
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Pac-Man Ghosts from Nepal and Maldives - "Nepaly" & "Maldivy"

It is only fair that Nepal and Maldives get a Pacman Ghost too.  Here we have "Nepaly" and "Maladivy"

Monday, June 6, 2016

Pac-Man Ghosts of the Puerto Rico and Cuba Flags : "Portoriky" & "Cuby"

Flags of Puerto Rico and Cuba bear a similar streak, that many people often confuse.  Just remember Puerto Rico is more like the USA, and a part of the USA thus the stripes of the flags are like the USA - being red.  While Cuba is the opposite of the USA, which has blue stripes. 

Here are Puerto Rico and Cuban Pacman Ghosts: "Portoriky" and "Cuby" based upon their two awesome flags.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The 1960s meet the 1980s - Sgt. Pepper Pac-Man Ghosts

Who knew that 1967 would clash with 1980, with a small spice from 1985, in the year 2016?  Well here we have it the logo of Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club band decked out as the Pacman Ghosts from 1980. Also note the hearts come from the 1985 with the original Zelda game.

Here are the Original Beatles in their Sgt. Pepper's Uniform.  As much as the media would like you to believe that culture shifts ever decade, not really.  Culture is culture, youth are youth, and old farts are old farts.  Nonetheless, it does happen and the shift during the 1970s was as intense as it gets.  Until cyborgs and aliens arrive.  Or are they already here?

Pac-Man Ghosts for Liberia and Malaysia - "Liberry" & "Malaysy"

Ameriky has already been posted, he is here just for comparison.  Likewise the flag of the USA was first for this type of pattern.  Here the ghost Liberry and Malaysy match in some degree to Ameriky.

Pac-Man Ghost "Engly" & "Denmarky" based upon the flags of England and Denmark

The flag England and Denmark combine with the ghosts of Pacman.

Pac-Man Ghosts "Icely" & "Norwy" based upon the flags Iceland and Norway

Scandinavian Pacman Ghosts for the 21st Century.

Pac-Man Ghosts Finny and Swede based upon the Finnish and Swedish National Flag

Two new multi-coloured ghosts that are reflective of national flags.