
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Comcast Heraldry

In the two thousandth and tenth year of our Lord, Comcast Cable Network has proudly announced to America in a sublime-facetious tone that they have won the High Definition TV War.

A recently made big budget Hollyw
ood like commercial parodies a medieval battle scene. Comcast warriors are armed with high definition TVs while an unnamed enemy is armed with satellite dishes.

Official Corporate Colours of COMCAST

Comcast corporate warriors hold the official corporate Comcast co
lours: red and white. There are two types of flags, swallow tail pennants and long flags with serrated edges. The long flags are mounted to bamboo poles.

For the past two decades a war between Heaven and Earth has been raging for the attention of America. Fighting for the Earth is Comcast. Comcast is the last defender of earth based cable TV broadcasting. The two Heavenly rivals are DISH TV and DIRECT TV. Both use space age satellite technology, based in the heavens. I guess if DISH TV or DIRECT TV wanted to make a reprisal they could parody Star Wars or Star Trek?

Anyways Comcast took out all the stops on this advertisement. I enjoyed it, the musical score, acting, and script.

Comcast is here to kick butt and

wearing a sports jacket is not necessary

However.... It may be too harsh for the opposition. If Comcast wanted to snag new satellite customers into their camp, this commercial may make them feel like defeated losers. I can see that this commerical is supposed to make regular Comcast subscribers feel like they are on the winning team, but again it's a little threatening because if you leave Comcast they may put you on the rack? In any case the WAR shall continue, and I hope new flags will be seen!

Pity the man who hath a satellite dish, lest ye be
be defeated and scattered to the ends of the earth

Thoust may view the Commercial Hereth

Want to Visit Comcast? Click Here

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

California Republic Mojo II

This is Part II of US States decked out in Cali Style 

These flags are for Americans from other states who moved to California.  So if you were born in any of these states and later moved to California you have the right to fly these flags.  Thus the Connecticut Republic flag can be used by Americans born in Connecticut and later moved to California.   When Glenn Close it relaxing at her California home she can fly the Connecticut Republic Flag, since she is from Connecticut.

Go the post on February 3, 2010 to see Part I

The spotted salamander is perhaps the neatest looking amphibian. Mostly frogs get all the attention about living 1/2 their life in the water and the other 1/2 on land. Salamanders do the same thing too. The Salamander's exotic lifestyle is a testament to Natures Ingenuity that is reflective of Yankee Ingenuity, which Connecticut is so famous for.

This freshwater mini-lobster is known by most as the Crayfish, but it ain't lookin' like a fish! You could then say Maine's gots' Jumbo Salty Crayfish? Anyhow either clawed critter sure is mighty tasty.

Here is another type of Skunk found in the USA, the Spotted Skunk. Before they spray their noxious fumes they amazingly stand on their hind feet as if the bottom brain butt chakra is warning the would be predator to sand back or else.....

...sumptin' less than sweet is cumin' yerway!

Perhaps the Police and the US Department of Defense should take a note here, real stink bombs to disperse crowds and make jerks get out of your way?

This is no ordinary horse, it is the Morgan Horse. It is one of the earliest, although not the first, of locally bred horses to get the official pedigree of 'Made in the USA.' However horses are not native to America. The Spanish had already brought them over, long long before Jamestown.

So the Arkansas Republic Flag and the Vermont Republic flag are the only two Cali-Style Republic Flags to have non-native animals.

The Delaware Republic flag has a Horseshoe Crab, a locally abundant resident of Delaware. You can't see the legs underneath, but they do have em.' Their sort of like lobsters with one big hard protective outer shell.

The Kentucky Republic Flag has the Opossum, the most famous marsupial in the Americas that lost its way from Australia. Just as Australia has cosmic and mystical marsupial power-pride, so to does the USA. (but Aussies out do the USA with egg laying mammals) The critters' official name is the Virginian Opossum. Side note is that Kentucky was officially a part of Virginia during the Washington Admin.

The official Wyoming Flag has the outline of a Buffalo, and it is fringed around the edged with a red square.

New Yorkers can be wily, ferocious, and playful. If you have ever been pounced by a New Yorker, you'll know what I'm talking about. They sometimes have certain level of over confidence that is intimidating. Since New York is powerful, elegant, and loaded with attitude, the Mountain Lion is a harmonious emblem of this big state.

The state flag of West Virgina has two men standing by a rock, so this picture of a black bear sitting next to two rocks balances well. The state animal of West Virgina is a black bear too!

Seals in the tropics may seem strange but it is true. One of Hawaii's nick names is the Rainbow Warrior. This name was given long before the Gay Rights movement owned the Rainbow emblem. Rainbows are beautiful symbols, yet no nation had the guts to use it as their own. The peace movement tried to own it 1961 but no one took notice.

The native North American Mountain Goat is not an official animal in any state as of yet. And if you look hard enough you can see the outline of Idaho in the face of the goat, with a little stretching. Ain't it odd that there are so many mammals native the USA that hardly ever get any airtime? Like the Pronghorn and Pika-chu?


Monday, June 21, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

UK Flag Institute Spring Meeting 2010: Part XII

Canadian Flag before 1965

I was privileged to give the last presentation at the 2010, UK Flag Institute Spring meeting. It was entitled 'Flag Symmetry' with a sharp focus on the flags connected to the UK.
The first part of the discussion focused on the flags of Canada. Although Canada is a mosaic of humanity, multi-cultural and multi-lingual nation nearly all the provincial flags exhibit a strong connectivity to the United Kingdom. England's flag, that of St. George is explicitly repeated three times on three provinces and one territory.

Canadian States with St. George's Cross

(note that Yukon has a blue-white heraldic squirrel disc on top)

The UK flag makes three appearances on three provincial flags. Additionally the flag of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland & Labrador have flags based on the flag of Scotland. Finally, two flags have the heraldic lion of English Royalty.

A long standing issue within Canada has been to find a balance in between their British Heritage and Canadian Identity that is also distinct from south of border. Since the flag change in 1965, Canadian culture has made leaps and bounds. However the provincial flags of Canada are iconic testaments that echo one of the fundamental core cultural identities of Canada, the UK.

You can see a video I made about Canadian flag symmetry on youtube. It's a music video set to RUSH live playing the Spirit of Radio, Here!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

UK Flag Institute Spring Meeting 2010: Part XI

Czech Vexillological Society Flag
The eleventh speaker was our second guest from the Czech Republic, Jaroslav Martykan. Martykan is one of the founding members of the Czech Vexillological Society and specializes in community, municipal, and sporting flags. His presentation was entitled the Regional flags of Bohemia.
The White Lion
Symbolizes the Czech

A white lion on a red background is the symbol of the Czech nation. Once again Martykan echoed that the US flag code is a valued resource in flag etiquette. One thing I found interesting is that in the German Communities within Czech prefer to fly local community flags rather than the Czech flag.

Regional Flag of Plezen

One regional flag that piqued interest was that of Plezen Region. Plezen is on south-western boarder of Czech next to Bavaria. In the upper right panel has a yellow camel facing towards the fly. Usually camels and Europe are hardly associated with each other. But during the medieval times a camel was brought to Czech area and made a deep impact on the Plezen Community.

North Bohemia

Here are the flags of the original bohemian people who have serendipitously become associated with being 'Bohemian.' I suppose South Bohemia is more bohemian since it has more colours?

When the flag of both Bohemias are United, the elements of earth, air, fire, and water can be seen. The flag of North Bohemia has the black fire eagle, water with waves (wind). While the flag of South Bohemia has a castle made from earth via stone, a flower that is of the earth, and the earthy colours of green and yellow.
South Bohemia

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

US FLAG at Beginning of Civil War

Memorial Day was a holiday born in the tragic wake of the US Civil War. The flag you see to the right is the Fort Sumter flag that had a very interesting and distinguished look.

During this war the North would fly three official versions with a different number of stars. The US flag was christened with 34 stars with Kansas, 35 with West Virgina, and 36 with Nevada. All three states were divided geographically by the Mason Dixon Line.

An interesting event that takes place ever Memorial Day is the Indy 500 in Indianapolis, Indiana. This greatest race in motor sports was dedicated to the Civil War. Coincidentally the modern beltway around Indianapolis straddles the Mason-Dixon line, I-465, the traditional cultural divide between the North and South.

There is an ongoing debate on what to call this war. Some historians refer to it as the War Between the States, which was literally true for the Northern States at 100% equal latitude with Europe and Southern States at 100% equal latitude with Africa. However of states that were eye to eye with both Europe and Africa (by latitude) it can be called the War Between the Counties.

Coincidentally the presidents who led their respective nations in war both came from Kentucky. Lincoln was born in a county at a purely European latitude, Hardin County on the boarder of Indiana. While Jefferson Davis was born in a county that shares a latitude with Africa, Christian County on the border of Tennessee. Thus from Lincoln and Davis' points of view it literally was, a War Between the Counties as it was for many families who lived in boarder states along the 38th parallel. Although Kentucky is completely below the Mason-Dixon line she is cut by the 38th parallel.

Nearly 101 years later another civil war would bring our civilization to the brink of Nuclear War, the Korean Civil War. It was the last major Earth War before the advent of the space age in 1957. The common element between this US Civil War of 1861 and Korean Civil War of 1951 was the 38th parallel north. After Japan was defeated in WWII, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel north.

Generally in American memory the mention of the Korean War almost instantly causes most people over the age of 35 to recall the TV series M*A*S*H, and a footnote that the series ironically lasted longer than the Korean War.

Flag of North Korea
The Korean War was a proverbial conflict of the North versus the South or brother versus brother. However in one perspective it was also a War Between the Nations or rather a Global Civil War. The wounds of this conflict still linger. Last year I was fortunate enough to visit the DMZ and sensed a deep sadness, that is buried deep in Korean Consciousness. Koreans have a tendency to hide their emotions and often have difficulty expressing hard emotions. Even though things were warming up between the North and South, there was an untapped sadness in the air that seemed to lurk in the background and melted my heart in a still yet understood necessary melancholy. I suppose only patience, love, and gratitude may undo the emotional knots that have festered for so long in the dark.

As for my flag symmetry idea I have bonded North Korea with the capital Flag of Malaysia. Their parallel colours are red, white, and blue in horizontal patterns. A national flag bonding with a sub-national flag kinda' breaks the rules. This does not happen often, but weren't rules were meant to be broken? Especially when its time has come.

Flag of Malaysia's Capital District

Korean people like Malaysian people have been divided by greater powers that be. The Malay people were divided by Europe in the colonial age. The Northern Malays became Malaysians were colonized by the British, while the Southern Malay's were adopted by the Dutch became Indonesians. Indonesians and Malays are of the same ethnic family, speak the same language, and are mostly Sunni Muslims. But since the Malay people were divided before an awareness of Malay Nationalism, there was no need to unite into a super ethnic Malay State.

Indonesia has many other nationalities but the majority core power ethnic belongs to the Malay-Indonesians, likewise Malaysia is also a diverse nation with strong presence of non-Malay Malaysians, mostly from China and India. Malaysia and North Korea are at the north and south ends of East Asia, nominally they are people who fit the Mongol-Chinese phenotype yet their faiths or rather philosophy to life goes against the dominant grain of American thinking: Marxism and Islam.

Korean Nationalism had already formed when powers that be divided the peninsula. Unfortunately Korean opinion in the matter, was hardly consulted. It was fated that the North was to be allied with the USSR while the South was to be allied with the USA. Koreans were destined to bear the brunt of Cold War political tensions. The hatred of the left and right wings of the Western World were shoved down the throat Korea and would continual seethe unto this day.

Like the border states of the US Civil War that crossed the 38th parallel, Korea was destined to fall under the dreadful curse and paradoxically hopeful blessing of civil war. Just as the US border states along the 38th carried the heaviest emotional scar of Civil War for a Nation, Korea too would carry the most burdensome bounty of the Cold War for our World.

Confederate Flag at Surrender

The North Korean flag like the Confederate flag are important and fundamental echos of our collective past and present, of a tragic past that should not be feared nor forgotten. Of the present they offer insight of the tragic yet hopeful drama of our people. These flags should be properly respected given their just duties.