
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Geographic Flags - Trinity Flags for Egypt, Somalia, and Turkey

 Turkey, Somalia, and Greece are a part of the Trinity Zone whereby Europe, Asia, and Africa align by longitude.  Thus both countries qualify for Trinity Flags.

 The Turkish Trinity Flag

 The Somali Trinity Flag 

The Greek Trinity Flag

Geographic Flags - Trinity Flags for Ukraine, Egypt, and Armenia

Trinity flags are for nations that reside in a special zone where Africa, Asia, and Europe align by longitude - 26 degrees east to 51 degrees east.  The three divisions represent the three continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Kiev and most of Ukraine lie in the Continental Trinity Zone, thus it qualifies for a Trinity Flag.
The Egyptian Trinity flag uses the national colours of Egypt.
All of this Asian nation - Armenia - resides in the Trinity Zone. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Geographic Flags -Trinity Flags: Russia, Israel, & Ethiopia

Trinity Flags are for nations that reside in a special geographic zone in between all three continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe. This region of earth is defined by the most western point of the Asian Continent in Turkey and the most eastern point of Africa in Somalia. 

In this longitude all three Old World Continents are in alignment.  It is here that Africa, Asia, and Europe eat, pray, work, live, love, marry, and dream together since the first written word of time.

The design is reflective of the geographic overlap of Europe, Asia, and Africa.  The triangle by the fly represents Asia, the upper trapazoid represents Eruope, and the lower trapazoid represents Africa.

Ethiopia is due south of Europe and Asia, thus it qualifies for a Trinity Flag.  Ethiopia's Trinity flag uses the same colours of its official national ensign.

 Coincidentally Israel is in the middle of it all sandwiched in between Africa and Europe, yet an essential part of Asia.
Russia is lies at the top of this special geographic corridor where a trinity of continents meet in between 26 degrees east to 51 degrees east.  It really is basically 25 degrees of separation.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Toyama Prefecture's Cycladic Space Ensign

Toyama Prefecture is a would 'state' of Japan, or rather sub national district.  Since it resides in the African-European Belt, also known as the Cycladic Zone which is where Africa and Europe are parallel to each other it deserves a Cyclaic Space Ensign.

The colours are based upon the current Toyama Prefectural flag.

Sicily's Virginia Tilt Flag

Sicily is the largest island to qualify for a Virginia Tilt flag.  A Virginia Tilt is when a place is parallel to both Europe and Africa, but has a slight tilt towards Europe, geographically speaking that is. 

The colours and design are all taken from the flag of Sicily but the basic design stems from the US flag, Jamaica and the final rebel flag to arise on Virginia Soil in 1865.

Kitty Hawk's Cycladic Flag

Kitty Hawk, North Carolina just happens to by cosmic coincidence lie in the Cycladic Belt.  The Cyclaidic Belt is the rare and precious latitude where Africa and Europe are parallel to each other.  In between 36 degrees north and about 37.3 degrees north, neither Africa or Europe can claim to be more north or more south of each other.

Of the Old World Hemisphere, Asia beats out Europe on being more northwards, while Australia is more southern than Africa.  However America, North & South, when speaking of continents minus the islands trumps the Old World as being more north or more south.

Gibralter's Cycladic Space Flag

Gibralter is in a special or rather spacial class of places to reside in a proverbial "Continental DMZ" or "Continental Twilight Zone."  In between 36 degrees north to about 37 and 1/3 degrees north - Africa and Europe are parallel to each other.  Thus Gibralter is both south of Africa and north of Europe, whilst being on the continent of Europe.

The flag design is known as a Cycladic Space Ensign, since the Cyclades are mostly in this spacial geographic sweet spot.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nashville Cycladic Flag

Nashville lies in that spacial sweet spot in between Africa and Europe, thus it qualifies for a Cycladic Space Flag.

Cycladic Space Flag of Tochigi Japan

Tochigi Japan is a prefecuture of Japan that lies wholly in the intercontinental overlap of Africa and Europe.  Thus it qualifies for a Cycladic Space Flag.

Cycladic Space Flag of Naxos

Cycladic Space Flag of Naxos.  Naxos is special since it is the largest island to wholly reside in the intercontinental overlap in between Africa and Europe. 

There is a narrow overlap were Europe and Africa see eye to eye - at about 36 degrees north to 37.3 degrees north, at least climatically speaking.  In other words Europe is proverbially south of Africa, yet Africa is north of Europe, depending on ones point of view. 

The Cycladic Space Flag of Naxos is composed of three blue triangles in the shape of a pyramid.

Fukushima's Virginia Tilt Flag

Fukushima's Prefecture in Japan like the US state of Virginia is parallel to both Africa and Europe but with a tilt towards Europe.  Thus it qualifies for a Virginia Tilt flag.  The overall design is based on the US flag, Jamaican Flag, and final design of the Confederacy.  But Fukushima's Prefectural flag elements and colour scheme are present.

Ishikawa's Virginia Tilt Flag

Ishikawa Prefecture in Japan like the US state of Virginia is parallel to both Africa and Europe but with a tilt towards Europe.  Thus it qualifies for a Virginia Tilt flag.  The overall design is based on the US flag, Jamaican Flag, and the final Confederate Design.  But Ishikawa's Prefectural flag elements and colour scheme are included.

Niigata's Virginia Tilt Flag

Niigata Prefecture of Japan like the US state of Virginia is parallel to both Africa and Europe but with a tilt towards Europe.  Thus it qualifies for a Virginia Tilt flag.  The overall design is based on the US flag, Jamaican Flag, and final design of the Cofederacy.  But Niigata's Prefectural flag elements and colour scheme are adapted.

Just as Virginia gave rise rousing and respectful warrior - Robert E. Lee - Niigata gave rise to the Imperial's astoudingly astute Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto.

Fukui Prefecture's Tennessee Tilt Flag

Fukui Prefecture of Japan like the US state of Tennessee is parallel to both Africa and Europe but with a tilt towards Africa.  Thus it qualifies for a Tennessee Tilt flag.  The overall design is based on the Tennessee State flag but Fukui Prefectural flag elements and colour scheme are included.

Chiba Prefecture's Tennessee Tilt Flag

Chiba Prefecture in Japan like the US state of Tennessee is parallel to both Africa and Europe but with a tilt towards Africa.  Thus it qualifies for a Tennessee Tilt flag.  The overall design is based on the Tennessee State flag but Chiba Prefecture's central design and colour scheme are included.

Saitama Pefecture's Tennessee Tilt Flag

Saitama Prefecture in Japan like the US state of Tennessee is parallel to both Africa and Europe but with a tilt towards Africa.  Thus it qualifies for a Tennessee Tilt flag.  The overall design is based on the Tennessee State flag but the colour scheme and central design elements are from Saitama.

Ibaraki Tennessee Tilt Flag

Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan, like the US state of Tennessee is parallel to Africa and Europe but with an African tilt.  Thus Ibaraki qualifies for a Tennessee Tilt Flag.  The design is based upon the Tenneesee State flag with Ibaraki Prefectural elements.

US and Rhode Island State flag in Osmosis Jones 2001

 Osmosis Jones takes place in Rhode Island and in Bill Murray's body.  During a school science fair the US flag makes a small cameo on the stage upon the left side of the shot.  On the other side the flag of Rhode Island can also be seen.

African Flags from Osmosis Jones 2001

 Osmosis Jones is a unique movie that takes place in two realities.  Franks normal reality as a zookeeper and in the microscopic universe of his body.

During the 'normal' scenes of Frank's life we see his day to day job as a zookeeper and in one part we see flags of Africa which line the bridge to Ape Island.

The flag of Little Congo, Kenya, Niger, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda all make a small cameo in this film.


Flag from Osmosis Jones - the inner body flag of Frank

 The story of a heroic white blood cell came to Hollywood in 2001 under the comedic talents of Bill Murray and Chris Rock.  Mr. Rock plays as a white blood cell who saves Frank's body from a deadly virus.

Essentially white blood cells are the army, navy, and police force of our bodies.  These special cells often have longer lives and must have higher intelligence to fight crime...aka the body. The story plays upon the analogy of the immune system as being a police force, which is quite accurate.

 When Ozzy Jones is called in to the chief's office the flag of Frank's Body can be seen in the corner.  It uses the colours grey as a background and apparently has lime green stripes and some dashes yellow.  It's finial is black sphere.  

 Here is the close up of Franks Body. 
The great thing about this movie and television series is that it teaches through osmosis.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Nagano's Tennessee Tilt Flag

Nagano Prefecture in Japan is geographically similar to Tennessee, thus it deserves a Tennessee Tilt flag.  The design is essentially a fusion of the perfectural flag of Nagano with a Tennessee twang. 

The thrust to make this flag stems from an artifact of geography.  Both Tennessee and Nagano Prefecture are parallel to Africa and Europe, with a heavier tilt towards Africa.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Tennessee Tilt Flags for nations with a Tennessee Tilt

 A Tennessee Tilt is when a state or nation is aligned by geography like Tennessee.  Such that Tennessee Tilt nations are parallel to Africa and Europe.  It is similar to a Virginia Tilt but in this case most of the state is tilted towards Africa rather than Europe.  Basically Tennessee Tilt states have mild winters and long hot African-like summers.  Sure it may snow from time to time, but July and August can broil people from the far north.

US states with a Tennessee Tilt are North Carolina, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.  Nations that qualify for a Tennessee Tilt flag include Algeria, Pakistan, Syria, and Tunisia.  

So what does this mean?  I guess these nations like Tennessee have a lot guts and gumption to do it their own way.  They tend to have a thick layer of muscle and grit protecting their strong red blooded beating hearts, and aint afraid to put up their Dukes to defend their honor.

The Algeria Tennessee Tilt Flag
The Algernessee Tilt Flag

The Syria Tennessee Tilt Flag
The Syrinnessee Tilt Flag

 The Pakistan Tennessee Tilt Flag
The Pakinnessestan Tilt Flag 

The Tunisia Tilt Flag
The Tunneesseeia Tilt Flag 

Virginia Tilt flags for nations with a Virgina Tilt

Virginia Tilt?  What in the world is a Virginia Tilt and why do we need Virginia Tilt Flags?

First of all a Virginia Tilt flag is based upon a geographic artifact of Virginia in the United States.  Virginia is of the states to sit parallel to both Africa and Europe but with a slight tilt towards to Europe.  On the other hand there are another group of states that lay in a similar way but with a tilt towards Africa - which are the Tennesee Tilt Flags.  But that's another can of worms.  Suffice it to say nations or states with a Virginia Tilt have their southern ends waddling into the latitude of Africa while their northern parts are parallel to Europe.  Thus the nations Spain, Greece, and Tajikistan all qualify for a Virginia Tilt Flag.  Six other US states also qualify for this honored emblem as well.  You can see those flags here. The design of the flag is based upon the flags of Jamaica, US and final Confederate design.

The Greek Virginia Tilt Flag
The Greeginia Tilt Flag

Hot summers and mild winters in Greece and Virginia.

The Spanish Virginia Tilt Flag
The Spriginia Tilt Fla

The Tajikistan Virginia Tilt Flag
The Virjikistania Tilt Flag

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Missouri Middle Max Flags for Nations on par with Missouri

Missouri is the first state in the Union to be in totality at both African and European latitudes, with regard to the continents.  California and Nevada are the only other two states to have this unique geographic point of view, meaning only these three states can legally geographically speaking claim to know a sweltering and sizzling hot African summer day, bitter European Winter night, and the gentle days of fall of autumn.

Likewise there are nations that fall into the Missouri Middle Max line of geography which is based upon the north south alignments of the continents of Europe and Africa. The nations of Japan, Korea, China, Turkmenistan, Iran, Turkey, and Afghanistan all qualify for a Missouri Middle Max Flag. A Missouri Middle Max flag has the 24 star circle imprint that originates from the Missouri Flag.  Thus these nations are the climatic know-it-all.  Like Missouri this gives them a deep gut gumption to do it their own way and in many ways.  And their worst enemy is often themselves, since they can have political jocks on extreme ends, I suppose.   What I means is that just as Missouri has extreme right wing agents that want it their way or the highway, and extreme left wing huggle-bears willing to do anything, and regular folk that just wants to be happy and left in peace.

Thus these states and nations have the 360 degree point of view, so they have been fated to get a star for each hour of the day, since these places can see the problem from all point of views.  So it seems.

Anyhoo, these flags are simply totems to 'show yous' that they are geographically similars like Missorui with a proverbial 24 hr/360 degree perspective on the earth or something like that.

 The China Missouri Middle Max Flag
The Chinassorui Middle Max Flag

 The Afghanistan Missouri Middle Max Flag
The Missorafistan Middle Max Flag

 The Japanese Missouri Middle Max Flag
The Japassouri Middle Max Flag 

 The Iranian Missouri Middle Max Flag
The Missourianian Middle Max Flag 

 The Turkmenistan Missouri Middle Max Flag
The Turkimissourinistan Middle Max Flag

 The Korean Missouri Middle Max Flag
The Korissouria Middle Max Flag 

  The Turkey Missouri Middle Max Flag
The Turkissouri Middle Max Flag

The Iraqi Missouri Middle Max Flag
The Missouraqui Middle Max Flag

Saturday, March 23, 2013

US flag in the Car's Rock and Roll Video - Magic 1984

A US flag can briefly be seen the Cars music video Magic 1984.  A man who looks like a WWI pilot playing two trumpets has a US flag arm patch on his left shoulder.

Close up of double mouthed trumpet player from the Cars official video Magic 1984.   The Cars were one of the essential bands of the 80s that took on pop charts and espoused the art and thematic of 80s culture in the United States.

Westernized Flag Chart of the Chinese Zodiac & Wheel

This is the Westernized Chinese Zodiac Wheel.  Both the Eastern and Western Zodiac wheels fit into a similar 12 beat rhythm, yet set their tempo on the two most pronounced objects in heaven - the Sun and the Moon. The harmonious alignment between the Eastern and Western Zodiac is that both are divided into twelve tribes or signs.  Furthermore the points of change for the Western Zodiac follows a monthly lunar cycle  but is calibrated by the solar cycle.  On the other hand the Eastern Zodiac follows a yearly solar cycle but is calibrated to lunar cycle, more or less.