
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dr. Seuss Flags - Oh the Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss Pink Guidon
Oh the Places You'll Go - 1990

Take a look! Oh the Places You'll Go,
it's a fantastic book - didn't you know?

Written by the lauded Dr. Seuss,
who is the American Father Goose.

All his life he drew, typed and wrote,
but this was his last grand final note.

The witty Father Goose,
I mean Dr. Moose,
No - rather the incredible unforgettable and strange Dr. Seuss.

With a simple manner,
he would write and hammer.

Blue Dr. Seuss Flag
of the Mountain being moved

Easy short stories that children could read,
so little people could sometimes take the lead.

In simple verse and children's rhyme,
he showed the world the plasticity of time.

Of neato vexillological consequence,
are the flags of the triumphant elephant sequence.

A pink flag is carried by the elephant herd,
marching to the beat and call of the eccentric, be and do - word!

It has a shape like a swallowtail,
it's a - guidon used on land or sail.
The Dr. Seuss Finial
The really neato part is the silly pole,
like the ones found on any golf hole.

It's striped black and yellow,
rumor has it that it's made of jell-o.

And guess what?
It resembles end of a bumble bee's butt!

PS - Dr. Seuss for Adults

Oh the Places You'll Go performed by
Happy Pappies on Funk Juice - notice the cool flags

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Muskogee and the Confederacy - forlorn banners of the South

South Carolina
Sovereignty & Secession Flag 1860

These flags arose on American soil shortly after the birth of the United States of America. First the Muskogee Republic arose in 1799. Its capital was located near Tallahasee, Florida with the name Miccosukee. But in 1818 with the US Army under General Andrew Jackson's command with friendly Indian help obliterated it off the map during the first Seminole War.

The leader of this forlorn nation with an indigenous bent was the charming and dashing William Augustus Bowles. Director General Bowles was certainly a colourful character. Bowles was born in Maryland in 1763 and chose to fight on the Loyalist-Union side during the 1776 Colonial Rebellion. Although the narrative of us-Americans versus them-British mentality is the dominant line, Bowles and many other native born European bred colonials and the like - offer up a different point of view. Rather the 1776 Anglo-Colonial American Revolution can be framed as a civil war.*

Long before Jefferson Davis
the original Southern Rebel:
William Augustus Bowles of Maryland

But the State of Muskogee was never a British Colony. Much of the Muskogee Republic was composed of Southern Native Americans and Seminoles. The last echos of this nation were terminated under President Andrew Jackson with the forced removal to Oklahoma - more famously known as the Trail of Tears.

The Sovereignty Flag of South Carolina was flown in the early days of the secession under president Buchanan. The design clearly embodies the essence of the now famous 'Confederate Flag.' But one difference is the number of stars. Official flags of the Confederacy had 7, 11, and 13 stars. The SC sovereignty flag had 15 stars in honor of the 15 Slave-holding states.

The uncanny coincidence is both national movements were crushed by the US Government. Ironically a South Carolina president and vice president oversaw the final removal of Natives who made up the forlorn Muskogee Republic in 1832. Less than 30 years later South Carolina would fly a similar flag for another forlorn nation - whose existence were at odds with the United States.

Flag of the Muskogee Republic

Both flags feature similar colours and patterns. The shared colours are red, white, and blue. The matching pattern is the blue cross that divides the field into four sections. Coincidentally their cantons reflect the natural duality of day and night. The older flag of the Muskogee Republic has a sun while the younger South Carolina secession flag honors the moon. Furthermore the stars of South Carolina are reflective of night.

The comparison of these flags under the umbrella of flag symmetry brings into focus the emotional charge often felt by both the Native American and Confederacy that lingers unto this day. The synchronous conjunction illustrates a karmic reflex of a wielding sort of cosmic justice.

The bitterness that many Native Americans feel from the US government in their coerced and unjust relocation to Oklahoma balances the lingering resentment felt by some Southerners. No Northerner can truly feel the bitterness of General Sherman's March to Atlanta nor can any Old World American feel the biting bitterness of President Jackson's Orders to march west under penalty of death.

The extreme prejudice of unjust law imposed by the US government coincidentally - under a South Carolina president would return back upon America when ironically South Carolina led another rebellion to defend their rights against the federal government.

These flags were featured in my presentation in 2009
at NAVA's 43rd congress, held at the original Citadel in South Carolina

Note most US history books often overlook that there were more than 13 colonies in British North America. 13 colonies may have signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 but more than 13 British American Colonies remained loyal to the Union and Crown: Barbados Colony, Newfoundland, Jamaica, Leeward Islands Colonies, Colony of Bahamas, Colony of Bermuda, Nova Scotia, Island of St. John, Rupert's Land, Grenada Island, Quebec, West Florida and East Florida.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Arkansas Territory Heritage Flags - Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico

Arkansas-Texas Heritage Flag
"The Texarkansas Flag"

Three states had soil that once belonged to Arkansas Territory. In a way portion of Texas, New Mexico and most of Oklahoma were born out of Arkansas Territory. Thus these flags are to be flown over those areas.

Arkansas-Oklahoma Heritage Flag
"The Arklahoma Flag"

The over all flag design belongs to Arkansas but the colours come from the flag of Oklahoma. The 'cross' at the honor point is actually a Native American version of a star - taken from the Oklahoma Flag.

For five years from 1819 unto 1824 the 'pan' of Oklahoma, not the handle, was under law and rule of Arkansas Territory. Thus Arkansas before statehood had a border with Mexico.

Arkansas-New Mexico Heritage Flag
"The Arkanumex Flag"

The colours come from the New Mexico Flag. At the honor point is the sun of the pueblo. You can also think of it as a Native American star - our closest star scientifically speaking. At this time Arkansas was spelled as Arkansaw. It was not until sometime in 1822 that Arkansas settled for the letter 's' as its last letter rather than 'w.'

Arkansas Territory existed from 1819 unto 1836 and had two capitals Arkansas Post and Little Rock. Only the 'pan' of Oklahoma was ruled by Arkansas Territory for a short whiles.

Flags for Team Protostome and Team Deuterostomes: Bungholians vs Mouthenese

The flag for Protostome organisms uses the colours blue, black, and yellow.  Since these buggers have their mouths form first, the Pacman is an appropriate icon.

The flag for Deuterostome organisms uses the colours red, purple, pink, orange, indigo, green, black and white.  In the center is what looks like a Pacman Ghost.  Critters of this nature have their bottom holes form first, and mouths come later.  The Pacman ghosts fit the bill perfectly since their mouths appear later.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Republic of Azawad - A new nation in Africa

Flag of Azawad
since April 6, 2012

Yes Virginia, Timbuktu is a real place. Albeit far far far away.

Guess What! Africa just got a new 'rogue' rebel nation. Freshly born out of Mali three days ago on April 6, 2012. South Sudan is no longer the our global baby.

Will the Azawad make it, hang out in limbo? Perhaps it can make friends with Somaliland or Transnistria?