
Monday, April 22, 2019

Photosynthetic Electron Transport Chain - Explained with Nintendo Coin and Fireballs

Oops, I did it again.  Here is the Electric Slide in plants that is able to capture the energy of the Sun which makes life possible as we know it.  Notice that the flags represent the ends of the protons (as represented by the Mario Fireball) and electrons (represented by the Coins), are used to make learning fun!

Oxidation & Reduction reactions are so counter intuitive.  Oxidation sort of makes sense, but reducing does not.  When we hear reduce we think smaller?  Right?  But in science land that means expanded.  Things get electrons and protons?  So just sub in the word Rejuiced!  Rejuiced makes more sense since the molecule is getting 'JUICED' up with electrons and protons?  Kapeesh? 

Also note that PSI uses the logo of the original Sony PlayStation while the PSII uses the purple logo of the Sony PlayStation II.

Below is the entirety of the Light Reaction, the end game for this reaction is the creation of NADPH and ATP.  They are represented by the blue mushroom and fire flower.  With these energized items the plant cell can then capture carbon dioxide and turn that greenhouse air into a pear, or any of the countless edible fruits and veggies that are a delight.  Literally as captured light!  You are eating mostly modified air and sunshine energy.  Just like Superman most of life is powered by the Sun!

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