
Monday, June 25, 2012

Flags in a Christmas Story 1983 - it's time for Christmas in June!

Parade Flags - A Christmas Story 1983

Merry Christmas! I know it's June, but since it's the 'Twenty Fifth' of June, a little Christmas Cheer wouldn't hurt anyone?

Christmas in June make more sense since its fairly warm in the Holy Land. FYI Israel is at the same latitude of Louisiana - just about.

Christmas Flag - A Christmas Story 1983

This film is one of those precious timeless gems that was made for little yet had the deepest of impacts.

Getting your tongue stuck to a flag pole
A Christmas Story 1983

Raphie here got his tongue stuck on the flag pole! Hey kids never ever do this!

US Flag in the Clasroom
A Christmas Story 1983

Jeepers would you look at that a chalk board! How quaint.

US flag outside of the class room
notice the neat rows of the 48 starred US flag

Top Gun, Vexilloids & Patches on Leather Jacket of US Naval Aviator Lieut. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell

Back of Maverick's Aviator Jacket
Top Gun 1986

The flags on the large central patch are - the United States, United Nations, Japan, and Taiwan.

Left side of Maverick's Leather Jacket
Top Gun 1986

Here Maverick shakes his hand with Mike "Viper" the teacher. As he does the port side of his leather jacket is visible. Always remember that Portugal is on the left-port side of Europe.

Front side of Jacket
Top Gun 1986

Notice the flag of patch of Texas on his left shoulder. In 1986 the threat of nuclear war palatable in the media. In the US Navy, the top gun vehicle was the F-14 Tomcat, before the age of covert drone planes. In a quantum stretch you can think of a fighter jet as being simply a flying gun. It's a real fancy gun with wings and can do all kinds of tricks.

Right side by Airport
Top Gun 1986

Here Maverick played by Tom Cruise sits on a motorcycle by the military landing strip for fighter jets. The right-starboard side of his jacket is visible. Remember to reach for the star-board stars with your right hand like a right wing patriotic American - otherwise you'll be a left wing cosmonaut.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Flags in Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961

United Hospital Flag
Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961

Before Sex in the City, Friends, and Animal House there was Breakfast at Tiffany's. This move was made on the eve the 60s revolution. It featured racy themes, open relationships, and the humorous high life of socialite bohemians.

Flags & NYC Central Park Pennants 1961
Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961

The early part of the 60s were very much like the stiff 50s. Subsequently pennants of all sorts were popular items. By 1971 pennants became stale items of sale. Maybe someday they will return to their former glory in the 2050s?

Cross Checker Flag Logo
Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961

Love though the ages is still love. Here our male lead Paul the writer is getting out of Checker Flag logo taxi. Checker flags are popular flags in all automotive sports - and as logos for taxis all across America and the World.

Shoplifting at the 5 & 10
Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961

Shoplifting is a serious crime but in the movie the audience finds its self rooting for the dishonest side to win. In the background is a US flag on a bag-lunch box.

Holly in front of Tiffany's by flag of the USA
Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961

Tiffany's Jewlery Co. in NYC no doubt became an American Institution after the making of this movie. Here Holly Golightly is getting home at dawn after a night of the high life with the big wigs of NYC. Note the social norm of 1961 was socially nothing like 1969. But this movie was the start of things to come.

The essence of the movie captured in a song

Hey Gen X - you remember ?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Other flags and Vexilloids in Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

Decorative pennants in Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

US Flag in Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

US Flag on Pee-wee's house
Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

Tour de France Flags in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure

Notice the flag of France along the utility line
Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

Flag of Texas in Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

Flag of Texas on a bus
Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

In Pee-wee's first feature film he heads to Alamo in Texas to find his bicycle as foretold by a fortune teller. Here Pee-wee is hiding behind a bus with the flag of Texas painted on it.