
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Adrastea Flag, shepherd moon of Jupiter

Metis Flag, shepherd moon of Jupiter

Mimas Flag, moon of Saturn

Image of Mimas

Mimas is commonly known as the Death Star Moon, due to its similar appearance to the Death Star in Star Wars.

Death Star as seen in Star Wars
A New Hope

Proteus Flag, moon of Neptune


Dog Star Flag

Alpha Centauri Flag

Hygiea Flag, main asteroid belt

Pallas Flag, main asteroid belt

Flag of 2 Pallas
Main Asteroid Belt

The minor planet Pallas was discovered on March 28, 1803 by Heinrich Wilhelm Matthaus Olbers.

The flag has four colours - blue, red, yellow, and black. Blue represents the planet earth and red mars. Pallas Two is in between these two planets. In yellow is the astrological symbol for Pallas - which is a cross connected to square at 45 degrees.

Its orbits at an extreme angle giving it stunning views outside the cosmic groove of the regular planets.

Orcus Flag, dwarf planet

Ixion Flag, dwarf planet

Quaoar Flag, dwarf planet

1 Ceres Flag, dwarf planet

Haumae Flag, Dwarf Planet

Makemake Flag, Dwarf Planet

Eris Flag, Dwarf Planet

3 Juno Flag

Planet Venus Flag

Venus Flag

The flag of Venus features a pyramid made with an orange base and large yellow capstone. In the center of the yellow capstone is a red disc. Along the upper fly is a the letter B turned on its side.

The letter B is a reference to Russia's early exploration of this planet, since they use the letter B to represent the V sound in English. The red dot is a remembrance to Venera 3, the first human spacecraft to reach another on a planet.

The letter V is only noticeable when it is held upside down.

9969 Braille Flag

Annefrank Asteroid Flag, 5535

Flag of 5535 Annefrank

This asteroid was discovered in 1942 by Karl Reinmuth. The name was chosen more than 50 years later, to honor Anne Frank - a young girl who died in a concentration camp during World War II.

Photo of Anne Frank
circa 1942 when 'her'
asteroid was discovered

On November 2, 2002 the spacecraft Stardust encountered the asteroid Annefrank. Data and particles from asteroid Annefrank 5535 returned to earth in Utah on January 16, 2006. Asteroid Annefrank orbits in the main belt. She was discovered on March 23, 1942 during the tragedy of the WWII.

Ann Frank's personal diary was published after her death and stands as a testimony to tragedy and inner light that can be found in the human heart. Her diary was first published in 1947 and later into English in 1952.

Main Asteroid Belt Flag, in between Mars and Jupiter

Vesta Flag, of the Main Asteroid Belt

Asteroid Vesta Flag

Vesta is one of the brightest asteroids in belt, you can even seen it in the sky with the naked eye from time to time.

Vesta is nearly spheroid almost putting it in the dwarf planet category, but not quite.

NASA's Dawn spacecraft entered orbit last month on July 16, 2011.

Vesta with Vesta Flag on it

The flag of Vesta has a black background. Along the fly is a multicoloured rainbow stripe of Vs. The colours are red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, navy blue, purple, and violet. Near the fly is a circle with a large black V. The stands for Vesta.

Snow Man of Vesta decorated

Here is the 'Snowman' crater. The Snowman has yellow lemon eyes, an orange carrot nose, a green pickle mouth, red apple buttons, a purple and violet scarf, the brown wooden branches as arms and a navy blue top hat.

433 Eros Asteroid Flag

Picture of Eros

Like the great monolith from 2001 a Space Odyssey, Eros tempted mankind to reach up and out towards new frontiers, by using the magnificent power of the mind.

Eventually Asteroid Eros 433 (S-Type) became a perpetually parking space for NEAR Shoemaker Spacecraft.

Coincidentally this ship made the first soft landing on an asteroid on February 12, 2001. The Near Shoemaker spacecraft worked on the asteroid for 16 days, until February 28, 2001.

Greek Image of the Erotic God

In honor of the grand event in humanity, this asteroid certainly deserves a flag of its own. It was originally named after the the Greek God of erotic passion. The Romans were so enchanted by this Eastern God of the Greeks that their own God of Love came into reality - Cupid.

Flag for the Eros Asteroid 433

Eros Flag 'planted' on Asteroid Eros 433

Jupiter Flag, King of the Planets

Flag of Jupiter

The flag of Jupiter has a metallic brown background. There are four white stripes that represent the four major moons discovered by in 1610 by Galileo Galiei.

The symbol of Jupiter is a combination of three symbols - the astrological symbol for Jupiter, the open Egyptian Eye, and finally the Chinese Symbol for the planet. The red disc in the hybridized eye is reflective of Jupiter's Giant Red spot.

The coincidence that the largest planet of our solar system aligns with the paramount god of Roman Mythology is uncanny. This distant planet has acted as our cosmic guardian by sweeping up potentially deadly asteroids or comets that could have destroyed life on earth.

Jupiter is the proverbial eye of the solar system on constant watch, defending earth from asteroids, comets, and rouge planets. Jupiter seems to have its own life force and an eye focused on defense of earth.

Saturn Flag, planet

Solarian Flag

Halley's Comet Flag

Sedna Flag, Outer Dwarf Planet

Sedna the Dwarf Planet Flag

The red planet from afar whose yearly trip around the sun lasts about 11,400 years. It was discovered on November 14, 2003. It was discovered by an Alabama native - Mike Brown. The last time this planet came close to our humble abode is when wooly mammoths roamed the earth.

The flag of Sedna uses the colours red, blue, and white. The name of Sedna is written in a Native Canadian Inuit script known as Inuktitut, which would be read a 'Sanna' instead of Sedna.

Sedna or Sanna is the Inuit (Eskimo) Goddess of the Sea and marine animals. Since planet Sedna is so far away it is assumed to be very cold just like the arctic. However relative to Sedna, earths polar regions are flaming hot spots in our solar system. The Goddess Sedna would probably find the planet Sedna too cold.

A sun rise on Sedna with Sedna's Flag

This 'dwarf planet' it approaching its closest point to earth, the last time it was at a 'close' approach to earth was during the Upper Paleolithic period.

Ganymede Flag, Moon of Jupiter

Flag of Ganymede
Moon of Jupiter

It's only fitting that the largest planet in our solar system gets the largest moon - Ganymede. Ganymede takes it name after a Trojan Prince whose beauty seduced Zeus. Subsequently this love of Zeus became his cup bearer.

The colours of the flag are red, white, and pink. There are four pink triangles that symbolize Ganymede as one of the four great moons of Jupiter.

Also the pink triangle is associated with gay love, and the relationship between Zeus and the Trojan Prince qualifies in some sense as gay relationship. If not in reality but certainly symbolically.

The largest moon in our solar system is bigger than

Callisto Flag, Moon of Jupiter

Flag of Callisto

This is the flag of Callisto. It employs the colours brown, black, white, and indigo. Brown and black refer to the mythological Callisto that was turned into a bear and eventually became the constellation Ursa Major - or rather the 'Big Dipper'.

Callisto is Jupiter's outer most moon and about the same size of Mercury.

Callisto Outer Moon of Jupiter

Umbriel Flag, Moon of Uranus

Oberon Flag, Moon of Uranus

The Flag of Oberon
Moon of Uranus

This flag represents Oberon and uses five colours - black, yellow, white, green and red. It is based upon the flag of Electorate of Brunswick-Luneburg which is where astronomer who discovered this moon was born - William Herschel.

Mr. Herschel discovered this moon on January 11, 1787 after he had emigrated the United Kingdom.

In the upper hoist area is a dog ear design with a black field and yellow star. The black represents deep space while the star represents this moon. The colours black, yellow, and white are in honor of the subsequent nation that has cultural claims upon the birthright of person who brought the moon Oberon to our attention in 1787 - William Herschel.

The horse is rotated 90 degrees in reflection of Uranus' highly tilted orbit, which puts this planet and it's moon at a relatively odd angle relative to its orbit.

Puck Flag, Dwarf Moon of Uranus

Puck the moon was discovered back in the future in 1985, orbiting appropriately around Uranus. Puck is a fun loving and mischievous forest sprite that loves to dance.

Tatania Flag, Moon of Uranus

Flag of Tatania
Moon of Uranus

This flag represents the moon Tatania which can be found orbiting Uranus. This moon is named upon the imagination of William Shakespeare's Fairy Queen - Tatania.

Uranus is the non-conformist planet of our solar system that rotates nearly perpendicular to its orbital pathway. This has given the moon's of Uranus a very unique point of view, since their orbits cut out of the 'normal' groove of rotation.

View from Tatania
with Ariel-Umbriel eclipse and Uranus in the background

Ariel Flag, Moon of Uranus

Flag of Ariel
Moon of Uranus

The moon Ariel was discovered by an English Astronomer on October 24, 1851. This flag represents this moon and is based upon the elements of the British Union Jack and emblems associated with Manchester, since the founder of this moon may have been a Manchester United FC fan if he were alive today - William Lassel of Bolton, England.

The altered union flag is rotated 90 degrees to represent Uranus and its moon's nearly perpendicular side ways view of the solar system.

The colours of Ariel's flag are black, yellow, red, and white. The devilish emblem is holding an astrologically based Uranus shaped pitch fork, instead of regular pitch fork.

An imagined view from Ariel with Miranda eclipsing the sun

Logo of Manchester United

Persons who live in Bolton today are often Manchester United football fans.

Miranda Flag, Moon of Uranus

Europa Flag, Moon of Jupiter

Flag of Europa

This is the flag of Europa the glacier moon of Jupiter. The colours of this flag are indigo, blue, white, and orange. It is essentially a horizontal tri-bar with orange fimbration along the central indigo stripe.

In each of the main stripes are symbols. In the top white stripe is Chinese symbol for Jupiter which also means wood and Thursday.

The colours are reflective of Europa's natural colours, and assumed ocean or submerged glacier.

In the middle is the indigo stripe with Europa written in Phoenician since Europa was originally a Phoenician Princess. This translation is based upon an English to Phoenician translation. If a Greek to Phoenician code would have been used there would have been no Phoenician A. This was done to honor another letter of the ancient and semi-living Phoenician Alphabet.

On the bottom is a blue stripe with the horns of a white bull, which is related to the story of when Zeus turned himself into a white bull to seduce Europa.

IO Flag, Moon of Jupiter

Flag of IO
Moon of Jupiter

The flag for IO the moon of Jupiter is composed of four colours - red, orange, yellow, and black. They are reflective of IO's bright colours.

The Moon of IO
it has a yellowish tint

IO is where the first volcano was detected that did not occur on earth. It is one of the four great moon's of Jupiter.

In Greek Mythology IO is a princess nymph who gets turned into a cow. She is often depicted as a cow in art work.

Triton Flag, Moon of Neptune

Flag of Triton
The Titan Moon of Neptune

This is the flag of the moon Triton, Neptune's largest moon. It uses the colours black, white, indigo, blue, and dark sea green.

The two conch shells are reflective of the god Triton, and the blue crescent is the planet Neptune.

A view from Triton