Missouri and Molybdenum have the same initials: an 'M' and an 'O.' Acordingly, it a fun Mo flag can be made in the honor of MO. Element 41, also known as Mo, a metal that any girl named Molly should appreciate. The Molly B. Denum flag maintains the horizontal tribar of Missouri, but the seal is modified. Instead of 24 stars in a circle, we have 24 atoms in a circle. Likewise, large test tubes replace the supporter bears. The knight's helmet is now an elermeyer flask with blue some kind of blue chemical in it. The circular yellow belt has not been modified. On the compartment ribbon the name 'MOLYBDENUM' can be seen. Finally in the inner circle, the atomic number is in blue, the standard atomic weight is in red, and the official IUPAC symbol is on the white area.

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