Flag of Connecticut with a Hanukkah twist

The pair of states chosen were Connecticut and Vermont. They may not look so similar at first glance but there are a few interesting parallels. Both their state flags feature plants as the centerpiece of their flags. Connecticut has three grapevines and nine bunches of grapes. While Vermont has a pine tree in the middle. Their backgrounds are both blue of different shades. They both feature a shield that repeat the 'leaves' of their honored plant. All around the shield of Connecticut are grape leaves in the positions normally associated with the supporter, compartment, and crest. Likewise Vermont has two crossed branches of a pine tree in the supporter and compartment areas.
Flag of Vermont with the X-Mas Spirit

Culturally during the Colonial Revolution of 1776 early flags of rebellion in New England included the pine tree and a vine of grapes. So in some manner these two flags echo of the original revolution against parliament and king.
Their flags have been 'North Polarized' in different ways. First Connecticut has been modified into a Menorah. Just as it already has 9 bunches of grapes, a Menorah has 9 candles. If you didn't know the chief financial elf at Santa's workshop is Jewish, as is Rudolph and the Grinch who stole Christmas but later gave it back on reconsideration.
The flag of Vermont has been altered to night with a healthy heaping of snowfall. Red Christmas balls were added to the branches around the seal. The cow is pulling a sleigh, the deer on the heraldic wreath has a Rudolph Nose, and finally the tree has been north polarized with the Christmas Tree.
Merry Christmas to all,
May 2011 feel like Heaven
See the X-mas holiday card of years past
2009 - Wisconsin & Guess who!?
Official State Flag Shields of Connecticut & Vermont
Compared to North Polarized Cards
Compared to North Polarized Cards

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