
Friday, March 31, 2017

Swiss-French Heritage Flag

A mix of the Swiss and flag of France, make up French and Swiss Heritage Flag.

Swiss-German Heritiage Flag

A flag for persons are mixed Swiss and Germany. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Zaxxon - Level Rank Pennant 1982

Zaxxon is a classic 1980s game that has gotten very little nostalgia.  It captures the feels of the pop sci-fi feel of 1982 in between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

Nothing so cute at first, but at later levels cute Zaxxon dragons appeared, but few had enough skill or quarters to reach that level.

Of vexillological note are the red pennant markers that denoted ones level.

The Zaxxon of Temple had a diamond coat of arms of green, yellow, and white.  The field is green and what looks like bolts of yellow lightning under a white Z are visible.  Note the Z is crossed with a mid mark.

It seems in Zaxxon lore that dragon like lizard beings created these floating space fortresses.  In the game, if a pilot is skilled enough the red, blue, and green dragons make an appearance to defend their space fortresses.

Maybe a reboot of Return of the Zaxxon Dragons - 2022 is overdue?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Red, White, and Blue Day Flags from Sausage Party 2016

 An eleven starred canton is featured on the American Styled flag in Sausage Party.  But like the official flag of the USA it has a field of 13 stripes.  Although it may look like and kid's animated movie, it is far from it.  It is a colourful delight to that naughty inner middle-school student.  Packed with puns of a cheesy nature, it is a silly film that serves up serious religious and meaning of life issues. 

Sausage Party uses the quantum multiple realities to convey its quirky dimension, whereby food products are alive, yet humans are unaware.   Apparently this movie takes place in a reality that is like our USA, yet is based upon different laws of physics, that are so close yet so different.

If you like low brow humour and edgy innuendo, then this movie is for you!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Flag for the Way-Mid Pole or Anti-Pole

Since there is now a Center Pole which is aligned with the standard map orientation with East to the right and north towards the up or forwards, we now have an opposite end to the Center Pole: the Way-Mid Pole or Anti-Pole.

This is the flag for the Way-Mid Pole.  The colours of the flag are white, green and two shades of blue.  The Way-Mid Pole is in the Pacific Ocean directly 90 Degrees east of the East Pole and 90 west of the West Pole.

It is called the Way-Mid Pole because it is not at Midway.  Furthermore from its point of orientation, it is backwards from the East Pole and West Pole.  The West Pole is eastward, while the East Pole is westward.  Bottom line is, that it is the opposite pole of the Center Pole in Gabon, Central Africa. 

 Image Source:

Flag for the Center Pole

The Center Pole is a natural consequence of having a North, South, East, and West Pole.  Smack dab in the center in between the West Pole and East Pole, it is located in Gabon.  It sits right on the Equator, 90 Degrees eastward from the West Pole.

Image Source -Forest Falls at Ivindo, Gabon

Equinox Flag for March

March Equinox Flag
The Equinox March Flag shows the Earth in balance between night and day.  The day side is light blue with a full yellow Sun, while the night side is black with a crescent moon and seven stars.  In the center is the Earth in a blue ringed ocean.  The modified Yin and Yang symbol represent the Spring and Summer.  As Spring is starting in the North, Autumn is starting in the South.  The Spring colours are green with an eye of yellow, pink, and red, while the Fall colours are brown with an eye of yellow, orange, and red.

The Equinox is when daytime and nighttime are in nearly perfect balance, which only happens two days out of the year. 

September Equinox Flag
For the September Equinox all one has to do is flip the flag.  Also note that Summer ends in late September!  Culturally in America it ends after Labor Day, but mid-September is still Summer.  Likewise Summer begins in the end of June, but culturally it starts the day after Labor Day, in Late May in the USA.