Mediterranean World rooted to the Atlantic, while Saudi Arabia is on the Asiatic Red and Persian Sea coasts, rooted to the Indian Ocean.

They are sibling nations that are stringently Islamic & Arabic. They are so close to the western world yet so far away.
Flag of Libya
Green is the colour of Islam
Tragically, both nations gave rise to scorpion like militants who have sent tremors of pain and fear down the American Spinal chord. For the desert is a harsh teacher, yet if you learn and respect her ways she will love you like none other.

What are the chances that Destiny would bless these nations with such vast quantities of petroleum? After eons and countless generations, our generation was the chosen to live in the age of the horseless chariot. A precious generation we are, so lucky and blessed. Yet this blessing has come with a curse. But within this curse lies our greatest hope.

For the magic potion that feeds these horseless chariots was fatefully given in great abundance to Libya and Saudi Arabia.

People of the Desert were always aware and intelligent of the various needs of life, people, circumstance, religion, and politics. As the modern world comes to terms with a limited amount of resources, the people of the Desert were destined to rise in the lime light of our awareness, for they are no stranger to life under a strict, straight and narrow path. Rather they are masters of it.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

2010 SNL Flag Short Analysis: Part V

This is the final installment of the Flag's of the World Digital Short Video by Saturday Night Live.

by guest blogger, Jacqueline Handy

Scotty flag is a play off of the flag of Scotland called a Scotch Flag. They really don't harmonize too well visually only acoustically. They could have used a bottle of Scotch for a Scotch Flag or made a flag out of Scotch Tape too.

Stag Flag kinda goes with Girlfriend on a Rag Flag. When you Google Stag, you usually get some kind of deer or a Bachelor Party. A Bachelor Party flag would have went better, than just a stag flag and it would have been a funnier image. I guess SNL ran out of time, or didn't bother to Google Stag?

They represent extremes in the male and female hormones. A Girlfriend on the Rag flag has unbalanced levels of female hormones running though her body, while men at a STAG PARTY can beat chests and let their testosterone rule the roost. They act like a wild deer with antlers, better known as a Stag.

Also when you Google Stag you often get a some chick showing off her feathers to bunch of guys. SNL didn't want to use this kind of image because it's pro femi-nutzy. If you didn't notice SNL is pro commie-affirmative action via female comedians. Rather SNL loves to show us with men kissing men, and flashing us strap on dildos. SNL means Saturday Night Liberals.

A flag made out of a check hoisted by a pencil makes Check Flag? They should of at least had a patriotically designed check. There are many kinds of checks with US flags on it. Instead they went with the flag of someone they knew: Alexander M. Lindsay.

Who is this person? He must have an account with Chase Manhattan Bank and apparently his birthday may be February 27, 1987 and he has some sort of relationship with Rebecca Jr. Lally.

This is connected to another flag that is simply a kite with US flag pattern on it. Thus they match by flag on a pencil and flag on a string. Also, flying kites and receiving checks is fun!

These two flag represent the two main forms of modern entertainment and mass communication: TV and the Movies. The movie the Hottie and the Nottie starred Paris Hilton, while the NBC's Lost is one of it's hottest television shows.

The Final Pair!

Yahtzee dice with a checkered flag. Whether you're rolling dice or hoping for your car to win, it's all a gamble and there can only be one winner. But in the end it's all about the ride, so basically SNL is telling you to smile, take some chances, have fun and enjoy life, it'll be over before your know it!

Conclusion: So what do all these pairings mean? Basically the skit created by Saturday Night Live was most likely done by a team of writers and comedians. The primary architect of this flag skit was the lyricist or lyricists. The whole project represents an input of several minds at work.

It shows that there is a need for harmony on the most subtle level of things.

Friday, March 12, 2010

2010 SNL Flag Short Analysis: Part IV

By Jacqueline Handy,

formerly of the Smiths and Black Flag were two wonderfully established alternative and punk bands of the underground scene during the 1980s. SNL is really showing their gray hairs with these groups. But instead of Morrisey the Moz they should have and Anti-Flag flag.

These two flags are united by the fact they are drawings. The famous Ziggy flag is based on the Ziggy comic strip that hit it big in the late 1970s, while the unknown Gag flag was probably drawn by a SNL cast member, it looks like a girl did the drawing. The Gag flag artist probably chose yellow tri-bars to match the yellow banana peel that the person is about to slip on.

Both are pictures of women with facial hair. The Freak Flag is of bearded woman who has no choice in the matter, God made her that way. While the Maggie flag has a girl that goes against her gender's identity. Maggie dressed in Draggie Flag? Technically Maggie is not dressed in Drag but rather dressed in Drab. Drab is when a woman is "Dressed a Boy" and Drag is when a man is "Dressed as Girl." 'It should be Maggie Dressed in Drabbie Flag.'

The stuff in the baggie flag is obviously tobacco that was grown in Jamaica. Zig Zag man represents the four traditional values of American conservatism hard work, God, humility, and gun ownership. Zig Zag papers allow smokers of tobacco to truly participate in the tobacco cigarette smoking process. Basically you put your chi flow into the cigarette, thus you can smoke your own chi with Zig Zag.

FYI: when people smoke tobacco they connect with chi of the earth via nicotine, but it's a very short connection and dose not interfere in work. Unfortunately, in American middle schools becoming a Nicotine Junkie is way too appealing and cool. Many movies and ads still promote Nicotine Junkie-hood. It is also still legal but getting difficult to express ones Nicotine Junkie-hood in public.

These are two popular musicians from the two extremes of American pop music, one representing Gen-X of black America and the other of Gen-X white America. Biggie passed away in 1997 and was from NYC. While Brett the former lead singer from the cross-dressing Poison group from the 1980s has reinvented himself on reality tv. A better match for Brett probably would have been a Flavor Flav Flag.

Not much of word match, but they harmonize by style. Taking Drags from a Fag Flag and Can I Get a Peek Flag seem like rather queer flags.

DR. FREUD SAYS: These two flags are linked by male homosexuality, a recently popular theme on Saturday Night Live and standard joke on Late Night TV. Gay humor can been seen with Connan O'Brien + La Bamaba and Jay Leno + Kevin Eubanks, as they often tease each other with man on man love jokes. But is it a joke, or some deeply held passion?

The man dressed in a garbage rags taking drags from a 'Fag' Flag indicates that he is not at peace with his inner gay life force and thinks of it as dirty and or an addiction he must hide, thus the colour black. While the 'nude man' with a flag on his chest has clearly embraced his true preference as a freedom via the American theme 'in the pursuit of happiness.'

There are very few people (men and women) who want to be flashed by a skinny naked white man with a six pack, however a large percentage gay men probably wouldn't mind. Thus 'Can I get a Peek Flag' represents the liberated gay man who is not afraid of inner happiness.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Let's have peace and be gay

Gay Pride Flag
The Peace Flag is similar to the Gay Pride Flag. One of the first uses of the Rainbow Peace flag took place in Italy in 1961 against the use of nuclear weapons. The Gay Pride flag came a little later in 1978 and originally had a hot pink and turquoise stripe, that was later dropped. To the right is the current most popular version.

First Peace Flag in Italy,
Pace is Italian for Peace

The amazing harmony is the Rainbow Peace Flag and Gay Pride flag are reflective of a double rainbow. The first lower rainbow has red on top of the bow. If the rainbow is powerful enough a second usually fainter 'upside down' rainbow appears, with purple on top of the bow.

The upper rainbow is reflective of the Rainbow Peace Flag, while the lower rainbow reflects the Gay Pride movement. Therefore the peace and gay movement are mysteriously intertwined on some cosmic level.

I suppose the universe is saying Hippies and Gays just wanna be happy and live in peace? Or perhaps Gays should lead the peace movement? Who knows?

Original Peace Flag Colours 1961

Original Colours 1978

The following video was taken next to Big Ben and Parliament in the United Kingdom May 14, 2010. On my way to talk at the UK Flag Institute's Spring Meeting, I just happen to bump into this peace vigil-protest.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

St. Patty's Day PLUS!!!

March is that wonderful month with where day light begins its fateful triumph over darkness, at least in the northern hemisphere. This holiday eventually evolved into St. Patty's Day and in America you can drink green beer and get a mint McShamrock Shake!

Here is a proposal to slightly alter and add to St. Patty's Day. The liberal faction of America has demoted this lime light holiday for the Irish in favor of Women's History Month, while the republican business side of America uses this day to promote a bump in sales for alcoholic beverages and sales in silly green stuff.

St. Patty's Day is due for a make over!!!!

I love the Irish and the colour green. But St. Patty's day for us folk that are not Irish kinda' makes the us feel like on the out, kinda' like how Jewish or Hindu people feel during Christmas. Basically if your not Irish, St. Patty's day looks like Irish-Kwanzaa from non Irish eyes.

Irish people make up a big percentage of the American Pie, God Bless em, but some times I wonder why there aren't more Irish-American Presidents or Irish-American Vice Presidents?

Anyhow, during these lovely Celtic Irish Day parades and green dyed city rivers, why not make the parades a celebration of all the colours of people like a rainbow. But instead of Santa Claus as the anchor we have a pot of gold guarded by a rainbow coalition of mature jolly women of all ethnics: blonde, East Asian, India, West Asian, Native, and Latin Woman (kudos to Women's History Month) waving Irish and Ivory Coast flags. Finally there would be two co-queen anchors of the parade (sort of like a double Santa) that must be a ginger haired mature woman and full bodied cheerful African-American woman. Since the Irish flag and Ivory coast flag are converses of each other.

Popular Irish Flag flown by the People

In the parade people dress up in the traditional clothing of any of their ancestors and carry the flag of that nation. Here is the catch, the paraded people are matched up by the pairings of my flag symmetry idea?

Also as to include children in the holiday kids get to dress up in the traditional clothing of any of their ancestors. If they are 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Polish, 1/4 African then one year they can dress up in Irish threads, the next year in Chinese threads, and the following year in any kind of African threads of their choosing. If any of your ancestors fought for the South during the US Civil War, then gosh darnit you get to wear a gray uniform!

Official Irish Flag for the President
Instead of candy we celebrate with international food festivals from around the world! And for people who like to party it up, costume parties!!! You dress up in the any of the heritages costumes from the past and reaffirm your roots to the world. Just imagine all those pretty cute traditional outfits!

Thus there is business boost for the party store companies and a bump in supermarket ethnic foods, and the buying green stuff. Also, I really want to dig my teeth in Irish food some day! Until then I'll just have to enjoy my McShamrock McShake.

It'll be like the 'Opposite-Halloween'. Instead of celebrating death, it's a celebration of our heritages. If you're a fundamentalist in regards to religion, they you can come to school in biblical clothing with a cross or turban? Bottom line is business sales, fun, money, and everyone gets to join in. But the IRISH get to be the anchor in all the parades!!!

As twas' meant to for Irish, for they are indeed the chosen anchor of the old world. For the luck of the good grace of Destiny, the last shadows of the day are given to Erin.... they drift on her gentle beaches as the sun says goodnight to the old world.

is the
'Land of the Setting Sun.'

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2010 SNL Flag Short Analysis: Part III

by Jacqueline Handy

The red and white flag are universal symbols often used every day speak. A white flag means surrender and red flag means danger-alert. In this case the US Army man with a bandage on his head is apparently surrendering to the insurgents on behalf of the Coalition of the Willing.

The woman on the right is holding a red flag because the man she was eating dinner started to play with his food (see bread flag). It's probably a bad idea to play with your food on a first date, it will send up a red flag for a woman (weirdo or looser!), unless you already know that she enjoys such inane-immature humor.

But did you ever wonder what colour flag the Communists in China use? Or does such an expression ever exist, "Red Flag Alert?" If you raised a red flag in China they would probably feel happy and get a jolt of patriotic pride?

The union of these two flags is that of angles and devils. Jay Lo has a halo made of play-dough while Potsie has the post modern universal symbol of the devil: a Hitler Mustache. Recently it has been used by anti-Obama activists to portray him as the devil, just as George Bush was by anti-Bush activists. The Hitler mustache has become the new Devil's Horns. But in this case it's an off the wall depiction on an innocent and friendly member, Potsie, of the TV show Happy Days is intended to be humorous, not to demonize.

These two flags have been censored, since they portray flags in conjugal positions. Saturday Night Live may get hate mail over this one, since little naughty strap on flag is the flag of either Poland, Monaco, or Indonesia! But I don't think they did this on purpose. But but but, I have heard of rumors that SNL has an anti-Polish, anti-Monaco, and anti-Indonesian bias in their humor. And just to play it safe I think they should apologize for what they did accident or not so they wont feel bad on the inside. No red blooded hard core tea bagging pole waxing fundamentalist missionary style Republican would stand for having the US flag in such a low brow position.

When the idea for Light Flag came up it needed a balance, and it was the Clap on Flag. The Clap on Flag is based on a device that usually turns lights on and off with the sound of a clap. Our family got a clap on one year for Christmas and it worked for the first three days and would often turn on and off inadvertently. It broke a few days later.

This next pair is a physical science teacher's dream come true. These flags are reflective of kinetic and potential energy, you all remember right? The Snag Flag represents a flag in motion which is kinetic energy, while the man resting on the Nap Flag is a flag at rest reflective of potential energy.