
Thursday, June 6, 2019

º Flag: The Degrees Flag

The º Flag is a tribar of red, indigo, violet.  Red is coded to 1, indigo is coded to 6, and violet is coded to 7.  The code is based upon the standard order of the rainbow.  The contrast indicator for violet is yellow so the degrees symbol is put here instead of the middle, to show it is not the centered circle key.

Below is the trio of Three Degreesººº.  Did you ever notice that radio only plays pop hits from the 80s, 90s, and, 00s.  At least in Philly they have been playing that same track since 1986!  What about all the cool pop songs from the early 1970s and 1960s!  My gosh there is so much hidden gold.  Love em' but Yaz' gotta give Madonna, Cindy L., U2, and 70s Hard Rock a Break.

Here is lovely song from 1974, and we are finally meeting up in 2019!  Way too long!  DJ on the radio, you failed!

 Also on the video below, you will see that walking your pet in 100º+ weather is bad.

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