
Thursday, June 6, 2019

¢ Flag: The Cents Flag

Oddly there is no ¢ key on the keyboard.  Why not?  We have a dollar key "$" hiding under the 4 key after all!  The secret to getting the ¢ to appear is to hold the ALT key and then hitting 1, let go, 5, let go, 5, let go while keeping the ALT key down until the ¢ appears. 

Perhaps you heard of 101 Dalmations?  Did you hear of the 155 Delmations of Ancient Rome?   In some weird way it is the land of Ancient Croatia.  In the year 155 BC Mr. Nasica, Scipio defeated more than 101 Illyrians.

Also the word cent is derived from the ancient Roman language of Latin that means 100.

Hopefully, you can see that in 155 BC more than 101 Delmations lost their lives to Rome.  Although most countries had their own denominations at one time, they still carry on the tradition of dividing their currency into 1/100ths..."CENTuries."

As for the flag colours, red represents the number 1 since red is the 1st colour of the rainbow.  Blue/Cyan is coded to 5 since it is the 5th colour of the rainbow.  Coincidentally the contrast indicator for cyan is red so it reflects a connection to the fractional value of unit dollar.   It makes real the expression of not handing over one "One Red ¢." 

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