
Friday, May 8, 2020

Bald & Bankrupt - May 8th Victory Day in Minsk, Belarus

A unique presentation of flags was filmed by Bald & Bankrupt whist in Minsk, Belarus on May 8th.  May 8th is the Eastern European celebration for the ending of WWII (The Great Patriotic War).  The unique flag display is a dissected Belarusian flag whorl on a pole.  In this display, the tree whorls of the Belarus flag are broken into individual flags.  The top red flag whorl is taken from the main-dominant red field.  The middle green flag whorl is taken from green stripe along the bottom.  Finally the tapestry pattern along the hoist is on the bottom whorl.

If such a dissected patriotic display were to be done with the US flag, there would be two whorls of flags.  The top whole would be a blue field with white stars, and the bottom whole would be a red and white stripes.   Likewise a Canadian dissected flag display would have two whorls.  The bottom whorl would be all red, and the top whorl would be white with a red maple leaf.

Bald and Bankrupt is from the UK and was of the last generation to experience the Cold War.  Like many of that era, the forbidden fruit of Soviet Knowledge has become a curious point of interest.  This type of curiosity is not of the pro-Communist sort, but rather of a deep curiosity and affection for alien cultures and those born on the other side.  This is like the interest in culture and things of the Confederacy in the USA.  There are many people who enjoy learning about the CSA on a cultural level, rather than being a supporter of human oppression.  

Usually former Soviet nations are ignored or portrayed with contempt from the Western Media.  But Bald and Bankrupt has shown the funny and human side of this once vilified segment of the humanity from the West.  Most of his adventures are on the fly.  Not all adventures are all rosy cheeks, and he has run into the stereotype negative Eastern European and tangoed with strict Eastern officials, but more often than not the warmth and natural friendliness of Eastern Europe shines in his vlogs.

A great drinking game is to take a sip each time Bald & Bankrupt says 'Soviet.'  His action Nat-Geo style is true and passionate.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Signal Flags from Andersonville 1996

The flags shown here are from the US Civil War Era.  They are communication Wig-Wag flags that enable one to communicate over long visual distances depending on the way the flags are moved.   This type of coded flag communication was invented by New Yorker, Albert James Myer: born September 20, 1828 - August 24, 1880, and Myer was a US Army Surgeon.

There are two flags visible that are color inverts, the primary flag has red field with a white square and the other flag has a white field with red square.

You can see the aerial telegraphic flag in the distance.  The film is more than just a Civil War film.  It is an exquisite, refined, and mature story based on facts and history.  It is a movie worthy of every American's attention.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Solid Orange Maritime Start Flag

A solid orange flag is a start signal for most sailing sport.  Rather than just being waved to start the race, the orange flag shows the start line for ships to get ready to sail.  

Monday, May 4, 2020

Snake Rattle and Roll - Dont Tread on Me

As Nintendo 8-bit aged into the 1990s.  New systems were introduced.  But companies continued to make games for the system.  Although the tech was moving to stronger 16-bit processing systems, 8-bit programmers were making better and refined games.  One of the later, senior NES games to roll out on the market was the Snake Rattle and Roll.  It was two player game that was a challenge and wacky mess of fun.  Something like marble madness with chomping snakes and sordid silliness.

Since we have a snake, it deserves a DONT TREAD ON ME flag.  In this case the snake is on the square field patches of grass.

Dont Tread On Me - Dreamscape 1984 Snake-man Monster

Movies about entering dreams is the stuff of Hollywood and Mysticism.  Thank God Science can not crack the code here, otherwise, mankind would be subjected to commercials and paying taxes in the Dreamscape.  The economy and order of law follow different formulas as set by waking reality. Really, in the Dreamscape there is no government, no laws, no police, it is a free zone consciousness that no other man nor woman can create a system of control, or promote their agenda. Or can they?

Before Inception 2010, there was Dreamscape 1984.  There are only ever a few good dream themed movies are made every once and a while.  In one scene a man enters a boy's recurring nightmare about a snake-monster man.   Dennis Quaid helps a young boy face his fears in the oochy-goochy 1980s movie.

Since we have a snake-like being.  It is fitting to include this entity on the DONT TREAD ON ME FLAG.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Dont Tread on Me - The Legend of Zelda's Rope Rattler

The Legend of Zelda was the ultimate 1980s adventure game.  It peaked right around 1985 and is masterpiece of pixelated glory.  Loved my many, it continues to generate a legacy.  Even the original is still a fun challenge for modern day gamers.  I suppose it is something like 1980s music, many songs still hold an enchantment over the younger generations.  However there are plenty of 1980s music and video games are are perpendicular that should be kept back in 1985.

Zelda had an enemy called the Rope, which was a snake.  Kind of a weird name for a snake, but a snake is shaped like a rope?  Maybe even a wire?  Good thing they didn't call them a pipe

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Guadelopue-Hidalgo Repblic Flag - a cultural flag for the West Coast of USA

Blessings and providence are chruchy terms that carry that certain Truthiness.  In 1531 a certain kind of miracle occurred in Mexico, New Spain.  The Virgin Mary was reported to have appeared to a humble John the Diego, also known as Juan Diego.  The appearance of the Virgin Mary to Mr. Diego in 1531 became epic when roses given by the apparition placed in his pancho-like-snuggie miraculously turned into the image of the Virgin Mary, which formed into Our Lady of Guadelupe in front of the Bishop of New Spain, Mexico and staff members.

By providence, the name of the Treaty that brought everlasting peace between Mexico and the United States was the 1848 Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo.  This treaty saw that nearly half of Mexico was destined for the United States.

This flag can be flown over any region of the US that was apart of the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo.  The flag is based upon the modern California flag.  Instead of a grizzly bear, we have the Our Mother of Guadelupe and the background is taken from the coat of arms from the Mexican state of Hidalgo.   Thus the background, bell, and liberty cap represent Hidalgo, while the impression of Our Mother of Guadelupe is eponymous with Guadelupe.

This is kind of fun flag, that can be used to teach and connect Aztec-Mexican culture to American cultures.  Although grounded to Catholic culture, the image of Guadelupe is renowned by all of Spanish speaking Latin America, since this miracle happened during the 1513, which was 300 years before any of the Spanish Speaking states were considering independence.

And don't get Guadelupe confused with Guadeloupe.  The one with extra letter O refers to a French speaking island in the Caribbean.