
Thursday, September 1, 2011

ICV 24 - International Congress of Vexillology, Day 1 - 7th Presentation by David B. Martucci, USA

Day 1 - Speaker #9
USA - Maine
Martucci at the Podium

The ninth presentation was given David B. Martucci and was entitled The Standards of the Manhattoes, Pavonia, and Hell-Gate.

Martucci's lecture revealed the symbols and icons used in the early part of New York's history, before it was called New York. Most of the American colonies were planted on top of Native American lands, but New York was doubly planted on top of Dutch Culture. The lecture focused on the seals and standards of the Hudson Bay when it was under Dutch control. Martucci first presented a general sketch of Peter Stuyvesant the last Dutch leader of New Amsterdam, before its reformation in to New York.

We were shown the original seals of the Hudson Region when it was called and spelled 'Nieuw Amsterdam.' There was also a discrepancy between the official seal that was adopted and the one that was actually used. The official seal has the lion supporters with beaver facing right, but the seal that was used had neither lions and beavers was facing the opposite direction.

Matucci showed us the standard of the Men used at the Battle of Manhattoes. It featured a beaver pointed towards the corner of the upper hoist. The term Manhattoes refers to the area where the Hudson emptied into New York Bay or rather Nieuw Amsterdam Bay.

Also featured was the standard of the Vassals of Ancient Pavonia, that featured a an oyster shell. Pavonia was the first European settlement on the west side of the Hudson in what is now Hudson County, New Jersey. Perhaps it can be seen as one of the earliest flags of New Jersey heritage?

ICV 24 - International Congress of Vexillology, Day 1 - 6th Presentation by Annie Platoff, USA

Day 1 - Speaker #8
USA - Kansas

The eighth presentation was a short or rather over sized vexi-bit given by Annie Platoff and entitled Digital Library.

Platoff described the effort to index all materials related to Vexillology at one source. She actively encouraged all vexillologists to participate.

Platoff explaining the
purpose of an index

ICV 24 - International Congress of Vexillology, Day 1 - 5th Presentation by Arthus Etchells III, USA

Day 1 - Speaker #7
USA - Pennsylvania

The fifth presentation was given by Arthur Etchels III and was entitled Foreign Influences on the Development of Russian Military Flags.

Current Banner of the Armed
Forces of the Russian Federation

Etchels gave us an overview in the selection process of Russian military colours. He showed us that at design of flags in each era were influenced by the collective designs within Europe. At times Russian military flags followed the style of Prussia, Germany, England, and even France.

Although Soviet Union is gone the Russian Army has preserved the colour red in it modern Army flag because reds assocation with victorious Red mostly Russian Army.

ICV 24 - International Congress of Vexillology, Day 1 - 4th Presenation by John M. Hartvigsen, USA

Day 1 - Speaker #6
USA - Utah
Corrected Utah State flag with a
white shield and sensibly placed dates

The fourth presentation was given by John M. Hartvigsen and was entitled Utah's Adoption of Two Legislative Measures Affecting the Utah State Flag.

Hartvigsen gave us a birds eye view on the long process upon his discovery that the Utah State had been incorrectly designed 89 years. Hartvigsen made his discovery when he found the original spreadsheet on the Utah State flag back in 1985. Hartvigsen then made several attempts to relay his discovery to the public and state legislators - to no avail. Hartvigsen would have to wait 25 years until his discovery had an effect.

Due to the 100th anniversary of the official adoption of Utah State flag, interest in the flag rekindled. Subsequently Hartvigsen was able to reassert the correct design of the Utah State flag - and strike vexi-gold by playing a role in changing a state flag.

Additionally the first governors flag was created in 1903. It was later adopted as the state flag on March 9, 1911. It was later 'lost' for some time but rediscovered in in 2010, coincidentally one year before the 100th year of its official adoption in 1911.

It seems original error occurred in 1922 when a flag manufacture misplaced the position of 1847. From about 1922 unto 2010 the state flag of Utah was based on a 'flag mutation.' Hartvigsen discovered this mistake in 1985, but nobody cared until 25 years later.

In the end Hartvigsen said that, "Vexillology is a patient pursuit. "

ICV 24 - International Congress of Vexillology, Day 1 - 3rd Presenation by Geoff Parsons & Michael Faul, UK

Day 1 - Speakers 4 & 5

The third presentation was another duo shared between Geoff Parsons & Michael Faul. The title of their presentation was British Royal Standards 1199-Present.

The presentation was a grand overview of Coat of Arms held by British Royalty. Starting from William I (1066-1087) unto today, including the banners for the Duke of Cambridge Prince William of Whales and Prince Henry of Wales. Flags of other Royal Family members were also included.

Afterwards I asked Parsons if they had yet designed a flag or mark of cadence for a would be great-grandson or great-granddaughter of the queen. Reason being it is quite possible that Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge could soon become a father while Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is still on the throne. Parsons informed that such a topic has yet to be discussed.

UK Banner Short

ICV 24 - International Congress of Vexillology, Day 1 - 2nd Presentation by Gwen Spicer & Alexandra Deutsch, USA

Day 1 - Speakers #2 & #3
USA - New York & Maryland

Gwen Spicer & Alexandra Deutsch

The second presentation was a duo - Gwen Spicer & Alexandra Deutsch. The title of their presentation was The Treatment of the 4th Regiment U.S.C.T. Civil War Flag. Spicer is an expert in flag restoration.

The presenatation began with a quote from Fredrick Douglas and acknowledged the excitement in US Civil War flags due to the 150th anniversary.

The talk focused on the preservation of flags saved and carried by an African American - Christian Fleetwood 1840-1914. Fleetwood received the medal of honor for his actions. Fleetwood "Seized the colors, after 2 color bearers had been shot down, and bore the nobly though the fight."

Christian Fleetwood

Christian Fleetwood was educated as a free black in Baltimore during the Civil War Era. Baltimore had the largest 'free' African American population at this time. Fleetwood attained the highest rank for 'colored' troops as a Sergeant Major.

It was also explained that the white portion of older flags is often in the poor condition because of the extensive chemical treatment to get a solid white colour. The preservation process was extensively discussed.

ICV 24 - International Congress of Vexillology, Day 1 - 1st Presentation by Dale Grimes Jr. USA

Day 1 - Speaker #1
USA - Maryland

Last month the 24th International Congress of Vexillology was held at the George Washington Masonic Memorial. On the first day, August 1 there were eight lectures.

The first speaker was Dale Grimes, Jr. who primary occupation is teaching math. His presentation was entitled Two Famous American Flags.

Grimes selected two flags from American history that are perhaps the most well remembered. One was flown during the War of 1812 and the other during WWII.

The first flag of national fame was the 15 stars and 15 striped Star Spangled Banner which flew over Ft. McHenry when the British Invaded Maryland and Washington DC. This story associated with this flag lead to the creation of National Anthem. He also detailed the overlooked battle of North Point that took place on September 12, 1814.

Grimes holding up a 48 stared US Navy Flag

The second flag of conspicuous fame was the flown over Iwo Jima during the Pacific Campaign of WWII. This flag has 13 stripes and 48 stars. It was raised while the fighting raged on February 23, 1945. The photo of this flag raising had become a lasting icon of this conflict.

Grimes also introduced the Grimes' Remnant Indicator Formula - R.I.F.


X= A flag's current dimensions (hoist length x fly length)
Y= A flags original dimensions (hoist length x fly length)

Grimes' notes on the
flag makers shorthand

Grimes also noted that many flags from WWII were made on Mayer Island, which was also the 1st Pacific Naval Base for the United States. During the WWII, Mayer Island had over 46,000 employees. If you ever see a letters 'MI' printed along hoist edge it most likely referring to Mayer Island in California and not Michigan.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kerguelen Islands Flag Proposal

Proposed Flag of the Kerguelen

Hidden between the Indian and Antarctic Ocean lies the lonesome, quiet, and rainy Kerguelen Islands. Out of all the lands awoken to Europe, this land was of the few to be truly discovered.

America, Africa, Asia, and Australia have been home to mankind for thousands of years before the modern 'Age of Exploration.' But Kerguelen is a unique find found by France. It was found during a February Summer in 1772 under the guidance of Yves-Joseph de Kerguelen-Teremac. Coincidentally Kerguelen was discovered two months before the 'discovery' of Easter Island.

Portrait of Yves-Joseph

Captain Cook, Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Leif Ericson, and William Janszoon did not discover any new lands or continents. Rather they permanently awoke European Civilization to these lands.* However a Breton from France can truly claim to have discovered a 'New World' during the Age of Exploration.

Although Yves was a French national he was ethnically a Breton. The Bretons were of the earliest inhabitants to the British Isles - who lived there before the arrival of Rome and Anglo-Saxons tribes. The Bretons are a apart of the Six Celtic Nations- that includes Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and the Isle of Man. Coincidentally the latitude of the Kerguelen Islands is at a converse latitude of Brittany - 49 degrees north to 49 degrees south.

The proposed flag for Kerguelen employs three colours - black, white, and orange. It is a tri-colour in honor of France. Instead of red, orange is used to denote a Celtic connectivity to Ireland. Furthermore orange is considered by some a hue of red - linking it back to France. The black bar by the hoist is reflective of Brittany, as is the central white bar with the black animal fur symbol. It is the fur of an ermine, which is a key symbol tied to Brittany. The colours reflect the aboriginal bi-pedal birds that colonized this land long before mankind could read or write - the penguins.

Due to Kerguelen's remoteness and lack of light pollution - it is an astronomical wonderland and biological reserve. But like Australia and the Galapagos the introduction of non-native species has been detrimental to many native plants and species.

*Lief Ericson did not permanently awake European Civilization to the 'Americas,' rather Christopher Columbus permanently awoke Europe to the Americas. The Vikings gave up on their 'American' colonies and forgot all about it, until some time after 1492.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Flag of Easter Island & Greenland or rather Rapa Nui & Kalaallit Nunaat

Flag of Kalaallit Nunaat
Greenland is a part of Denmark
"SUN" like icon

There are two famous semi-autonomous 'nations' that strike similar colours from opposite ends of the earth on rival oceans. Alone in the South Eastern Pacific is the famous isle of Easter Island, and on the edges of the North Western Atlantic is the grand and vast isle of Greenland.

Both islands have recruited the colours red and white to symbolize their identity. The flag of Kalaallit Nunaat retains the national colours of Denmark - red and white. It is basically an off centered disc that has a counter charge on itself with the background. This design is intuitively reflective of the extreme solar shift between winter and summer. Much of Greenland has a single winter night that lasts three months while a single summer day can last three months. Greenland is home of the famous Midnight Sun in June and in the winter the High Noon Midday Moon.

Flag of Rapa Nui
Easter Island is a part of Chile
"MOON" like icon

At another end of the earth the colours of Rapa Nui echo of red and white. The background is white, and the crescent shaped emblem is a type of jewelry usually worn by women that is based upon the native canoe of Easter Islanders. This flag was formally adopted on May 6, 2006. Twenty one years earlier the flag of Greenland was adopted on June 21, 1985.

Example of a Rapa Nui Canoe Pendant

The histories of Easter Island and Greenland and long and vast, but their unbroken modern period of written history begins at about the same time. On July 3, 1721 the Norwegian Hans Egede landed on Greenland to reestablish a 300 year old land claim. Less than a year later on Eastern Sunday April 5, 1722 the Dutchman Jacob Roggeveen awoke the world to Easter Island while Rapa Nui was awoken to the greater world around themselves.

Greenland Children with flag

However neither the Dutch nor Norwegian were to hold a permanent claim to these ancient isles of extremes. Before the 1800s the nationhood of Greenland and Easter Island was not certain. In the end Denmark and Chile were entrusted to guard over these pearls of the Pacific and Atlantic. Easter Island was annexed by Chile on September 9, 1888, and Greenland's attachment to Denmark was sealed in the 1814 treaty of Kiel.

Easter Islanders in protest with flags

US interest in these islands started only after WWII. Greenland was occupied by USA during WWII when Denmark fell to Nazi Germany. In 1946 Greenland flirted with US to become a proverbial 51st state, for 100 million dollars. But Denmark refused, but the Danes allowed the US to establish Thule Air Base as a part of AFSC - short for Air Force Space Command. Coincidentally Easter Island was graced by the space age in the 1980s. Easter Island became an emergency Space Shuttle Landing site.

The Inuit and Rapa Nui people are ancient cousins on a world that is a world a part. They have both left memorable marks on these islands and our world. They have enchanting stories to tell. No doubt their story of survival before the modern era is an epic chapter our communal heritage and history that all nations can understand.

As we come face to face with resource limited world, perhaps these islands can teach us a thing or two.

Two world famous stone monoliths
The Moai of Easter Island and Inuksuk of Greenaland

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cruithne Flag - Asteroid 3753

Flag of Cruithne
Earth's part-time moon
It's an asteroid? Moon? Dwarf Planet? Moonernoid? Huh? Maybe a Dwarf Planet-Moon/Asteroid!?

None of the above... they call it Cruithne part moon, part asteroid or something like that.

Cruithne was discovered on October 10, 1986 by a Scotsman - Duncan Waldron. It's a tiny part-time moon that visits every autumn. It's the moon that wanted to be a both a planet and a moon. You could call it a 'Dwarf Plamoon' or 'Moonet.'

Scientifically its designation is 3753 Cruithne. It comes close to earth every November.

The colours of this flag are orange, green, blue, black and white. The basic pattern was modeled after the Scottish flag in honor of its discoverer. The orange and green colours are a reflection of its name. The Cruithne were an ancient people who lived in Ireland.

Astrological Symbol for Cruinthne

This symbol is based on the Ogham Alphabet. It was popular in Ireland and Scotland during the rise of the Cruinthne people 400-700 AD. It is pronounced 'oi' and also means gold.

There is a crescent moon in the upper triangle to denote Cruithne's status as a part time moon that visits Earth in between Halloween and Thanksgiving. It's about five miles wide, small but big enough for a space station. Somebody from earth will probably visit it by 2040. Certainly by the year 2111 people will be living on Cruithne.

As what to call it, my favorite is 'Moonernoid.'

Idealized View from Cruithne on Thanksgiving or Halloween

Watch the Singlet Master Rich Hall Discuss this ''singlet" Moon on the BBC

2002 AA29, Earth's Shadow Moon - Avalon

Flag of Avalon
Asteroid-Moon minor planet 2002 AA29

In 2002 we discovered an asteroid in sync with the Earth. And nine years later, it still does not have a name! I propose the name Avalon, which was also a fictional planet in DC Comics.

This 'minor planet' crosses the line in between a moon and asteroid, like Cruinthne. However Cruinthne is more asteroid like than Avalon-2002 AA29.

Avalon orbits the sun in the same cosmic groove with Earth, in a 95 year 'horseshoe' orbit on the sun. Thus it qualifies in some regard as a moon, rather than an asteroid.

Avalon is in effect a non-conformist independent minded moon that 'follows' Earth on its own good time. If it were a conformist moon, like the regular moon, it'd be a kin to the dwarf moons of Mars - Phobos and Deimos.

Astrological Symbol for
Avalon 2002 AA29

The flag of Avalon 2002 AA29 is basic tri-bar with a thinner middle bar. The background tri-bar colours are pink by the hoist, black by the fly, and yellow in the center. In the middle is the name Avalon spelled with Roman, Greek and Russian Letters. These letters were chosen because of their symmetrical axis along the up-down stoke.

In order the letters and their 'home' alphabets

A - Greek A
V - Roman V
A - Roman A
^ -Greek L
O - Roman
H - Russian N

The spaces within the letters are coloured in a rainbow reflective of the harmonious hopes of Alavon.

Orbit of Avalon 2002 AA29 Video

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Squirrel Makes a nest out of the American Flag

It was reported today that a squirrel 'stole' some American flags from an Ohio police memorial to make a nest.

Right on squirrely!

Humans have been stealing the homes of squirrels so it's payback time.

"Vengeance is for the nut lovers!"

Squirrels sure do love FREEDOM

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Flag of 2010 SO16, Aristotle Shen Dao - Earth's Sadow Moon II

Flag of Aristotle Shen Dao
Shadow Moon of Earth 2010 SO16

Recently discovered, 2010 SO16 is another moon-like hybrid asteroid that follows in the cosmic groove of Earth. However it shadows Earth in a 'horseshoe' orbit, that lasts about 350 years.

We think Aristotle Shen Dao 2010 SO16 is about 350 meters, which means it may be three and half football or soccer fields wide. This makes it prime real estate for a space station. Because of its super slow orbit around the sun, we pass by once a year in nearly the same place. It's another 'shadow moon' like Avalon 2002 AA29, but much larger.


It was discovered the Wide-field Infared Survey Explorer and its properties were figured out by David J. Asher and Christou Apostolos at the Armagh Observatory in Ireland.

The colours of the flag include black, white, and a sea-green. Green was chosen in honor Ireland and the Armagh Observatory. The black and white image represents a theoretical crossing of an asteroid through the moon during a lunar eclipse.

The white crescent moon on the flag has two shadows - one made by earth and one made by an asteroid. This gives it a counter charge quality - or rather a yin and yang essence.

This is reflective of its name which combines two sages from the Ancient West and East - Aristotle and Shen Dao. Its 350 long year long trip around the Sun honors in a synchronous manner when Aristotle and Shen Dao expressed their academic brilliance around 350 BC.

Shen Dao?

In 350 BC Aristotle argued that the earth may be spherical due to the shadow effect on the moon during a lunar eclipse. Aristotle also show cased a type of logical reasoning in his Organon. At nearly the same time the philosopher - Shen Dao - published his ideas that blended Legalism and Daoism.

Theoretical Crossing of Earth, Moon and Arsitotle Shen Dao

Legalism is a will based on a strict fundamentalist point of view - enforcing the rules no matter what - like a very very very strict religious orthodox school. However Daoism can be best summed up in Western Civilization by the fictional philosophies of Master Yoda and Obi-Wan. Or rather 'It's best ride with current of the ocean instead of trying to control it.'

Astrological Symbol for
Aristotle Shen Dao

It's based on the earth symbol. The horseshoe orbit is reflected by the upside down "omega" and is a reflection of Greek culture, while the cross is a stylized Chinese symbol for earth - with a much shorter base.

Perhaps we could call it a Shamoon? (Shadow-Moon)

Youtube Video Explaining
2010 s016 Aristotle Shen Dao

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy Flag

Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy Flag

This galaxy is one of the closest galaxies next to us. Some think it is an extension of the Milky Way.

In a certain way it is like a 'galactic moon' of the Milky Way. In total we have found about 12-15 satellite galaxies that hover us. You could even call them either a Gloonexy, Gmoonexy, or something else?

The Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy is a relatively new to our awareness, since it was discovered in 1994, after the rise of the Internet. It's only 20 kilo-parsecs away.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Vulcan the Part-time Moon of Venus - Asteroid 2002 VE68

Flag of Vulcan 2002 VE68
Venus' part time moon

On November 11, 2002 LONEOS became aware of a hybrid moon-asteroid, aka The Moonernoid. Moonernoid sounds better than asteroid or qasi-moon, plus it'll get children and the pubic more interested.

The good name for this 'minor planet' would be Vulcan 2002 VE68, since it crosses past Mercury and Earth. It's moon-like behavior is centered on Venus.

Why it is considered in some degree as a moon and not simply an asteroid?

Astrological Symbol for
Vulcan 2002 VE68

Because it exhibits 'orbital resonance' with Venus. Basically Vulcan is in sync with Venus. A year of Vulcan lasts nearly the same amount of time on Venus - about 225 days for a trip around the sun. Although Vulcan is not exactly in the same cosmic groove as Venus, it's in the same temporal groove, meaning it is doing a gravitational jitterbug with Venus.

Although Venus does not have a hardcore conformist moon like Phobos or our circular white wonder, it's officially recognized by the scientific community as a 'Quasi-Moon' like Cruithne 3753. Which creates the theoretical possibility of a quasi-planet and quasi-star - if such a heavenly body should follow such a wacky non-conformist orbit.

Spock with Vulcan Hand Greeting

Apparently Vulcan 2002 VE68 has been a part-time moon with Venus for the past 7000 years and will continue to do so until about the 22th century - by that time humans, if they even look like humans anymore, would have colonized and turned it into a space station.

If we don't get to Vulcan by 26th century, it will become a free agent and fly off to who knows where. It might sign on as part-time moon somewhere else - maybe with Mars or Pluto.

Orbit of Vulcan 2002 VE68

The colours of this flag are red, blue, yellow, and white. There are three triangles of differing sizes. The smallest triangle is along the fly and has a six pointed star, representing the ancient wisdom texts of West Asia since before the reign of King Solomon.

The middle sized triangle with the four pointed 'cross star' represents the texts of wisdom that are synchronized to our modern calendar, plus or minus 333 years. Subsequently the name of each asteroid has been calibrated to this significant zero year. Current example being Vulcan, it was made aware to Earth in 2002 and Vulcan's first name was calibrated to this zero point of humanity. Also in this triangle we see the outline of V which stands for Venus and Vulcan.

The largest triangle along the fly makes the crescent moon appear small, but in fact it is the same size as the other symbols. This moon symbolizes 2002 VE68 Vuclan's ability to walk the line between moon and minor planet. The moon also represents all other wisdom texts that manifested after the dominant zero calibration point.

Idealized view of Vulcan passing by Venus

In the long stripe is a Vulcan hand gesture that means to 'live long and prosper.' Around the hand is a counter charge of colours relative to the stripe. This was done to honor the enchanted ideas of harmony, detachment, and duality from East Asia. And not to mention Star Trek.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Zodiac Sign - Orion the Hunter

Symbol for Orion
when the Planets strike 'high noon' on the Celestial Sphere

Just as the ecliptic reaches the northern zeinth of the Celestial Sphere, the ecliptic passes by the northern tip of Orion, in between Gemini and Taurus.

The symbol for Orion is essentially the symbol of Mars but with a dash. It should always be pointed upwards since it represents the most northern point Sun and Planets on their path of Celestial Sphere. The middle dash represents Orion's Belt, which is perhaps the most distinguishable group of stars on the Celestial Equator.

New Zodiac Sign - Sextans the Star Compass

Constellation of Sextant
just below Leo

Libra the Scales has been a lonely odd ball of the Zodiac. Well its time as the odd ball 'inanimate object' is over, another object has joined the ranks in the pathway of the planets - Sextans.

Sextans the Star Compass is another constellation that tips on the path of the planets. It is snuggled under the belly of Leo. This extra sign cuts into Leo's space or one can consider people born during under this sign as having two signs - Leo & Sextant.

Symbol for Sextant the Star Compass
merged five pointed star on triangle

So what are the attributes of persons born under the 'Sign Sextant'? A predisposition for navigational skills, logical thinking, and love of star gazing. Sextant people should have a wonder lust to explore new worlds, ideas, and feelings. Not just in the an astronomical way but also though art and poetry, yet anchored to a cosmic knowing.

Photo of a Star Compass - Sextant

New Zodiac Sign - the Whale or Cetus

Constellation of Cetus the Whale

Ever since the modern adoption of 88 constellations. A few star systems have been conjoined to the ecliptic. In between Aries and Pisces at one corner the constellation of Cetus the whale or 'sea monster' sneaks in to pathway of the planets.

Cetus is the root word for the group of mammals that live in ocean -Cetacean.

It's symbolically positioned like a end of they year Christmas bonus. It's kinda like leap year, the planets sometimes cross its pathway.

Symbol for Cetus

The Astrological Symbol for Cetus is the tail of a whale. It looks like a crescent moon with an open end. the left end is slightly titled while the right end in supposed to be straight.