
Monday, March 21, 2016

North Korean Exclusive Economic Zone Flag

International spaces are often weird, especially Exclusive Economic Zones.  In this case by established maritime law, North Korea too gets an exclusive claim on the oceans that border her shoreline 200 nautical miles out to sea. 

It is in this area that fishing and mining rights are under the exclusive domain of North Korea.

As this is an international flag, any person born in the North Korean EEZ has a birthright to fly this flag.  Also note just being born here does no guarantee North Korean citizenship. 

North Korean International Maritime Contiguous Zone Flag

This is a special flag for international waters, where North Korea retains certain rights.  North Korea like all nations to border the ocean has certain reserved rights 12 nautical miles beyond their sovereign waters.  This area of Earth is a bit tricky since it is in fact an international space, yet North Korea retains policing and security rights.

Luckily North Korea has a distinct flag that can easily be modified with contiguous colours.

Also note this flag is for any person, North Korean or not, who was born in these international waters which are reserved for North Korean Security Forces. 

South Korean Maritime Contigous Zone Flag

The South Korean Contiguous Zone flag uses the same pattern as the national flag but has the colours of the contiguous zone.  It is in this international area where South Korean security forces reign with authority. 

Additionally any person born in this zone has a birthright to fly this flag.

The Panama Contiguous Zone Flag

Another flag for international waters that denotes special rights for Panama.  It is within this area where the security forces of Panama have jurisdiction.

This is also a birthright flag, for Panamanians and any other person born this swath of oceans.  This happens rarely but quite often enough to instigate the need for a flag.

Panama Exclusive Economic Zone Flag

The flag for the Maritime Exclusive Economic Zone of Panama conserves the pattern, yet the colours are altered to EEZ colours: black, white, and green.  Although EEZs are international waters, nations that have oceanfront property have an extended area of sea and land underwater that is the envy of landlocked nations.

This flag is important since Panama is a powerhouse is registered ships.  Amazingly this relatively small nation is behemoth with respect to its registered commercial activity.

Additionally this flag is a birthright flag for persons born within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Panama, which is 200 nautical miles directly out to sea. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Australian Maritime Contiguous Zone Flag

The flag for international waters reserved for Australian security and police forces uses the colours black, orange, and white.  It conserves the essential essence of Australia but the 'contiguous colours' indicate that this is in an international space where Australian security forces have authority.

Additionally this is a birthright flag for persons born in this area, be it they are Australian nationals from birth or later converted to Aussie-hood.

Exclusive Economic Zone Flag for Australia

The Exclusive Economic Zone flag for Australia maintains the classic version of the Australian flag but modified with EEZ colours: green, black, and white.

This flag is for the region of international seas were the rights of Australia are protected with respect to economic activities, like fishing and mining.

Finally this flag is a birthright flag for any person born in these international waters under the possession of Australia's chamber of commerce.  Being born at sea would typically take place on a boat, ship, or yacht. But in-water births are also known to happen.