
Monday, August 25, 2014

Flags of Canis Major and Canis Minor - The Big Dog and Little Dog

Canis Major & Canis Minor
The Big Dog and The Little Dog

Once again duality strikes a chord amongst the heavens.  Every constellation has a particular harmonious partner.  In this case The Big Dog and Little Dog match up.  Both dogs are loyal to their respective Northern and Southern heavens, Northern and Southern Galactic poles, and cross over into the Milky Way.

 The flag of Canis Major the Greater Dog uses the colours red, orange, and yellow on its field.  It is rooted to the 'Southern' Galactic Faction-with M87 and Southern Skies.

In balance the flag of Canis Minor the Lesser Dog uses the colours red, white, and equatorial band.  Although not as big a Canis Major, the smaller dog rests on the equator.  But she is rooted to the northern skies and 'Northern' Galactic Faction with Andromeda Galaxy.

Flags of the Constellations for Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

Ursa Major & Ursa Minor
The Great Bear and Little Bear - or - The Big Dipper and Little Dipper

When they were naming the constellations they couldn't help but apply the Yin-Yang duality theme, it happens a lot.  In any case each constellation has a particular partner that matches on some harmonious level.  I suppose there was need for some kind of Cosmic Harmony, otherwise the stars may have fallen out of order.  In this case the Ursa Major the Great Bear matches up harmoniously with Ursa Minor the Little Bear.

 Both bears are partisan to the Northern Skies and matched to the 'Northern' Galactic Faction that is facing the Super Cluster Capitol on the Golden Grain of Virgo - M87.  You can think of the Little Bear and Big Bear as Serbia and Russia. 

The flag of Ursa Major covers many bands from the 20s all the up to the 70s, so the colours orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet are present.

 The flag of Ursa Minor covers fewer degrees on the Celestial Globe, but it taps the 80s, thus is gets a black band. It is also the keeper of the North Star with its tail.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Constellation flags of Vela the Sails and Carina the Keel

Vela & Keel
The Sails and The Keel

Two of the most important parts to ship are the sails and the keel.  These essential parts of a sailing ship match up in a harmonious way. 

Each constellation is dedicated to the part of the ship that interacts with opposite elements that allow the vessel to move.  The Keel makes deepest contact with the water, while the sails make highest contact with the air. 

Both Constellations make contact with Milky Way Galaxy.  Vela the Sails crosses into both Galactic Spheres, while the Carina the Keel is rooted to the Southern Galactic Side and merging into the Milky Way Galaxy.

 The flag of Vela the Sails uses the colours red, green, and blue on its field. 
The flag of Carina the Keel uses the colours blue, indigo, and violet on the field.

Flags for the Constellations of Horologium the Pendulum Clock and Reticulum the Spatial Grid

Horologium & Reticulum
The Pendulum Clock and Spatial Gird

Space-Time is one of their weird dimensions of Outer Space, and not to mention regular mundane space.  Thus the Clock and Spatial Grid as meta-perceptual concepts match up harmoniously.  Science only has a simple grapple on these phenomena, but talented poets and writers have become masters of time and space by having their spirit transcending the ages across space and time. 

Reticulum the Network is much like the internet, brain, or natural connectivity between all things.  Likewise time is that invisible yet malleable material intimately ingrained in space, whether it be outer space or the space in your atoms.  Consequently they pair up nicely in this Constellation Series of paired up regions of the Night's Sky.

Coincidentally modern astronomers have interlinked these constellations as the long arm of the Cosmic Clock crosses through the Heavenly Network of Reticulum, just look at any modern astronomy book and the 'lines' of Horologium always pass through Reticulum.  It must, since space and time are interlinked.

 The flag of Horolgium the Pendulum Clock uses the colours green, blue, indigo, and violet.  The symbol for the Clock is long arm tied to the star key that is often found in a phone. It also honors the old cogs and crankshafts of the ancient pr-digital time pieces.
The symbol of Reticulum the Network is the hash tag, also known as the pound, also known as the tic tac toe sign.

Constellation flag of Ara the Altar and the Crux the Southern Cross

Ara & Crux
The Altar and Southern Cross

Ara the Altar and Crux the Southern Cross are gateways to the spiritual dimension.  The cross was originally a method of execution, likewise ancient man often used the altar to execute animals and sometimes people for the Gods and God.  In this post, here they are bound together as the spiritual holy totems of the night's sky.  But to most astronomers they are simply a region in the sky.  Coincidentally they both have regions in the Milky Way Galaxy.  Crux the Southern Cross resides totally in the Milky Way, thus is non-partisan.  Ara is just slightly tilted towards the Southern Galactic Side, but mostly resides in the Middle Way Milky Way Galaxy Path.

 The Southern Cross is visible best during the month of April, coincidentally near Easter. 

The Altar is best viewed during the months of June and July in the Southern Skies.

Flags for the Constellations Lyra the Lyre and Pictor the Easel

Lyra & Pictor
The Lyre and The Easel

Lyra the Lyre and Pictor the Easel illustrate the two most basic forms of art: music and pictures.  To be specific they remind us of the cosmic melodies and vibrant colours that can be found all across the Universe. 

The flag of Lyra the Lyre completely crosses the northern 30 degrees sector.  The Lyre is doubly North-bound as it is rooted the Northern Heavens and Northern Galactic Pole.  However it crosses into the 'Monkey in the Middle' Milky Way Zone. 
The flag of Pictor the Easel is bound to the Southern Heavens and also rooted to Southern Galactic Faction. 

Constellation flag for Scutum the Shield and Sagitta the Arrow

Scutum & Sagitta
The Shield and The Arrow

Scutum and Sagitta are a union of objects that defend and offend in times of war, crime, or urgency.  Scutum the Shield and Sagitta the Arrow are also non-partisian on the Galactic Sphere, since they reside in the Milky Way Galaxy.  The Cosmic Arrow and Heavenly Shield do not completely cross a sector of ten thus they both have central stripes. 

 The flag for Sagitta the Arrow has a field of orange and red with a stripe of red and orange.  Best seen during the month August and July, it is in the heart of the Milky Way, but allied to the Northern Skies.
The flag for Scutum the Shield has a similar field but it is white and red.  It is best seen during the month of March, thus a Pisces sign.  But Pieces is tilted towards the Southern Skies.