
Friday, March 22, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Dragon

 Western Year of the Dragon Symbol and Flag.  This is the last Westernized symbol for the Oriental Zodiac.  Why invent a Western Symbol?  It is only a natural path since the East has developed and adapted symbols for the Occidental-Western Zodiac.  Besides its 2013, the East is all over the West and vice-versa.  Just as the Western Lunar Zodiac is universal for all nations, its high time that the Eastern Zodiac be recognized as well in a similar manner and not just for peoples of East Asia.  The East and West Zodiacs can be brought together since they do not compete in the same virtual space.  The Eastern tempo is set by the solar cycle punctuated by the moon, while the Western beat is set by the lunar cycle punctuated by the sun.

The flag of for Earth's Year of the Dragon has a yellow background with the Westernized Dragon symbol in black.  


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Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Rabbit

The Year of the Rabbit is the most feminine sign of the Eastern Zodiac.  Simple black and white are the elements of its flag.  Black is the background and the Western Symbol illustrated in white.  The Western symbol is loosely based upon the official Chinese Character.

Also note that some people see this 'animal' of the Zodiac as the Year of the Cat instead of the Year of the Rabbit, most notably in Vietnam.  Which is right?  Well it's a Yin and Yang thing, so it can be both.  The essence of a cat is like a rabbit with a dash of Yang energy.  Besides, Vietnam and China are already flag partners in the early colonial yellow national flags as well as Communist Red flag forms.  Coincidentally they both look like animals that come from eggs - China looks like a chicken while Vietnam looks like snake. The cat is an evolved level up of the rabbit.  Both are associated with the moon, thusly every Oriental Zodiac should thus get an alternate form or 'Pokemon' like level up.  Another animal in the Eastern Zodiac with a binary point of the view is the Year of the Pig.  

But the next step in the Eastern Cycle belongs to the scaly Draco.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Tiger

What do you see? A tiger paw? Maybe the stripes of a big cat? The Western Symbol for the Year of the Tiger features two zig-zags with a curly tail.  The flag features an orange background.  The next year of the Tiger will be pouncing upon us in 2022.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Ox

  The Year of the Ox comes one every twelve years, just like all the other signs of the Eastern Zodiac.  It is the one sign that has a perfect match with the Western Zodiac under the month of Taurus.  Likewise the attributes of these signs are similar. The flag for the Year of the Ox uses a brownish background and has a western symbol for the animal. 
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Monday, March 18, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Rat

The Eastern Zodiac begins with the Year of the Rat or in this case the Year of the Rodent.  The Western Symbol for the Year of the Rat is essentially a Roman Number Three on its side, however the symbol is directly based upon the Chinese upper radical but has the 'hands touching.'

The magical form of the Rat is the Squirrel.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Land of the Setting Sun - Ireland

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2013,

Most people may be recallin' that wee Japan is the land of the Rising Sun?  Part of the reason being that the business of each new day of the Old World begins with this most ancient of island nations.

First ya'been needin' to think of the Old World as being one giant super island or perhaps...a grand ol' Super Continent?   Now don't be forgettin' that at one time all of the Asia, Africa, and Europe were are all connected by land.  Essentially as a sun should rise and fall over an island each day so to does it rise and set over the grand interconnected island like land mass of the Old World.

But if there is a Land of the Rising Sun shouldn't their be Land of the Setting Sun?  Thinks about it for a wee moment....What nation fits into this balanced paradigm?  Perhaps England ye'be thinking? Nay England already has or had th' title of that sun which never sat still on her empire or somethin' of that sort.  Rather Erin fits the bill perfectly.  Ireland like Japan hath no land claim on the continent proper.  Both are positioned at the far ends of the landmass and finally both by all accident have flags with suns on it.

Thus as the Old World gets ready to set their minds on to the dreamin' world, tis' Ireland that gets thee last word on what it was and ta' say goodnight to the day that was for the Old World.

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Pig

The Year of the Pig is the final sign of Chinese Astrology, before the cycle repeats it self.  In the West and America the Greco-Roman Zodiac plays a dominant role in newspapers and enthusiasts of things groovy and cosmic, but in the East another Zodiac from China fills the same void.  Like the traditional Western Zodiac the Eastern Zodiac is divided into twelve teams that repeat themselves every twelve years instead of every twelve months.  

The East has already made up symbols to represent Leo, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer, it's only natural that Western Symbols come to be to represent those signs from the East. In this case a stylized letter 'P' represents the Year of the Pig.  The important part is the curly tip at the bottom that represents a pig tail.  Likewise the colour for the Year of the Pigs background is pink.
The Year of the Pig is six years a way from now, so we will have to wait until 2019 to see how things shape up.  Next up is the natural starting point for the Eastern Zodiac on one of the resourceful, clever, intelligent and maligned inhabitants of the Earth - the rat.  

Just as the year in between the Dragon and Tiger has two forms as the Year of the Cat or Rabbit, so to does the Year of the Pig.  In following the level up rule, the 'magical power up' form for the Pig is the Elephant.  In parts of Thailand they call this they year of the Elephant instead of the Year of the Pig.  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Dog

The year of the dog is five years away from now, which will be in the year 2018.  The world will be so different yet so similar. The flag for the Year of the dog has a blue background with the Western Symbol for the dog. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Rooster

The flag for the Year of Rooster is composed of a red flag with the black Western symbol for this animal of the Zodiac.  Since China and Japan has adapted symbols for the 'Greco-Roman' Western Zodiac it makes sense that a form a symbols be made for the East.  It's 2013 after all and East is often times meeting West.  So remember you have two zodiacs to keep track of now!

The magical level up form of the Rooster is the Phoenix.
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Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Monkey

The flag for the Chinese Year of the Monkey features a purple flag with a Western symbol.  The Western Monkey Symbol is a crescent moon with a line through it.  The Americas have their own native monkeys that differ from the Old World too!  The great thing about New World Monkeys from America is that American Monkeys can hold on to tree limbs with their tails.  Old world Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Lao, Cambodian and Burmese Monkeys can not.

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Chesapeake Bay Flag Association Meeting - Pi Day 2013

The Chesapeake Bay Flag Association met today at the US Library of Congress in Washington DC. A private background tour was given and the tour featured several congenial speakers.

The Pi Flag on 3/14

The 'Pi' flag combines the international maritime flags of 3, 1 and 4 to represent the estimated vale of 'Pi' at 3.14.  The French looking part represents the number three, the red disc on white represents one, and finally the white cross on the red disc represents four.

The great coincidence is that these maritime numbers nicely fit into each other.  Additionally the flags of France, Japan, and Denmark are accidentally apparent when you united them to make up the symbolic flag for 3.14!

A neat unintended coincidence is that the Pi flag happens to have a circle in it, and looks like is it is a four piece of pizza pie! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Sheep

Finally a flag and westernized symbol for people born during the Year of the Sheep.
The flag for the Year of the Sheep has a white background with the Westernized Sheep symbol.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Horse

Happy year of the horse?  It's just around the corner, and if you miss it, it'll be here again in 12 years.  Anyways just as East Asia created symbols for the West here are westernized symbols for the Eastern Zodiac.  The symbol for the Year of the Horse is stylized letter 'P' or is it a 'J' or backwards 'F?'  In any case it represents a horse's head running into the wind.


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Monday, March 11, 2013

A Western Flag for the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Snake

Two major zodiacs are known to the people of Earth.  The Western World follows a 12 Zodiac Totem that is tied to a lunar tempo calibrated to the solar cycle.  However in the East, a similar yet very different 12 paced Zodiac congruently follows a solar tempo yet is calibrated to a lunar cycle.  This is a great lucky stroke of balance between the East and the West.

The East typically adapts its culture to the West and has 'invented' symbols to represent the Western Zodiac.  In balance to this cultural equation it is high time for the West to reflect back the honor for the Eastern Zodiac.  Thus this represents Earth's Year of the Snake.

The colour green represents the earthy elemental of the snake.  The symbol is a stylized representation of a cobra.  It should intuitively indicate a serpent of sorts.  Currently we are in the Year of the Snake.

Click Here to see the Flag and Symbol for the Western Adaptation for the Year of the Horse which will be next year in 2014.

the magical form of the Snake is the Hyrdra

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Flag from Le Voyage dans La Lune: A Trip to the Moon 1902

In the first of first science fiction classics Le Voyage dans La Lune 1902, A Trip to the Moon.  A flag is present at the launching of a space vessel to the moon.  The flag is a vertical tri-bar of pink, yellow, and pink.

This film would stir the imaginations of generations born in the 1800s.  Little did they know that many who saw this film would live to see science fact follow in the wake of science fiction.  A year after the films official release the wright brothers would build a flying machine. And 67 years later mankind did indeed send a ship with men to the moon.

Earth Flag from Le Voyages dans la Lune 1902

This film was produced and directed under the creative genius of George Melies who accomplished a spectacular work with the limited means of his times.

In the closing sequence which predates 75 years plus, the Star Wars classic celebratory scene.  In the upper left hand corner we can see a varied collection of flags.

Flag of the Terran Empire: Star Trek Enterpirse 2005

In the American-Visual Arts Epic Poem of Star Trek a unique flag appears in the 700th official canonized broadcast - the flag of the Terran Empire.

The idea of the Terran Empire originates from the original Star Trek Series and this story plot revives it self in Star Trek: Enterprise, whose story line occurs before the original 1960s series, but was made long after the original series. 

The flag of the Terran Empire has a red background and features the earth coloured black and white, with the continents being black and the ocean white.  A straight sword pierces the earth from the north to south.  

 During a communique with earth a real fabricated Terran Empire flag can be seen over the left shoulder of the speaker. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Red Flag in Carl Jung's Red Book - "Liber Novus"

In the first illustration of Carl Jung's personal, mystical and poetic confession The Red Book: Liber Novus a ship with a red flag appears near a harbor.  Liber Novus is a hand written book by one of the leading and pioneering scientists to explore the human mind from a modern point of view.

The coincidence of a ship with a red flag in the first image of the The Red Book is a classic example of what Dr. Jung would call "Synchronicity."  But if you rewind the timeline 200 years earlier to the 1600s they would call this phenomena "Providence."  Perhaps in another 200s years in the 2200s another mind will repackage this idea with slightly different details?

Mr. Jung was of that gifted generation to grow up in the 1800s live through two world wars and witness the dawn of Earth's space age. He lived in a time of transition from horse and buggy to the age of space ships and when texting was simply dots and dashes. Unfortunately this generation has all passed and now we are born surrounded by technologies that direct our civilizations.

You can also see what seems to be the flag of France in a small border illustration near the top. The illustration is of a war scene. 

This is the first page in Dr. Carl Jung's very personal narrative.  It was published in 2009 forty eight years after his death in 1961. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Love Boat Officer Emblem

Captain Merrill Stubing is perhaps the most enchanted captain from America's fantasia.  Captain Stubing sailed the Pacific Princess unto many voyages into the depths of the American Heart.

This was no ordinary voyage into regular space but rather to the many and varied and enchanted isles of love and emotion that the heart can get stuck or stranded upon.

There was something magical about the love boat cruses that put cupid and his buddies into overtime.

The emblem of the officers consisted of a semi-heraldic icon.  It is composed of a golden wreath along the supporter sides, a golden crown at the helm and in the center, a golden anchor at an angle upon a quartered X flag of white, red, yellow, and blue.

The Care Bear Mast Head Pennant

The mast head pennant is usually flown from the tallest sail point of a war ship.  But in the Care Bear's 1985  movie, this special war ensign was made a new into a caring ensign.  Although the Care Bear's originate in the imaginations of America Care Bear's are a non-partisan elite corps of non commissioned caring spirits that help kids from all nations and of all religions.  Whenever kids are in trouble they send unlimited beams of caring energy for kids who need it the most.  

 The mast head pennant of the Care Bears is pink and swallow tailed.  However it has a triangular cut out along the hoist.

Close up of the Care Bear mast head with most of the original Care Bears in company.  Note the empty hole near the hoist repeats the swallowtail fly end. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Flags for states with a "Missouri Middle Max" point of view

Missouri is the first state in the Union to be pan-geographic with respect to Africa and Europe. Missouri like several other states is parallel to both continental Africa and Europe with respect to geography.

The Missouri difference is that it crosses over beyond the intercontinental overlap of Africa and Europe. Thus Missouri has soil in both regions that are wholly European and wholly African. Two other states in the class of the Missouri Middle Maximum are - California and Nevada. Thus these states get Missouri Middle Max Flags.

 The essential element of a Missouri Middle Maximum flag is that it have the 24 starred ring of the Missouri State Flag, which is a number of wholeness since there are 24 hours in a day. So like a semi-famous Mr. Cooper A., Missouri Maximum States can see things from many - supposedly an all sides - points of view.

The Nevada Missouri Middle Max Flag
Nevada has more area on par with Europe but her southern counties are even to North Africa and Algeria.

 The California Missouri Middle Max Flag

California is the proverbial Yin and Yang State since it has the highest and lowest points of the United 48 States. Likewise she is balanced between Africa and Europe - LA being on par with Africa while San Francisco is on par with Europe. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Geographic Flags - States Flags with a Tennessee Tilt

 Geography is everything. Geography effects the economy, culture, and eventually the political situation.  Just ask anyone from Tennessee.

Thus these flags unite certain states that have a 'Tennessee Outlook.'  What I means, is that they match in geographic terms in similar manners to Tennessee.  By which, their southern counties are all on par with Africa.  It is a fact that most of the Southern Counties of North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona are totally at the same latitude of Africa.  Legally speaking these southern counties see eye to eye with Africa and do not match in climate with the continental realm of Europe.  Yet none of the Tennessee Tilt states reach into the purely European Sphere of geography.  In a ways these states are the natural counter balance to states with a Virginia Tilt.

All the northern counties with Tennessee Tilts are on par at the narrow intercontinental gap where Africa and Europe are parallel - between 36 degrees north and 37 degrees and nearly a third somethin' north.

The Tennessee Tilt flags are based upon the state flag of Tennessee.  Tennessee is a state that was a most  divided by geography by east to west, north to south, and mountain to lower valley.  Tennessee folk understands how the lay of the land played a pivotal role in shaping the course of politics.  Just ask any Tennessee Student of History about the US Civil war and you'll get an in depth speech how the land spoke though the people, as to which sides their ancestors a been fightin' on. 

The Texas-Tennessee Tilt Flag

Tennessee like Texas is geographically speaking much like Africa when it comes to latitude. 

The Arkansas-Tennessee Tilt Flag

Also note that Arkansas is the 'fraternal twin of Tennessee.'  Both states have mountains and low valleys.  Also note during the US Civil war the more mountainous a county was in Arkansas the less likely to lean towards the Confederacy.  Since Arkansas goes a bit more Southern than Tennessee it had an equally much heavier pro-Confederate tilt.

The North Carolina-Tennessee Tilt Flag

Didja' ever notice Texas and North Carolina have similar flags?  And on top of that they both have Tennessee Tilts.  North Carolina Tilt don't sound so nice and a Carolina Tilt is too confusing since South Carolina is 100% all on par with the continent of Africa, and hases a total incapacity to see it geographically speaking like they do in Europe.

The Oklahoma-Tennessee Tilt Flag

Only the added colour of blue to cancel the sameness is in honor of Tennessee.  Also the red background harkens back to Oklahoma's original flag that was red with white at its center.  They changed it because it looked too commie-like.  Ironically just as the commies in Russia were keen on movin' people who were in the way of national objectives, many a Oklahoma family was forced to reside in this state at gunpoint.  Nonetheless Oklahoma and Tennessee are sisters of similar geography.

The New Mexico-Tennessee Tilt Flag

A nice blend of the New Mexico Flag with the flag of Tennessee.  It preserves the essential elements, yet looks like something thing entirely new.

The Arizona-Tennessee Tilt Flag
Finally the Arizona-Tennessee Tilt flag.  Although Arizona is a longs way off from Tennessee it certainly has a southern hitch abouts its self.