
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Flag of the Africa Continent

The continental flag of Africa uses the colour black, yellow, and white.  The canton is yellow with a black star. The star is seven pointed to echo the fact that there are seven continents. 

This flag can be flown anywhere on Africa and any island that is closest to Africa such as Malta and Socotra.

Flag for the Continent of South America

The flag of South America uses the colours red, yellow, green and blue.  The canton is blue with a green star. Seven points of the star are a reminder of the seven continents.

This flag is for the entire continent of South America and lands within its radius.  Thus Puerto Rico, Trinidad, and Barbados have rights to fly this flag since they are closest to South America.

Flag for the North America Continent

The flag of North America uses the colours black, white, and red.  The canton is black with a red star. The seven pointed star represents the seven continents.  The star has seven points since there are seven continents.

This flag is for the entire of Continent of North America including Panama, Mexico and Canada and islands that are closest to North America. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Flag Chart for Americans born Abroad

Not all Americans were born in the USA.  So in honor of those Americans born in foreign lands, here are flags to represent which continent they were born.  Note that these flags are for American Citizens born in a foreign nation, Americans who later became naturalized, and immigrants on their way to becoming fully fledged American Citizens.

These flags match in rank to the state flags of regular born in the USA Americans.  All Americans no matter where they came from are a part of the official American flag, but these are sub-federal marker flags.

Also note these flags follow the geographic distance rule.  Thus Cuba born Americans should use the Born in North America Flag while Trinidad born Americans should use the South American Born Flag.  But Puerto Rico born Americans should use the Puerto Rico Flag.  But if Puerto Rico declares independence from the US, only then should Puerto Rico born Americans use the South American born flag, since Puerto Rico is closest to South America.

Flag for Canadian Born US Citizens

This flag is for Americans who were born in Canada or Americans who were once Canadian and became official US Citizens.  Canadian-born Americans like Ted Cruz should also use the North American Born Flag, which outranks this flag.

The two white stripes are a reminder of the two nations formed in 1776, for two nations were created.  Likewise the echo and honor for the Canadian tribar is preserved to some extent. 

Why does Canada get its own flag?  Well Canadians have a unique bond with the United States unlike any other nation.  The US and Canada are fraternal nations of sorts in the same manner Peru and Columbia are fraternal nations.

Canadian born, later to become American Citizens:
Jim Carrey
Pam Anderson
Michael J. Fox
William Shatner
Alex Trebek
Peter Jennings 
Tommy Chong

Flag for US Citizens born in North America (Including Canada)

A flag for Americans born in North America but not born in the United States.   Thus US Citizens born in Canada, Mexico, The Bahamas, Belize, The Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos, Eastern Kiribati, St. Pierre and Miquelon, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Bermuda, Jamaica, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Greenland, Central America and the southern portion of Panama attached to Costa Rica.

Note, this flag is not for Americans born in the former US Panama Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, or US Virgin Islands since they already have flags.  

List of North America Born Americans:
Carlos Santana
Heavy D
Paul Rodriguez
Guillermo del Toro
Gloria Estefan
Andy Garcia
Ricardo Montalban - Khan from Star Trek II
Jose Conseco and many others in MLB
Jim Carey
Peter Jennings
Michael J. Fox
Alex Trabek

Flag for US Citizens born in South America

The flag for Americans born in South America has a white field and 13 red stars.  It is based upon the Easton Flag and has thirteen blue and red stripes in the canton. Since South America is "under" the US and mostly below the equator the stars and stripes are reversed with a striped canton and star field.

Americans who were born in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela, Guyana, Bolivia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, The Netherlands Antilles, Guadeloupe, St. Kitts and Nevis, Martinique, Barbados, Dominica, Falkland Islands, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Paraguay, and the northern portion of Panama attached to Colombia.  

List of South America born Americans:
Mike Judge: creator of Beavis and Butthead, King of the Hill- Born in Equator-Land, note that Equator-Land is a direct English translation of Ecuador (which means equator)
Rodrigo Santoro 
Jordana Brewster 
Horatio Sanz
Morena Baccarin
David Neeleman - JET BLUE Founder
John Leguizamo 
Alexander Hamilton - The man on the $10.00 bill, note that Nevis is closer to the South American Continent than the North American Continent.  So Mr. Hamilton is a part of the South American-American Heritage Community.