
Friday, May 8, 2020

Bald & Bankrupt - May 8th Victory Day in Minsk, Belarus

A unique presentation of flags was filmed by Bald & Bankrupt whist in Minsk, Belarus on May 8th.  May 8th is the Eastern European celebration for the ending of WWII (The Great Patriotic War).  The unique flag display is a dissected Belarusian flag whorl on a pole.  In this display, the tree whorls of the Belarus flag are broken into individual flags.  The top red flag whorl is taken from the main-dominant red field.  The middle green flag whorl is taken from green stripe along the bottom.  Finally the tapestry pattern along the hoist is on the bottom whorl.

If such a dissected patriotic display were to be done with the US flag, there would be two whorls of flags.  The top whole would be a blue field with white stars, and the bottom whole would be a red and white stripes.   Likewise a Canadian dissected flag display would have two whorls.  The bottom whorl would be all red, and the top whorl would be white with a red maple leaf.

Bald and Bankrupt is from the UK and was of the last generation to experience the Cold War.  Like many of that era, the forbidden fruit of Soviet Knowledge has become a curious point of interest.  This type of curiosity is not of the pro-Communist sort, but rather of a deep curiosity and affection for alien cultures and those born on the other side.  This is like the interest in culture and things of the Confederacy in the USA.  There are many people who enjoy learning about the CSA on a cultural level, rather than being a supporter of human oppression.  

Usually former Soviet nations are ignored or portrayed with contempt from the Western Media.  But Bald and Bankrupt has shown the funny and human side of this once vilified segment of the humanity from the West.  Most of his adventures are on the fly.  Not all adventures are all rosy cheeks, and he has run into the stereotype negative Eastern European and tangoed with strict Eastern officials, but more often than not the warmth and natural friendliness of Eastern Europe shines in his vlogs.

A great drinking game is to take a sip each time Bald & Bankrupt says 'Soviet.'  His action Nat-Geo style is true and passionate.

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