Flag of Jupiter

The flag of Jupiter has a metallic brown background. There are four white stripes that represent the four major moons discovered by in 1610 by Galileo Galiei.
The symbol of Jupiter is a combination of three symbols - the astrological symbol for Jupiter, the open Egyptian Eye, and finally the Chinese Symbol for the planet. The red disc in the hybridized eye is reflective of Jupiter's Giant Red spot.
The coincidence that the largest planet of our solar system aligns with the paramount god of Roman Mythology is uncanny. This distant planet has acted as our cosmic guardian by sweeping up potentially deadly asteroids or comets that could have destroyed life on earth.

Jupiter is the proverbial eye of the solar system on constant watch, defending earth from asteroids, comets, and rouge planets. Jupiter seems to have its own life force and an eye focused on defense of earth.
shut up^^^^^^