
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Oscar & Victor - To the Winners of the International Maritime Flag Concordance

International Maritime Signal flags all have names.  It was discovered that the P, D, C, B, and E are hard to distinguish over the radio and explosions.  Some genieous figured out to give each letter a distinct name instead of B or D.  The letter V was names Victor and the letter O was called Oscar.

Even today, many organization who do not refer to their by codified-clarity names, can lead to confusion.   Under pressure and speed Ps, Bs, and Ds, can sound alike.  

Although the design of Victor and Oscar are remarkably different, Victor or and Oscar have a conceptual congruency, since both associated with winning.  And, they are also names for men. 

Additionally Oscar's original meaning is associated with God's spear tip and or a great warrior.  And victories make great warriors.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Romeo & Juliet Signal Flag Concordance - A destiny of lovers

Is there fate?  Destiny?  Are we just a swirl of chemicals bouncing on incalculable trajectories?  Nay, we are spirits trapped between the destiny of heavenly bodies and the unpredictable realm of the micro-cosmos.  Somewhere between the predictable path of the planets and irrational quantum realm of probabilities, our lives unfold.  Love, life, sadness, and grief.  Sometimes we can make sense of these ethereal yet tangible objects.  However when the inner chant of the atomic cosmos with its ratios of reality, plucks certain fibers, all those random chances become a song of destiny.  It is at these movements the Heavens become a random state of quanta, and the atom steers its course straight.

Romeo and Juliet are of that that song, the chance of destiny, that rules our lives.  Additionally, on the conceptual level  (more easily understood by the blind) the names of flags of the international maritime standards reflect a certain kind of concordance.  A concordance of labels, rather than design.  

Like salt and pepper, cats and dogs, night and day, or the up quark and down quark, the international maritime flags reveal that ever so present  semi-duality of things.  In this case Romeo and Juliet are the first pair of International Maritime flags presented.  Romeo is the name of the letter R flag and Juliet is the name of the letter J flag.  

Amazingly, both flags were a part of the first original class of signal flags created for general international use in 1817.   In 1817, Fredreick Marryat of Westminster, London (July 10, 1792-August 8, 1848) created a numerical code for flag signaling.  The flag we know as Juliet-Letter J was coded to the number 2, while Romeo-Letter R was coded to 7.
Why do Romeo and Juliet make a pair?  Is this a property of the collective unconscious?  Their colours and designs of the flag differ, but the idea of Romeo and Juliet match like Yin and Yang.   Or dare one say...Adam and Eve?  A mind that hath never heard, seen, nor read the tale of these two imaginary star crossed lovers would be ignorant to that conceptual concordance, as to feel its deeper truth.  Further, the impact of these two fictionally fated lovers, has had a real and lasting impact on life as we know much more, than the 10,000 stars that have fallen to Earth, commonly known as meteorites.

Finally, those touched by this story and simultaneously touched by ill fated love that lost its way, will know, verily, that Romeo and Juliet make a pair like the Sun and Moon.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Alternative US Flag from 1996's Romeo Juliet film

The 1990s thematic of Romeo & Juliet meets Hollywood, a unique version of the US flag appears.  In this timeless classic the director chose to change the atmosphere of their universe as an alternative dreamlike music video version of Shakespeare's most vaulted love story.   In this world, Juliet can be seen dancing with man dressed in an astronauts suit from the USA.

However, it is not your normal US flag.  Remember that this representation of Romeo & Juliet takes place in an parallel universe, so to speak.  There are 19 stars in the canton and a patch, that is nearly impossible to make out.  It seems to be a statue or lighthouse by the water?  Or maybe a Washington Monument like structure?

Before Titanic, Leo had already played in a role of tragic love, of two star crossed lovers, Romeo & Juliet.

Colorado Radiocarbon Flag - A New Tranny Flag

The Radiocarbon Colorado flag is similar to the official Colorado flag.  However some adjustments are made.  First there is a radioactive warning label over the golden sun and the number 14 appears at the 11:00 position of the letter C.

Radiocarbon dating was an idea set forth from a local son from Colorado, Willard Libby.  Libby of Colorado figured that biological systems stop adding carbon to their systems after they cease to live.  Consequently the amount of Carbon-14 decays with a half life of 5730 years.  This connection of chemistry to biology added another key padding point to the theory of evolution.

In simple terms, a special kind of Carbon Dioxide, known as C-14, inside all living things turns into Nitrogen.   So in a way, C-14 is a Trans-atom.  But not all C-14 transitions at once.  The transition is predictable and about half of the Tranny Carbon-14 atoms will turn into Nitrogen every 5000 years.   Regular Carbon-12 is happy to exist as a Carbon-12 atom indefinitely.

Oh yeah, for the science when an organism dies, it stops breathing, so no more carbon dioxide is added or released.  So the amount of Tranny Carbon-14 left in its body gives us an estimate of its age.  Therefore, the more Tranny C-14 in a fossil the younger it is.  The less Tranny C-14, the longer ago it died.  There is less Tranny C-14 in ancient older fossils, because most of the C-14 has transitioned into Nitrogen.

Also, when Tranny Carbon-14 starts its new life as a Nitrogendered atom, it spits out an electron known as beta-radiation.  A tiny amount of beta-radiation won't hurt you, but a heavy dose can do major damage. When this happens, one of its Neutrons turns into a proton and it becomes a different element...element #7, Nitrogen.  This is natural alchemy!   If you want to turn lead into gold, you need to purchase a PPNR, personal proton-neutron resequencer, which has not yet been invented.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Flag in Jan Švankmajer's O Jogo Masculino - Thë Cråzy Šoçcer Šhort

Various football club pennants are visible in the bachelor soccer apartment in Jan Švankmajer's seminal 1988 classic O Jogo Masculino. The soccer pennants are often fibrated in gold.  It is difficult to make out the wording and teams.  However, the patterns and colours are distinctly visible.

 This video combines original live action with older stock footage about football matches.  In these cut real soccer fans can be seen gathering for a match with flags and the goose horns.  Additionally all sorts of claymation mixed with real footage give this comically silly, and absurd work of art a certain uniqueness.

 Oddly this movie short is one of the first cat videos.  During the bathroom break, the television just focuses on cats chillin' in a basket.  Interestingly, a few of the flags of the soccer teams can be seen on the wall on the left side of the window.  So in a weird way this film is a harbinger of things to come, with regards to cat videos.

On the bachelor's hat are several pins of the f.c.'s that he is apparently a fan of.  Although football is key element of this short film, it is an alternative take on football's violence, from an artistic point of view, of a Salvador Dali point of view.  It is quite dreamy and some would consider nightmarish.  But when considering today's violence standards of TV, movies, and video games, this film short is fairly tame.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

US Department of Treasury Armorial Banners

There are three possible versions of the US Treasury Armorial Banner.  Reason being, there are three major versions that are known to the public.

The official seal of thr US Treasury has a blue chevron with 13 stars, a key underneath, and balance above.

The armorial banner according to the flag of the US Treasury Department has a chevron of a darker blue colour, the key and scales are now a lighter golden colour, and a blue anchor holding the scales.

Usually the official seal and flag have concordance, but with the US Treasury, there is slight discrepancy.  Also the center star is spaced a little bit more upwards.

Finally the armorial banner of the US Treasury, which everyone has touched.  Many are actually unaware of its significance, but it can be found on any US $1dollar bill.  This seal follows the based design of the official seal, but the colours are different, being all green.  Likewise there are bullets of green all over.

Armorial Banner of the US Commerce Department

The armorial banner is a flag based upon the coat of arms.  Specifically the exact design of the shield.  For the US Department of Commerce, the shield has a divided banner.  On the lower half it has a yellow field with a grey lighthouse upon an rocky base.  The upper half has a blue field with a full rigged sailing ship.

The US Department of Commerce also has heraldic wreath (torse or headband) of grey and black with a bald eagle in the crest position.  You can see the function of the wreath on the knight, as it holds the crest in position.

International shipping was the key to American Commerce and provided the life force for the early colonies of America.  Commerce, like modern day Commericals, drive the modern economy of Western World.  It is no accident during the most prestigious modern day tourneys that commercials dedicated to commerce command the most power sums of money.