
Sunday, July 3, 2016

Geographic Edingurgh, Scotland Flag: 55 Degrees North by 3 Degrees West

The Geographic Flag for Edinburgh, Scotland has to five pointed blue stars that are coded to numbers.  In this case blue is the 5th colour of the rainbow, subsequently the stars are blue since Edinburgh rests on the 55th West.  Also the yellow bar near the fly codes for 3, since yellow is the third colour of the rainbow.

Geographic Flag for Columbus, Ohio: 82 Degrees West by 39 Degrees North

The Geographic Columbus, Ohio flag is a tribar of white, black, and orange- coded to Longitude.  In the center is a pink and yellow star which are reflective of Latitude.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Pac-Man Family with Corrected Original Cabinet Art

The Pac-Man Family with the original American Game Cabinet Art, retro-actively corrected from 2016. Pac-Man is from Japan, but when the imported in the USA, the artwork from the Midway Company altered the Pac-Man. In truth Pac-Man is the twin to Puck-Man, who has a sphere like body with legs and arms. American Pac-Man had no arms. And in the original artwork had bloodshot eyes.

Geographic Wellington, New Zealand Flag: 174 Degrees East 41 Degrees South

The Geographic flag of Wellington, New Zealand is a perfect fly-hoist match to star.  Because the colours of the fly and hoist repeat in the colours of the stars.  With these flags, colours are coded to numbers.  And these numbers related to longitude and latitude.  In this case 174 Degrees East by 41 Degrees South. 

The central yellow pentagon indicates an Eastern Longitude, while the upside down dominant star indicates a Southern Parallel.


Image Credit: Wikipedia

Geographic Sedona Flag, Arizona

Many mystics say that Sedona, Arizona sits on a magical meridian.  Certainly there is a spirit to place and community.  And Sedona, Arizona is home a special community spirit.  There is peaceful harmonious vibe to this area.  Although not perfect, as every city has it sector of jerks and jokers.  Nonetheless Sedona, Arizona has a higher percentage of warm and welcoming folk than your average city. 

By fate, Sedona sits on the 111th Merdian West, this gives it a fully red background.  Because flags of this nature have colours coded to numbers.  Likewise the yellow and green star read 34 Degrees.

Geographic Flag for Phoenix, Arizona

The Geographic flag for Phoenix has a field of red and orange.  These colours are coded to numbers: 112.  And this is reflective of Phoenix's longitude.  Also the yellow stars in the center are coded to Latitude at 33 Degrees North.

Geographic Lansing, Michigan Flag

The flag for 84 Degrees West by 42 Degrees North is a tribar of white, black, and green.  It also has a central star of green and orange.