
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Polish Exclusive Economic Zone Flag

The Polish Exclusive Economic zone is the region of the Baltic Sea.  Although an international area for all nations to pass, only Poland has rights to harvest the bounty of the Sea.

The Polish Contiguous Zone Flag

The Polish Contiguous Zone flag uses the flag that has the white eagle upon it.  It maintains the pattern of the Polish flag, but has Contiguous Zone Colours.

The Palestine Contiguous Zone Flag

The Contiguous Zone flag of Palestine is rather small, yet very significant.  This flag is based upon the official Palestine flag but with Contiguous Zone Colours.

Palestine Exclusive Economic Zone Flag

The Palestine Exclusive Economic Zone flag maintains pattern of Palestine, but substitutes in EEZ colours that are green, black, and white.


The flag of the UAE zone flag has EEZ colours, yet keeps the pattern of the UAE.  

Kuwait EEZ Flag

This flag has same design as the official Kuwait flag but uses different colors.  Instead the Exclusive Economic Zone colours of white, black, and green are present.

UAE Contiguous Flag

The UAE maintains the UAE pattern, but has different colours of the Contiguous Zone colours.