Ursa Major & Ursa Minor
The Great Bear and Little Bear - or - The Big Dipper and Little Dipper
When they were naming the constellations they couldn't help but apply the Yin-Yang duality theme, it happens a lot. In any case each constellation has a particular partner that matches on some harmonious level. I suppose there was need for some kind of Cosmic Harmony, otherwise the stars may have fallen out of order. In this case the Ursa Major the Great Bear matches up harmoniously with Ursa Minor the Little Bear.
Both bears are partisan to the Northern Skies and matched to the 'Northern' Galactic Faction that is facing the Super Cluster Capitol on the Golden Grain of Virgo - M87. You can think of the Little Bear and Big Bear as Serbia and Russia.

In this case the Ursa Major the Great Bear matches up harmoniously with Ursa Minor the Little Bear. luxury sober living new york