
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Flag for KIC 8462852 - Strange Star in the Cygnus Constellation

This flag represents the non-standard star system found in the Cygnus Constellation - KIC 8462852.  It's unique and atypical star light pattern has caught the attention of astronomers and space enthusiasts of Earth.  It has opened the possibility that advanced Cybertronic life may be out there beyond our Solarian Star System.

The colours indicate the declination and right ascension of this star system.  On the left-hoist side is the right ascension which is at the 20th hour, 6 minutes, and 15 seconds.  While on the right-fly side is the declination which is 44 degrees, 27 minutes, and 24 seconds north.  The northern celestial coordinates are indicated by the upwards pointing darts. 

Earth already is a primitive Cybertronic planet, since the mid 20th century.  Eventually it would be possible to build a ring or partial Dyson sphere around a star.  We are a Class 1 Cybertronic Civilization whereby technology is critical to life, but is external to our biological bodies.  Once electronic devices become embeded under the skin we become a class 2 Cybertronic Civilzation.  We are verging closer to Class 2 as people (mostly youth) are essentially addicted to their cell phone devices and will soon be happy to have microchips implanted under their skin.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Deep Sea International Waters Flag - beyond the 200 Nautical Exclusive Economic Zone Region

Beyond the 200 Nautical Miles of the Exclusive Economic Zone is the region of Earth were nations have no legal claim.  It is an international region of the high seas.  This flag represents that area of the oceans where the water and airspace are Wild and Free of national claims. 

The Deep Blue International Waters flag is composed of four vertical bars: deep navy blue, white, blue, and indigo. 

12 Nautical Mile Contigious Zone Flag

The 12 Nautical Mile Contiguous Zone flag is composed of the colours orange and black. This flag is a warning flag that a ship is near a nation's territorial waters and may be subject to a security search if caught within this "Pursuit Zone."  It represents the 12 nautical mile area of International Waters where a nation's security force is legally active.

The 12 Nautical Mile Contiguous Zone is just beyond a nation's Territorial Waters.  The Nautical Contiguous Zone is the proverbial boarder "Chase Zone" of International Waters where national police pursuit is in effect.  For example if a foreign nation should dump toxic waste in these waters, infringe on customs law, conduct any illegal activities a nation can arrest a ship in this area. But if a ship is 25 nautical miles out to sea, she is free from harassment from a nation's coast guard.   

Saturday, October 24, 2015

International Maritime Exclusive Economic Zone Flag

The Exclusive Economic Zone flag consists of the colours black, white, and green. White represents peaceful international cooperation, while green and black represent Earthly and economic abundance. Specifically green represents natural abundance while black represents mineral waelth, and the great feeling of being "in the black."  It is to be flown within 200 nautical miles off shore of a nation's coastline, below the national flag. 

In this example the EEZ flag is flown 200 nautical miles off shore the coast of Canada.  This flag indicates that fishing, mining, and economic activity within this zone is the exclusive right of Canada.  Yet Canadian laws do not necessarily apply.  National laws of any nation apply 12 nautical miles beyond a nation's coastline. 

Bouy Photo Credit:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Star Wars - The Force Awakens 2015

Vexilloids of the Jedi return to the movie screen in 2015.  We can guess that the banners hanging from the ceiling are individual Jedi armorial banners? A host of worn colorful flags guard the entrance to the ruins of some kind of sacred temple?

Here is a website that tapped this flagtastic stuff with a vexi-dart:

Monday, October 19, 2015

Penguin flag from the 1966 Batman movie

The Original Penguin Flag from the First Batman Movie 1966

The Penguin flag from the Batman movie uses the colours black, white, and purple.  It has swallowtail end.  In the center is a black disc with the standard skull and crossbones logo.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Batman and Robin with US flag in the original Batman Movie - 1966

In 1966 Batman swung from TV to Hollywood.  The classic caped crusaders can be seen here running through the streets of Gotham to save the members on the security counsel of the UW - United World Organization.  In the background is the US flag gently flapping in the background.