
Friday, May 4, 2012

Bartertown Imperial Guard Vexillums & Pigs = Power, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome 1985

Bartertown Imperial Guard with Vexillum

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome is a part of the epic post apocalyptic series about the future of humanity after a nuclear war.

The film does not explain who was wrong, right or place blame - rather it illustrates a state of culture that changes to into techno wild-west mash up.

Whole Vexillum

Close up of Bartertown's "AUNTY ENTITY IMPERIAL GUARD RULE O.K." flag. All the imperial guard flags feature a portrait of the chief administrator Aunty Entity played by Tina Turner.

Pigs = Power Vexillum

The key resource of Bartertown is methane - which is extracted from pig manure. As it is now and in this imaginary future, allocation of energy resources are powerful aspects of power and politics.

May the 4th (FORCE) Holiday Fun - a flag from Return of the Jedi

Jabba's Sail Barge Ensign
from Return of the Jedi 1983

May 4th has become something of Star War holiday, due to the iconic expression "May the Force be with you" and its similarity to "May Fourth."

In honor of this American Original Holiday, it is appropriate to talk about Star Wars. Flags appear in the newer prequel episodes but the only vexilloid that remotely looks like a flag appears in the 'original pre-post-movies.' Bascially in the original 1970-1980s Star Wars movies.

A small flag appears during Han's rescue aboard Jabba's sail barge. Near the back end of Jabba's sail barge - we can see a small black pennant. The detail is difficult to make out, probably has something to do with Jabba the Hut. Maybe it is a personal coat of arms? Who knows?

Princess Leah at gun turret with
Jabba's Sail Barge Ensign

In the upper right hand side you can see the black pennant blowing the in wind behind the pole.

George Lucas is careful not to have any flags appear in the original movies. But it is the only one to be seen fluttering in the wind. It is one Star Wars prop worth a significant amount. It's probably sitting somewhere on someone's wall or forgotten in a dusty drawer bin.

Jabba's Sail Barge Flag with Boba Fett and other alien thugs

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lost Boy Vexillum - Mad Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome 1985

Mute Shaman Boy Vexilloid

Several flags appear in the third episode of the Mad Max movies. This vexillum is seen in the room of the mysterious mute lost boy who apparently is something like a shaman.

The vexillloid is hand made with primitive tools. It features the face of the mute boy with black and white face paint. Perhaps due to his incapacity to talk, he is regarded by the others as a holy figure - perhaps with a highly developed sense of the intuitive mind.

Mute Boy with black and white face paint

The Lost Children are a group of kids who crash landed in the Australian Desert after a nuclear war and the adults have long ago all passed away. They grow up isolated from any adult culture. This results in a misinterpretation of their heritage and mutation of their language.

But they believe that someday 'Captain Walker' will come back. They interpret the arrival of Mad Max played by Mel Gibson as the cosmic return of the semi-legendary Captain Walker.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Forlorn Flag of the Orkney Islands & the Forlorn Nation of Scania

These two regions of Europe's would be 'Northern Mediterranean' sea have similar cultural flags that shout out - nation.

Scania is on the sourthn tip is Sweden that was hotly contested between Denmark and Sweden. It is in the 'be our best bud not theirs category' like Smolensk, Alsace-Lorraine, and during the US Civil War - Kentucky. Eventually dreams of a Danish tip on Scandinavia Major were extinguished. Likewise long long ago Danish ambition amongst the Orkney Isles was smothered.

The unofficial flag of the Orkney Islands is attached to the previously unofficial flag of Scania - recently made legal in 1999. The official flag of the Orkney Islands differs and is paired up another flag - the Aland Inslands.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The US state flags are ugly and should be changed?


However there seems to be a reason for everything, at least most of the time.

It is easy to dismiss and scorn things that seem unusual. It seems to be a part of our nature. For example the Algol Star has a noticeable variability - thus the ancient mind in nearly all cultures assumed it was associated with the dark arts or evil. This variable star is the eye of Medusa in the Perseus Constellation.

Basically heraldic and humbly appropriate state seal flags are often judged in the modern eye as ugly. The key motive to change flags of this nature is rooted to personal taste. But this effort to create pleasing flags to today's view point obliterates historical value, and replaces it with the fluctuating flavors of the moment. Who is to say that in 50 years tastes wont change again?

A key argument to keep state flags as they are is that they illustrate the phenomena of Providence. Almost by 'accident' the 50 American State Flags show a pattern that echos of why things are and reveals a meta-vexillological structure.

The new paradigm is that flags exhibit a certain kind of dualistic pattern. A coherent pattern emerges with the 50 US state flags, when put in a certain order - two by two. This idea runs counter to the seemingly random order of flag creation. Who would've thought that each US state flag can be paired up with a similar looking flag? And are deeply tied together with parallel lines of culture, politics, and history?

This idea may seem like a 'strange red pill.' But perhaps you need to see and it for yourself - watch the videos below.

This idea is big and has the potential to change the way we look at America and the international order. It is a strange and lonely feeling to be at the spear head of a new idea. Lonely because we are the first to come up with a new idea, and strange because this idea invokes the power of synchronicity and Providence.

And going out on a limb...any civilization similar to our own that has nation states populated with equivalent flags will, I strongly theorize will also exhibit this matching vexilloid phenomena.

A question often asked after meeting people who 'get this flag paring phenomena' is 'How does this happen?' My current answer is that it points to Providence and or synchronicity. Providence and synchronicity essentially describe the same phenomena but with slightly different qualifiers.

Washington spoke a lot about 'providence'
which is synonymous to 'synchronicity.' He never spoke
of synchronicity because it was not yet coined

Providence was one of George Washington's favorite adjectives for the footprint of the divine. The key to understanding its meaning only comes with time and experience. To know Providence is to know falling in love. Providence is a deep loving feeling in conjunction with a logical or non-logical thought.

The questions of 'How come?' 'Why did it happen that way?' and judgement of a situation as being good or bad fortune become moot with a heartfelt experience of Providence. Providence is the call sign to the non-linear reality that permeates our logical centers of mind.

With Providence regret no longer feels like a harsh burden but seems to take on a semi-solid shape, acting as a barrier in the best interest of your own protection. Overall Providence is a very comforting Yoda like Jedi Knight feeling.

Synchronicity is a relatively new baby boomer word that became official in 1951. Before the rise of scientific objective reality, Providence was shadowed with a heavy spell of superstition. With the advent of the industrial revolution and modern 'objective' point of view - the enchanting rhythms of Providence went to the way side.

But Dr. Carl Jung's scientific investigation brought new life into the perceptible non-linear heart felt personal experience commonly known as synchronicity. His work resulted in a modern reformation of Providence into the word "synchronicity." Providence was presented in an academic manner, palatable to the hard nosed modern scientific academic establishment.

The key difference between Providence and synchronicity is that synchronicity has a non-religious connotation while Providence has an overtly spiritual-divine flare.

Basically synchronicity is Providence cloaked in 'Western academic mumbo-jumbo,' or rather Providence is synchronicity is covered with divine-love.


Man Reading New Paper Picture/Blog sight "CT Scenic: We Totally Live Here" -

dolphin picture source -
"Time, synchronicity and evolution" Bojan Gorjanc on March 13th, 2009

Texas & North Carolina
Iowa & Missouri
Kansas & Montana
Russian Federal Subjects
Japanese Prefectures



Monday, April 30, 2012

Missouri Territory Heritage Flags for Missouri Territory Alumni States

Missouri Flag

Several states once had part or all of their land run under the administration of the territorial government of Missouri. In honor of that period when the great plains were ruled by Missouri - here are Missouri Territory Heritage flags created in that honor. The key is that all flags are horizontal tri-bars, just like Missouri and often feature their state seal.

Missouri-Wyoming Heritage Flag
"Missouroming Flag"

Missouri-South Dakota Flag
"The Missouthakota Flag"

Missouri-Texas Flag
"The Missourexas Flag"

Missouri-Oklahoma Heritage Flag
"The Missourklahoma Flag"

Missouri-Nebraska Heritage Flag
"The Missorbraska Flag"

Missouri-North Dakota Flag
"The Missorthdakota Flag"

Missouri-Minnesota Heritage Flag
"The Missourisota Flag"

Missouri-Kansas Heritage Flag
"The Missoukansas Flag"

Missouri-Iowa Heritage Flag
"The Missourowa Flag"

Missouri-Colorado Heritage Flag
"The Missoulardo Flag"

Missouri-Arkansas Heritage Flag
"The Arkanassouri Flag"

For all the Americans who were born, married and died in Missouri Territory 1812-1821.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Washington DC-Virginia Heritage Flag

Washington DC-Virginia Heritage Flag
"The Virgilumbia Flag"

This flag represents the common heritage between Virginia and the District of Columbia. This flag is to be flown over the region of Virginia that was once a part of the 'Federal City.' For 47 years a small part of modern Virginia was Washington, DC.

The colours of this flag are based upon the colours of the clothing found on Virgina's Flag - sky blue and purple. The woman dressed in sky blue with an exposed breast. She is Virtus dressed like an Amazon and standing on a tyrant dressed in purple.

Virginia Flag

The new federal capital was selected and surveyed under the Washington administration with particular interest from the president. However in 1847 Virginia became a proverbial 'Indian Giver' and took the land back that was donated.

Columbia District Flag

The perfect diamond chosen by George Washington was shattered under political ambition for pride and profit. It would also foreshadow cultural shattering of the Union during the Civil War.

Virginia is the only state to have had two 'National Capitals' arise and disappear on its soil - the USA from 1800-1847 and CSA from 1861-1865.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Johnston Island Flag

Flag of Johnston Island

It is a horizontal tri-bar - from the top its blue, white in the middle, then blue along the bottom. In the central white part are four blue stars that represent the islands Akau, Hikina, Sand, and Johnston Island. The yellow portion has the outline of 'double' bird with its beak next to the top stars facing the hoist. Accidentally the yellow portion can be perceived as a two bamboo shoots bending in the wind facing towards the fly.

Johnston Island was formerly a semi-top secret hi-tech space age weapons testing facility with the capacity to destroy a continent. But now its been 'cleaned up' and turned into a peaceful national wild life refuge - returning to its natural state as a bird turd island.

Johnston Atoll is on par on the latitude of with Guadeloupe in the Caribbean and Da Nang, making Johnston Atoll just south of the old Vietnamese DMZ. With respect to the American Hemisphere it is parallel to Roatan Island, Honduras which is due south of Nashville, Tennessee.

A great sight about Johnston Island

Unofficial territorial would be "State Anthem"
a fitting unofficial anthem for an unofficial flag - as of 2012


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Flags from the movie Prancer - 1989

US Flag in the movie Prancer 1989
Prancer has fallen

Merry Christmas! It's the 25th after all and the Christmas Spirit has gotta' be somewhere?

The US flag makes a short appearance in the charmingly realistic film Prancer 1989. A plastic Prancer falls from a holiday display, and the town is too strapped and stressed to fix it. A little girl is witness to the event and later runs into a lost and injured reindeer.

She connects the dots in a non-linear and innocent way - that the fallen plastic prancer was a message - heralding the lost reindeer.

The movie strikes a realistic bitter-sweet chord as the Jessica Riggs' family slugs though hard emotional and economic times, since they might loose the farm and be broken a part. The playful world of childhood is beautifully portrayed against the backdrop and contrast of the serious busy bee money money rush rush adult point of view.

Little Miss Jessica Riggs lost her mother, but finds comfort in helping an injured animal and a poem that reveals the invisible unseen and unmeasurable spark of the divine within the Spirit of Christmas, Santa, and the heart of childhood.

The Spirit of Christmas Shines On...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dungeons & Dragons - animated 80s cartoon

Dungeons & Dragons Ride Entrance

In the early 80s a cartoon loosely based upon Dungeon & Dragons was made. The cartoon series was based upon a ground breaking role playing board-reading-dice game that combined acting, storytelling, and imagination first published in 1974. Like the game Monopoly - the Dungeons & Dragons format was copied and adapted and made into hundreds of different role playing games.

Car Emblem for D&D Ride
white castle turret on red

The adventure begins when six kids from the normal world who are transported to magical earth like universe. Though cooperation, various riddles, puzzles they make their way.
When the kids enter the magical earth like Dungeons and Dragons universe they are assigned a role - Hank becomes a ranger, Diana an acrobat, Albert a magician, Shela a thief, Bobby a barbarian, and Eric a cavalier. Their guide is a short person - Dungeon Master. Finally a unicorn joins their their team with a special fondness for Bobby - Uni the unicorn.

Eric the Cavalier
Notice Arms on his shield

The arms of Eric the Cavalier are an orange shield with black disc with the head of white eagle or Phoenix facing sinister. Eric the Cavalier was originally a rich snooty kid who provides comic relief to the group. But he is also the most human with a realistic outspoken desire to go home and often times finds himself complaining - like most regular kids. However hidden under all the showy wannbe' leader he often protects his friends from harm with his magic shield.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan - Fraternal Twins of North Western Asia

Flag of Azerbaijan

Located in the heartland of Central Asia - they are similar yet very different nations. Both nations use the similar colours of green, Turkish Blue, green, red and white. The Azeri and Uzbeki people are both Turkish peoples with different tilts. Azerbaijani are Turks at Europe's twilight while Uzbekistani are Turks at the edge of China's afterglow. During the Cold War they were drafted into the Soviet Union. And 700 years earlier they were annexed into the Mongol Empire. Islam of the domestic Sunni temperament. Nothing like Russia, China, India or Arabia they are the cultural monkeys in the middle.

Flag of Uzbekistan

Sunday, April 22, 2012

New Jersey and New York Port Authority Flag

Port Authority Flag of New Jersey & New York

The state flags of NJ and NY are 'fraternal twins' in my flag symmetry idea.

Further evidence is that they have a fusion flag for the Port Authority that operates between these two states. These are the only US state flags that only feature women.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Little Pony Flags from the Original Movie, 1986 - Dreamcastle and others

Notice Simple White Pennants

During the 1980s the childhood for boys was enriched with sentient robots from outer space - the Autobots and Decepticons.

But on the other side of the fence, we have the magical kingdom of My Little Pony - talking horses, sentient rainbows, snuggly fuzz puff nards, magic unicorns and all sorts on sweet smelling strawberry farts.

Transformers went from TV to Hollywood but My Little Pony went from Hollywood to TV. But both were originally toys made by Hasboro.


Each 'Little Pony' had an individualized mark on the rear hind legs that referred to their name. Here the three vanilla ice cream cones are a play of the name of Lickety-Split. Perhaps this laid the unconcious foundation and popularity of tatoos in the 1990s?

This movie is cutie-pie 80s puff-n-stuff dream little girl childhood playtime come to life. A heartwarming marsh mellow snuggle puff production that is more than a commercial, topped with a true heart spring sprite 80s sprinkles.

Be warned it is for the young at heart and mature grownup. If you're neither young nor a mature grownup - then you probably won't enjoy this lost gem from the 80s. If you didn't or don't like this movie then chances are your heart is covered in smooze and you need a visit from a flutter pony.

Home of Megan, Danny and Molly

The little ponies meet their human friends - Megan, Danny and Molly, who live on a farm. Coincidentally their farmhouse has flags.

The flag has a heart shaped icon on purple field with a pink frame.

Friday, April 20, 2012

KONY 2012 Flag

Kony 2012 Flag

The flag of the moment. It represents not an election but an awaking. conciousness The of the power to the people upon the internet - and awaken the world to the tragic and hostile political situation in Africa.

Joseph Kony was originally born in Uganda and is in charge of the Lord's Resistance Army in the central African region. Because the atrocities associated with this man - Kony is one of the world's most wanted criminals.

The Kony 2012
Yin-Feminine Symbol

The flag features an orange background with the date 2012 and Joseph Kony's last name. In between the name and date is an upside down pyramid with line that divides the letters from the numbers.

This upside down pyramid flashes for a millisecond in the intro which also invludes pics from the rings of Saturn.

The video that took the internet by storm in March 2012
by the Invisible Children

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Yukon-Alaska Heritage Flag

Yukon-Alaska Heritage Flag
"The Yuklasksa Flag"

This flag represents that slice of Alaska that was in dispute between Canada and the USA. Spefically the region Alaska claimed by Canada above the 60th parallel - which could have become Yukon's Pacific Coast line.

Although the US has purchased Alaska and boundary rights in 1867 from Russia the south-eastern panhandle that ocean-blocks Yukon to the Pacific. This land was dispute went on for the next 36 years until 1903.

Amazingly the arbiter was the United Kingdom and swung in favor of the prodigal son America over the ever loyal son of Canada. The augmented vertical tri-bar is a Port-Middle Pale - divided in middle with the fly half further cut in the middle. The colours green, blue, and white come from the Yukon Flag.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Maryland Heritage State Flags for - Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware, West Virginia and Washington DC

Maryland-Pennsylvania Heritage Flag
"The Marylavania Flag"

Maryland is the state that was downsized by all of her neighbors - Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, West Virgina, and Washington DC. In honor of those forlorn areas that shoulda've been a part of Maryland - these are flags that can be flown in that area.

The PA "Marylavania" flag uses same the state colours of PA with the flag of Maryland.

Maryland Delaware Heritage Flag
"The Marylaware Flag"

Colonial Sky Blue with Khaki Buff from the flags of Delaware are used with red and green that come from the clothing of the men on the flag of Delaware.

Maryland-West Virginia Heritage Flag
"The Marylestirginia Flag"

Red, white and blue plus yellow are the colours for the region of West Virginia that is perhaps a part of Maryland in another quantum reality?

Maryland-Virginia Heritage Flag
"The Maryginia Flag"

Small slices of Virginia were supposed to be a part of Maryland. Who would of thought it made much difference either way? Who knows - a school district here and chance meeting there. The sky blue and purple colours come from the clothing of the man and woman on Virginia's flag.

Maryland-Washington D.C. Heritage Flag
"the Marylumbia flag"

I guess this can be flown by persons born in Maryland and have moved into the Washington District of Columbia.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Mexico-Nevada Heritage Flag

New Mexico-Nevada Heritage Flag
"The New Mexivada Flag"

This flag is to be flown in that southern region of Nevada that coulda've been a part of New Mexico. Perhaps it is in an alternate universe?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Russian Flags from Titanic film from 1997 by James Cameroon

Russian Flag from
Titanic 1997

MIR patch

James and the Giant Peach Pirate Flag - 1996

Pirate Flag from
James and the Giant Peach 1996

Upon the forehead is a cross shining with four sparks.

Saturday, April 14, 2012