
Monday, April 22, 2019

Photosynthetic Electron Transport Chain - Explained with Nintendo Coin and Fireballs

Oops, I did it again.  Here is the Electric Slide in plants that is able to capture the energy of the Sun which makes life possible as we know it.  Notice that the flags represent the ends of the protons (as represented by the Mario Fireball) and electrons (represented by the Coins), are used to make learning fun!

Oxidation & Reduction reactions are so counter intuitive.  Oxidation sort of makes sense, but reducing does not.  When we hear reduce we think smaller?  Right?  But in science land that means expanded.  Things get electrons and protons?  So just sub in the word Rejuiced!  Rejuiced makes more sense since the molecule is getting 'JUICED' up with electrons and protons?  Kapeesh? 

Also note that PSI uses the logo of the original Sony PlayStation while the PSII uses the purple logo of the Sony PlayStation II.

Below is the entirety of the Light Reaction, the end game for this reaction is the creation of NADPH and ATP.  They are represented by the blue mushroom and fire flower.  With these energized items the plant cell can then capture carbon dioxide and turn that greenhouse air into a pear, or any of the countless edible fruits and veggies that are a delight.  Literally as captured light!  You are eating mostly modified air and sunshine energy.  Just like Superman most of life is powered by the Sun!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

cK - Calvin Cycle Flag

Vote for your favorite cK-Calvin Cycle Flag 

 Featuring a large Carbon Dioxide molecule in the back and the protein RuBisCo.

A little more explicit for the science folk.

The C3 Cycle, Calvin Cycle, Calvin-Bension Cycle, The CBC, Carbon Fixation, etc...

How does the cosmos turn air into a pear?  With a little help from Rubisco, a strange microscopic fairy found in plant cells.  A cow is processed grass and grass is process air.  That burger you are eating is simply a modified green house gas known as carbon dioxide, mostly.  That burger also has a little oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen too..oh yeah those are gasses too!

Much of this carbon capture (fixation) process is a recycling of molecules.

Almost forgot, see the flag in the corner, next to captured sunshine...aka glucose, that is the primary component of popcorn on the chips!


Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Calvin Cycle Flag Goal with Lego-Style Dice

All the steps that makes a molecule of sugar, oh so sweet it is.  This 3-D Lego-Dice Nintendo model shows all the molecules needed to make a single glucose.  It really is like one wacky Willy Wonka' Factory inside the Stroma of the Chloroplasts of plant cells.

The Nintendo icons act as the power up molecules that help keep things running.  The sugar shuffle is separated below so you can try and make sense of the process.  The dots on the Lego-Dice represent the number of Carbon atoms in each molecule.  The are stacked because that is how many molecules are need to run the whole miracle machine.

Flags are used in these models to show the goals in each process.  Enjoy!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Calvin Cycle Flag

The Calvin Cycle is so hard to explain.  Here is another friendly simplified diagram based upon Super Mario Bros. and using dice.  The key to understanding is to look at the dots which represent the number of carbons in each molecule.  From simple Carbon Dioxide the magical enzyme Rubisco turns air in to a pear, or everything else we may like to eat.  So remember, that a cow is mostly processed grass, and grass is processed air.  That special green house gas, is known as thy holy Carbon Dioxide.  Of course, it's power by sunshine, in a matter of speaking.

This life giving chemical reaction has many names.  Too many!  In fact, this is why many people hate science!  It's hard enough to make sense of this stuff, and then all the different various names just make it totally FUBAR!

Other names include:
C3 Cycle
Calvin Cycle
Stromal Reaction
Calvin-Benson Cycle
Dark Reaction (but it does not require darkness to happen!)
Light Independent Reaction (but ATP and NADPH require light, WTF!)
Light Not Required Reaction
The Carbon Fixation Process (Who knew carbon was broken?)

Most diagrams also miss out of a starting-entry point for Carbon.  Also this miracle takes place in the stroma which can be thought of as the cytoplasm of the chloroplast, or rather the 'Stromaplasm'.  Finally if you want to see how a 3-Carbon Molecule turns into a 5-Carbon Molecule please visit the SUGAR SHUFFLE LINK. It is the wackiest part of the process that is amazingly complex yet harmoniously perfect.

(Once again watch science video while listening to music!)

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Sugar Shuffle Flag - The Ignored Process of the Calvin Cycle, No Longer

Usually represented by a bunch of broken arrows, the sugar shuffle, or regeneration of Ribulose 5-Phosphate is a critical step in making life possible.  It is deemed to complex for regular human brains.  But here you can see the dice acting like molecules.  Each dot, represents a Sacred and Majikal Carbon Atom.

Best option to watch plant video with sound track

Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Sugar Shuffle with Dice and Nintendo

Plants do miracles all the time.  They take air and turn it into a pear!  That banana you are eating is made up of a specially kind of energized air!  Tastes good I hope!  Essentially, carbon dioxide is incorporated into a five carbon molecule, by the almighty RuBisCo Enzyme.

Note that the dice with dots represent the number of carbon atoms in a molecule.  The other elements like oxygen and hydrogen are not included for simplification.  But note, it takes six trips around this cycle to get enough 'carbon playdough' to make glucose, which can later become an apple or orange.

There is a starting point and ending point, which has a blue flag to show the goal of absorbing carbon dioxide. 

Underneath, the caputure of carbon phase, is the Sugar Shuffle, where the molecules that captured that infamous green house gas are replenished.

When you hear about Carbon Dioxide, you might think it's a green house gas, that is true, but it can also be labeled as a food-making-gas.

 Amazing but true, when you break down all the bread or rice that you eat, guess what it is turned into...Carbon Dioxide (most of it).  Think about it, food is actually energized air!  This yummy to be air (CO2) is energized by starlight, aka the Sun.

The process above can be called the Calvin-Benson Cycle or Calvin Cycle.

The one part of the cycle that is hardly ever shown in detail is the regeneration of carbon caputuring molecules in a process called-The Sugar Shuffle.  This is where five 3-carbon molecules become three 5-carbon molecules (which can capture carbon dioxide).

Sugar Shuffle = five 3-Carbon molecules become three 5-Carbons molecules